- /**
- * @file decaf.h
- * @author Mike Hamburg
- *
- * @copyright
- * Copyright (c) 2015 Cryptography Research, Inc. \n
- * Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for license information.
- *
- * @brief Master header for Decaf library.
- *
- * The Decaf library implements cryptographic operations on a elliptic curve
- * groups of prime order p. It accomplishes this by using a twisted Edwards
- * curve (isogenous to Ed448-Goldilocks or Ed25519) and wiping out the cofactor.
- *
- * The formulas are all complete and have no special cases. However, some
- * functions can fail. For example, decoding functions can fail because not
- * every string is the encoding of a valid group element.
- *
- * The formulas contain no data-dependent branches, timing or memory accesses,
- * except for decaf_XXX_base_double_scalarmul_non_secret.
- */
- #ifndef __DECAF_H__
- #define __DECAF_H__ 1
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include "decaf_255.h"
- #include "decaf_448.h"
- #endif /* __DECAF_H__ */