- /**
- * @file ec_point.h
- * @copyright
- * Copyright (c) 2014 Cryptography Research, Inc. \n
- * Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for license information.
- * @author Mike Hamburg
- * @warning This file was automatically generated.
- */
- #ifndef __CC_INCLUDED_EC_POINT_H__
- #define __CC_INCLUDED_EC_POINT_H__
- #include "p448.h"
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- /**
- * Affine point on an Edwards curve.
- */
- struct affine_t {
- struct p448_t x, y;
- };
- /**
- * Affine point on a twisted Edwards curve.
- */
- struct tw_affine_t {
- struct p448_t x, y;
- };
- /**
- * Montgomery buffer.
- */
- struct montgomery_t {
- struct p448_t z0, xd, zd, xa, za;
- };
- /**
- * Extensible coordinates for Edwards curves, suitable for
- * accumulators.
- *
- * Represents the point (x/z, y/z). The extra coordinates
- * t,u satisfy xy = tuz, allowing for conversion to Extended
- * form by multiplying t and u.
- *
- * The idea is that you don't have to do this multiplication
- * when doubling the accumulator, because the t-coordinate
- * isn't used there. At the same time, as long as you only
- * have one point in extensible form, additions don't cost
- * extra.
- *
- * This is essentially a lazier version of Hisil et al's
- * lookahead trick. It might be worth considering that trick
- * instead.
- */
- struct extensible_t {
- struct p448_t x, y, z, t, u;
- };
- /**
- * Extensible coordinates for twisted Edwards curves,
- * suitable for accumulators.
- */
- struct tw_extensible_t {
- struct p448_t x, y, z, t, u;
- };
- /**
- * Niels coordinates for twisted Edwards curves.
- *
- * Good for mixed readdition; suitable for fixed tables.
- */
- struct tw_niels_t {
- struct p448_t a, b, c;
- };
- /**
- * Projective niels coordinates for twisted Edwards curves.
- *
- * Good for readdition; suitable for temporary tables.
- */
- struct tw_pniels_t {
- struct tw_niels_t n;
- struct p448_t z;
- };
- /**
- * Auto-generated copy method.
- */
- static __inline__ void
- copy_affine (
- struct affine_t* a,
- const struct affine_t* ds
- ) __attribute__((unused,always_inline));
- /**
- * Auto-generated copy method.
- */
- static __inline__ void
- copy_tw_affine (
- struct tw_affine_t* a,
- const struct tw_affine_t* ds
- ) __attribute__((unused,always_inline));
- /**
- * Auto-generated copy method.
- */
- static __inline__ void
- copy_montgomery (
- struct montgomery_t* a,
- const struct montgomery_t* ds
- ) __attribute__((unused,always_inline));
- /**
- * Auto-generated copy method.
- */
- static __inline__ void
- copy_extensible (
- struct extensible_t* a,
- const struct extensible_t* ds
- ) __attribute__((unused,always_inline));
- /**
- * Auto-generated copy method.
- */
- static __inline__ void
- copy_tw_extensible (
- struct tw_extensible_t* a,
- const struct tw_extensible_t* ds
- ) __attribute__((unused,always_inline));
- /**
- * Auto-generated copy method.
- */
- static __inline__ void
- copy_tw_niels (
- struct tw_niels_t* a,
- const struct tw_niels_t* ds
- ) __attribute__((unused,always_inline));
- /**
- * Auto-generated copy method.
- */
- static __inline__ void
- copy_tw_pniels (
- struct tw_pniels_t* a,
- const struct tw_pniels_t* ds
- ) __attribute__((unused,always_inline));
- /**
- * Returns 1/sqrt(+- x).
- *
- * The Legendre symbol of the result is the same as that of the
- * input.
- *
- * If x=0, returns 0.
- */
- void
- p448_isr (
- struct p448_t* a,
- const struct p448_t* x
- );
- /**
- * Returns 1/x.
