- /**
- * @cond internal
- * @file decaf_shakesum.c
- * @copyright
- * Copyright (c) 2015 Cryptography Research, Inc. \n
- * Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for license information.
- * @author Mike Hamburg
- * @brief SHA3 utility, to be combined with test vectors eventually...
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #if defined _MSC_VER // MSVC has not unistd.h
- #include <io.h>
- #include <BaseTsd.h>
- typedef SSIZE_T ssize_t;
- #else
- #include <unistd.h>
- #endif
- #include <string.h>
- #include <decaf/shake.h>
- #include <decaf/sha512.h>
- static void usage(void) {
- fprintf(
- stderr,
- "decaf_shakesum [shake256|shake128|sha3-224|sha3-384|sha3-512|sha512] < infile > outfile\n"
- );
- }
- int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- (void)argc; (void)argv;
- decaf_keccak_sponge_t sponge;
- decaf_sha512_ctx_t decaf_sha512;
- unsigned char buf[1024];
- unsigned int outlen = 512;
- decaf_shake256_gen_init(sponge);
- int use_sha512 = 0;
- /* Sloppy. Real utility would parse --algo, --size ... */
- if (argc > 1) {
- if (!strcmp(argv[1], "shake256") || !strcmp(argv[1], "SHAKE256")) {
- outlen = 512;
- decaf_shake256_gen_init(sponge);
- } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "shake128") || !strcmp(argv[1], "SHAKE128")) {
- outlen = 512;
- decaf_shake128_gen_init(sponge);
- } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "sha3-224") || !strcmp(argv[1], "SHA3-224")) {
- outlen = 224/8;
- decaf_sha3_224_gen_init(sponge);
- } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "sha3-256") || !strcmp(argv[1], "SHA3-256")) {
- outlen = 256/8;
- decaf_sha3_256_gen_init(sponge);
- } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "sha3-384") || !strcmp(argv[1], "SHA3-384")) {
- outlen = 384/8;
- decaf_sha3_384_gen_init(sponge);
- } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "sha3-512") || !strcmp(argv[1], "SHA3-512")) {
- outlen = 512/8;
- decaf_sha3_512_gen_init(sponge);
- } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "sha512") || !strcmp(argv[1], "SHA512")) {
- outlen = 512/8;
- use_sha512 = 1;
- decaf_sha512_init(decaf_sha512);
- } else {
- usage();
- return 2;
- }
- }
- ssize_t red;
- do {
- red = read(0, buf, sizeof(buf));
- if (red>0) {
- if (use_sha512) decaf_sha512_update(decaf_sha512,buf,red);
- else decaf_sha3_update(sponge,buf,red);
- }
- } while (red>0);
- if (use_sha512) {
- decaf_sha512_final(decaf_sha512,buf,outlen);
- decaf_sha512_destroy(decaf_sha512);
- } else {
- decaf_sha3_output(sponge,buf,outlen);
- decaf_sha3_destroy(sponge);
- }
- unsigned i;
- for (i=0; i<outlen; i++) {
- printf("%02x", buf[i]);
- }
- printf("\n");
- return 0;
- }