- /* Copyright (c) 2014 Cryptography Research, Inc.
- * Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for license information.
- */
- #include "barrett_field.h"
- #include <string.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- word_t
- add_nr_ext_packed(
- word_t *out,
- const word_t *a,
- uint32_t nwords_a,
- const word_t *c,
- uint32_t nwords_c,
- word_t mask
- ) {
- uint32_t i;
- dword_t carry = 0;
- for (i=0; i<nwords_c; i++) {
- out[i] = carry = carry + a[i] + (c[i]&mask);
- carry >>= WORD_BITS;
- }
- for (; i<nwords_a; i++) {
- out[i] = carry = carry + a[i];
- carry >>= WORD_BITS;
- }
- return carry;
- }
- static __inline__ word_t
- add_nr_packed(
- word_t *a,
- const word_t *c,
- uint32_t nwords
- ) {
- uint32_t i;
- dword_t carry = 0;
- for (i=0; i<nwords; i++) {
- a[i] = carry = carry + a[i] + c[i];
- carry >>= WORD_BITS;
- }
- return carry;
- }
- word_t
- sub_nr_ext_packed(
- word_t *out,
- const word_t *a,
- uint32_t nwords_a,
- const word_t *c,
- uint32_t nwords_c,
- word_t mask
- ) {
- uint32_t i;
- dsword_t carry = 0;
- for (i=0; i<nwords_c; i++) {
- out[i] = carry = carry + a[i] - (c[i]&mask);
- carry >>= WORD_BITS;
- }
- for (; i<nwords_a; i++) {
- out[i] = carry = carry + a[i];
- carry >>= WORD_BITS;
- }
- return carry;
- }
- static word_t
- widemac(
- word_t *accum,
- uint32_t nwords_accum,
- const word_t *mier,
- uint32_t nwords_mier,
- word_t mand,
- word_t carry
- ) {
- uint32_t i;
- assert(nwords_mier <= nwords_accum);
- for (i=0; i<nwords_mier; i++) {
- #ifdef __clang_analyzer__
- /* always true, but this satisfies scan-build (bug in scan-build?) */
- assert(i<nwords_accum);
- #endif
- /* UMAAL chain for the wordy part of p */
- dword_t product = ((dword_t)mand) * mier[i];
- product += accum[i];
- product += carry;
- accum[i] = product;
- carry = product >> WORD_BITS;
- }
- for (; i<nwords_accum; i++) {
- dword_t sum = ((dword_t)carry) + accum[i];
- accum[i] = sum;
- carry = sum >> WORD_BITS;
- }
- return carry;
- }
- void
- barrett_negate (
- word_t *a,
- uint32_t nwords_a,
- const struct barrett_prime_t *prime
- ) {
- uint32_t i;
- dsword_t carry = 0;
- barrett_reduce(a,nwords_a,0,prime);
- /* Have p = 2^big - p_lo. Want p - a = 2^big - p_lo - a */
- for (i=0; i<prime->nwords_lo; i++) {
- a[i] = carry = carry - prime->p_lo[i] - a[i];
- carry >>= WORD_BITS;
- }
- for (; i<prime->nwords_p; i++) {
- a[i] = carry = carry - a[i];
- if (i<prime->nwords_p-1) {
- carry >>= WORD_BITS;
- }
- }
- a[prime->nwords_p-1] = carry = carry + (((word_t)1) << prime->p_shift);
- for (; i<nwords_a; i++) {
- assert(!a[i]);
- }
- assert(!(carry>>WORD_BITS));
- }
- void
- barrett_reduce(
- word_t *a,
- uint32_t nwords_a,
- word_t a_carry,
- const struct barrett_prime_t *prime
- ) {
- uint32_t repeat, nwords_left_in_a=nwords_a;
- /* Is there a point to this a_carry business? */
- assert(a_carry < ((word_t)1) << prime->p_shift);
- assert(nwords_a >= prime->nwords_p);
- assert(prime->nwords_p > 0); /* scan-build: prevent underflow */
- for (; nwords_left_in_a >= prime->nwords_p; nwords_left_in_a--) {
- for (repeat=0; repeat<2; repeat++) {
- /* PERF: surely a more careful implementation could
- * avoid this double round
- */
- word_t mand = a[nwords_left_in_a-1] >> prime->p_shift;
- a[nwords_left_in_a-1] &= (((word_t)1)<<prime->p_shift)-1;
- if (prime->p_shift && !repeat) {
- /* collect high bits when there are any */
- if (nwords_left_in_a < nwords_a) {
- mand |= a[nwords_left_in_a] << (WORD_BITS-prime->p_shift);
- a[nwords_left_in_a] = 0;
- } else {
- mand |= a_carry << (WORD_BITS-prime->p_shift);
- }
- }
- word_t carry = widemac(
- a+nwords_left_in_a-prime->nwords_p,
- prime->nwords_p,
- prime->p_lo,
- prime->nwords_lo,
- mand,
- 0
- );
- assert(!carry);
- (void)carry;
- }
- }
- assert(nwords_left_in_a == prime->nwords_p-1);
- /* OK, but it still isn't reduced. Add and subtract p_lo. */
- word_t cout = add_nr_ext_packed(a,a,prime->nwords_p,prime->p_lo,prime->nwords_lo,-1);