- *
- * If x=0, returns 0.
- */
- void
- p448_inverse (
- struct p448_t* a,
- const struct p448_t* x
- );
- /**
- * Add two points on a twisted Edwards curve, one in Extensible form
- * and the other in half-Niels form.
- */
- void
- add_tw_niels_to_tw_extensible (
- struct tw_extensible_t* d,
- const struct tw_niels_t* e
- );
- /**
- * Add two points on a twisted Edwards curve, one in Extensible form
- * and the other in half-Niels form.
- */
- void
- sub_tw_niels_from_tw_extensible (
- struct tw_extensible_t* d,
- const struct tw_niels_t* e
- );
- /**
- * Add two points on a twisted Edwards curve, one in Extensible form
- * and the other in projective Niels form.
- */
- void
- add_tw_pniels_to_tw_extensible (
- struct tw_extensible_t* e,
- const struct tw_pniels_t* a
- );
- /**
- * Add two points on a twisted Edwards curve, one in Extensible form
- * and the other in projective Niels form.
- */
- void
- sub_tw_pniels_from_tw_extensible (
- struct tw_extensible_t* e,
- const struct tw_pniels_t* a
- );
- /**
- * Double a point on a twisted Edwards curve, in "extensible" coordinates.
- */
- void
- double_tw_extensible (
- struct tw_extensible_t* a
- );
- /**
- * Double a point on an Edwards curve, in "extensible" coordinates.
- */
- void
- double_extensible (
- struct extensible_t* a
- );
- /**
- * Double a point, and transfer it to the twisted curve.
- *
- * That is, apply the 4-isogeny.
- */
- void
- twist_and_double (
- struct tw_extensible_t* b,
- const struct extensible_t* a
- );
- /**
- * Double a point, and transfer it to the untwisted curve.
- *
- * That is, apply the dual isogeny.
- */
- void
- untwist_and_double (
- struct extensible_t* b,
- const struct tw_extensible_t* a
- );
- void
- convert_tw_affine_to_tw_pniels (
- struct tw_pniels_t* b,
- const struct tw_affine_t* a
- );
- void
- convert_tw_affine_to_tw_extensible (
- struct tw_extensible_t* b,
- const struct tw_affine_t* a
- );
- void
- convert_affine_to_extensible (
- struct extensible_t* b,
- const struct affine_t* a
- );
- void
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels (
- struct tw_pniels_t* b,
- const struct tw_extensible_t* a
- );
- void
- convert_tw_pniels_to_tw_extensible (
- struct tw_extensible_t* e,
- const struct tw_pniels_t* d
- );
- void
- convert_tw_niels_to_tw_extensible (
- struct tw_extensible_t* e,
- const struct tw_niels_t* d
- );
- void
- montgomery_step (
- struct montgomery_t* a
- );
- void
- serialize_montgomery (
- struct p448_t* sign,
- struct p448_t* ser,
- const struct montgomery_t* a,
- const struct p448_t* sbz
- );
- /**
- * Serialize a point on an Edwards curve.
- *
- * The serialized form would be sqrt((z-y)/(z+y)) with sign of xz.
- *
- * It would be on 4y^2/(1-d) = x^3 + 2(1+d)/(1-d) * x^2 + x.
- *
- * But 4/(1-d) isn't square, so we need to twist it:
- *
- * -x is on 4y^2/(d-1) = x^3 + 2(d+1)/(d-1) * x^2 + x
- */
- void
- serialize_extensible (
- struct p448_t* b,
- const struct extensible_t* a
- );
- /**
- *
- */
- void
- untwist_and_double_and_serialize (
- struct p448_t* b,
- const struct tw_extensible_t* a
- );
- /**
- * Expensive transfer from untwisted to twisted. Roughly equivalent to halve and isogeny.
- * Correctly transfers point of order 2.
- *
- * Can't have x=+1 (it's not even). There is code to fix the exception that would otherwise
- * occur at (0,1).