- if (prime->p_shift) {
- cout = (cout<<(WORD_BITS-prime->p_shift)) + (a[prime->nwords_p-1]>>prime->p_shift);
- a[prime->nwords_p-1] &= (((word_t)1)<<prime->p_shift)-1;
- }
- /* mask = carry-1: if no carry then do sub, otherwise don't */
- sub_nr_ext_packed(a,a,prime->nwords_p,prime->p_lo,prime->nwords_lo,cout-1);
- }
- /* PERF: This function is horribly slow. Enough to break 1%. */
- void
- barrett_mul_or_mac(
- word_t *accum,
- uint32_t nwords_accum,
- const word_t *a,
- uint32_t nwords_a,
- const word_t *b,
- uint32_t nwords_b,
- const struct barrett_prime_t *prime,
- mask_t doMac
- ) {
- assert(nwords_accum >= prime->nwords_p);
- /* nwords_tmp = max(nwords_a + 1, nwords_p + 1, nwords_accum if doMac); */
- uint32_t nwords_tmp = (nwords_a > prime->nwords_p) ? nwords_a : prime->nwords_p;
- nwords_tmp++;
- assert(nwords_tmp > 0); /* scan-build: prevent underflow. */
- if (nwords_tmp < nwords_accum && doMac)
- nwords_tmp = nwords_accum;
- word_t tmp[nwords_tmp];
- int bpos, idown;
- uint32_t i;
- for (i=0; i<nwords_tmp; i++) {
- tmp[i] = 0;
- }
- for (bpos=nwords_b-1; bpos >= 0; bpos--) {
- /* Invariant at the beginning of the loop: the high word is unused. */
- assert(tmp[nwords_tmp-1] == 0);
- /* shift up */
- for (idown=nwords_tmp-2; idown>=0; idown--) {
- tmp[idown+1] = tmp[idown];
- }
- tmp[0] = 0;
- /* mac and reduce */
- word_t carry = widemac(tmp, nwords_tmp, a, nwords_a, b[bpos], 0);
- /* the mac can't carry, because nwords_tmp >= nwords_a+1 and its high word is clear */
- assert(!carry);
- barrett_reduce(tmp, nwords_tmp, carry, prime);
- /* at this point, the number of words used is nwords_p <= nwords_tmp-1,
- * so the high word is again clear */
- }
- if (doMac) {
- word_t cout = add_nr_packed(tmp, accum, nwords_accum);
- barrett_reduce(tmp, nwords_tmp, cout, prime);
- }
- for (i=0; i<nwords_tmp && i<nwords_accum; i++) {
- accum[i] = tmp[i];
- }
- for (; i<nwords_tmp; i++) {
- assert(tmp[i] == 0);
- }
- for (; i<nwords_accum; i++) {
- accum[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- mask_t
- barrett_deserialize (
- word_t *x,
- const uint8_t *serial,
- const struct barrett_prime_t *prime
- ) {
- unsigned int i,j,nserial = prime->nwords_p * sizeof(word_t);
- if (prime->p_shift) {
- nserial -= (WORD_BITS - prime->p_shift) / 8;
- }
- /* Track x < p, p = 2^k - p_lo <==> x + p_lo < 2^k */
- dword_t carry = 0;
- for (i=0; i*sizeof(word_t)<nserial; i++) {
- carry >>= WORD_BITS;
- word_t the = 0;
- for (j=0; j<sizeof(word_t) && sizeof(word_t)*i+j < nserial; j++) {
- the |= ((word_t)serial[sizeof(word_t)*i+j]) << (8*j);
- }
- x[i] = the;
- carry += the;
- if (i < prime->nwords_lo) carry += prime->p_lo[i];
- }
- /* check for reduction */
- if (prime->p_shift) {
- carry >>= prime->p_shift;
- } else {
- carry >>= WORD_BITS;
- }
- /* at this point, carry > 0 indicates failure */
- dsword_t scarry = carry;
- scarry = -scarry;
- scarry >>= WORD_BITS;
- scarry >>= WORD_BITS;
- return (mask_t) ~scarry;
- }
- void
- barrett_deserialize_and_reduce (
- word_t *x,
- const uint8_t *serial,
- uint32_t nserial,
- const struct barrett_prime_t *prime
- ) {
- unsigned int size = (nserial + sizeof(word_t) - 1)/sizeof(word_t);
- if (size < prime->nwords_p) {
- size = prime->nwords_p;
- }
- word_t tmp[size];
- memset(tmp,0,sizeof(tmp));
- unsigned int i,j;
- for (i=0; i*sizeof(word_t)<nserial; i++) {
- word_t the = 0;
- for (j=0; j<sizeof(word_t) && sizeof(word_t)*i+j < nserial; j++) {
- the |= ((word_t)serial[sizeof(word_t)*i+j]) << (8*j);
- }
- tmp[i] = the;
- }
- barrett_reduce(tmp,size,0,prime);
- for (i=0; i<prime->nwords_p; i++) {
- x[i] = tmp[i];
- }
- for (; i<size; i++) {
- assert(!tmp[i]);
- }
- }
- void
- barrett_serialize (
- uint8_t *serial,
- const word_t *x,
- uint32_t nserial
- ) {
- unsigned int i,j;
- for (i=0; i*sizeof(word_t)<nserial; i++) {
- for (j=0; j<sizeof(word_t); j++) {
- serial[sizeof(word_t)*i+j] = x[i]>>(8*j);
- }
- }
- }