- *
- * Input point must be even.
- */
- void
- twist (
- struct tw_extensible_t* b,
- const struct extensible_t* a
- );
- /**
- * Deserialize a point to an untwisted affine curve.
- */
- mask_t
- deserialize_affine (
- struct affine_t* a,
- const struct p448_t* sz
- );
- /**
- * Deserialize a point and transfer it to the twist.
- *
- * Not guaranteed to preserve the 4-torsion component.
- *
- * Refuses to deserialize +-1, which are the points of order 2.
- */
- mask_t
- deserialize_and_twist_approx (
- struct tw_extensible_t* a,
- const struct p448_t* sdm1,
- const struct p448_t* sz
- );
- void
- set_identity_extensible (
- struct extensible_t* a
- );
- void
- set_identity_tw_extensible (
- struct tw_extensible_t* a
- );
- void
- set_identity_affine (
- struct affine_t* a
- );
- mask_t
- eq_affine (
- const struct affine_t* a,
- const struct affine_t* b
- );
- mask_t
- eq_extensible (
- const struct extensible_t* a,
- const struct extensible_t* b
- );
- mask_t
- eq_tw_extensible (
- const struct tw_extensible_t* a,
- const struct tw_extensible_t* b
- );
- void
- elligator_2s_inject (
- struct affine_t* a,
- const struct p448_t* r
- );
- mask_t
- validate_affine (
- const struct affine_t* a
- );
- /**
- * Check the invariants for struct tw_extensible_t.
- * PERF: This function was automatically generated
- * with no regard for speed.
- */
- mask_t
- validate_tw_extensible (
- const struct tw_extensible_t* ext
- );
- void
- copy_affine (
- struct affine_t* a,
- const struct affine_t* ds
- ) {
- p448_copy ( &a->x, &ds->x );
- p448_copy ( &a->y, &ds->y );
- }
- void
- copy_tw_affine (
- struct tw_affine_t* a,
- const struct tw_affine_t* ds
- ) {
- p448_copy ( &a->x, &ds->x );
- p448_copy ( &a->y, &ds->y );
- }
- void
- copy_montgomery (
- struct montgomery_t* a,
- const struct montgomery_t* ds
- ) {
- p448_copy ( &a->z0, &ds->z0 );
- p448_copy ( &a->xd, &ds->xd );
- p448_copy ( &a->zd, &ds->zd );
- p448_copy ( &a->xa, &ds->xa );
- p448_copy ( &a->za, &ds->za );
- }
- void
- copy_extensible (
- struct extensible_t* a,
- const struct extensible_t* ds
- ) {
- p448_copy ( &a->x, &ds->x );
- p448_copy ( &a->y, &ds->y );
- p448_copy ( &a->z, &ds->z );
- p448_copy ( &a->t, &ds->t );
- p448_copy ( &a->u, &ds->u );
- }
- void
- copy_tw_extensible (
- struct tw_extensible_t* a,
- const struct tw_extensible_t* ds
- ) {
- p448_copy ( &a->x, &ds->x );
- p448_copy ( &a->y, &ds->y );
- p448_copy ( &a->z, &ds->z );
- p448_copy ( &a->t, &ds->t );
- p448_copy ( &a->u, &ds->u );
- }
- void
- copy_tw_niels (
- struct tw_niels_t* a,
- const struct tw_niels_t* ds
- ) {
- p448_copy ( &a->a, &ds->a );
- p448_copy ( &a->b, &ds->b );
- p448_copy ( &a->c, &ds->c );
- }
- void
- copy_tw_pniels (
- struct tw_pniels_t* a,
- const struct tw_pniels_t* ds
- ) {
- copy_tw_niels( &a->n, &ds->n );
- p448_copy ( &a->z, &ds->z );
- }
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }; /* extern "C" */
- #endif
- #endif /* __CC_INCLUDED_EC_POINT_H__ */