- /**
- * @cond internal
- * @file ec_point.c
- * @copyright
- * Copyright (c) 2014 Cryptography Research, Inc. \n
- * Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for license information.
- * @author Mike Hamburg
- * @warning This file was automatically generated.
- * Then it was edited by hand. Good luck, have fun.
- *
- * This file contains a huge number of different options for EC point arithmetic,
- * but only a few of them will be used by any given library. They are here for
- * reference and for consistency checks. The Goldilocks library link step strips
- * out unused functions.
- */
- #include "ec_point.h"
- #include "magic.h"
- void
- add_tw_niels_to_tw_extensible (
- tw_extensible_a_t d,
- const tw_niels_a_t e
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1;
- field_subx_nr ( L1, d->y, d->x );
- field_mul ( L0, e->a, L1 );
- field_add_nr ( L1, d->x, d->y );
- field_mul ( d->y, e->b, L1 );
- field_mul ( L1, d->u, d->t );
- field_mul ( d->x, e->c, L1 );
- field_add_nr ( d->u, L0, d->y );
- field_subx_nr ( d->t, d->y, L0 );
- field_subx_nr ( d->y, d->z, d->x );
- field_add_nr ( L0, d->x, d->z );
- field_mul ( d->z, L0, d->y );
- field_mul ( d->x, d->y, d->t );
- field_mul ( d->y, L0, d->u );
- }
- void
- add_tw_extended (
- tw_extended_a_t d,
- const tw_extended_a_t e
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2;
- field_subx_nr ( L1, d->y, d->x );
- field_subx_nr ( L2, e->y, e->x );
- field_mul ( L0, L2, L1 );
- field_add_nr ( L1, d->y, d->x );
- field_add_nr ( L2, e->y, e->x );
- field_mul ( d->y, L2, L1 );
- field_mul ( L1, e->t, d->t );
- field_mulw_scc_wr ( d->x, L1, 2-2*EDWARDS_D );
- field_add_nr ( L1, L0, d->y );
- field_subx_nr ( L2, d->y, L0 );
- field_mul ( L0, d->z, e->z );
- field_add_nr ( L0, L0, L0 );
- field_add_nr ( d->y, L0, d->x );
- field_subx_nr ( L0, L0, d->x );
- field_mul ( d->z, L0, d->y );
- field_mul ( d->x, d->y, L2 );
- field_mul ( d->y, L0, L1 );
- field_mul ( d->t, L1, L2 );
- }
- void
- add_sub_tw_extended (
- tw_extended_a_t c,
- const tw_extended_a_t d,
- const tw_extended_a_t e,
- mask_t sub
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2, L3;
- field_sub ( L1, d->y, d->x );
- field_sub ( L2, e->y, e->x );
- field_add ( L3, e->y, e->x );
- constant_time_cond_swap(L2,L3,sizeof(L2),sub);
- field_mul ( L0, L2, L1 );
- field_add ( L1, d->y, d->x );
- field_mul ( c->y, L3, L1 );
- field_mul ( L1, e->t, d->t );
- field_mulw_scc_wr ( c->x, L1, 2-2*EDWARDS_D );
- field_add ( L1, L0, d->y );
- field_sub ( L2, c->y, L0 );
- field_mul ( L0, d->z, e->z );
- field_add ( L0, L0, L0 );
- field_add ( c->y, L0, c->x );
- field_sub ( L0, L0, c->x );
- constant_time_cond_swap(L0,c->y,sizeof(L0),sub);
- field_mul ( c->z, L0, c->y );
- field_mul ( c->x, c->y, L2 );
- field_mul ( c->y, L0, L1 );
- field_mul ( c->t, L1, L2 );
- }
- void
- sub_tw_niels_from_tw_extensible (
- tw_extensible_a_t d,
- const tw_niels_a_t e
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1;
- field_subx_nr ( L1, d->y, d->x );
- field_mul ( L0, e->b, L1 );
- field_add_nr ( L1, d->x, d->y );
- field_mul ( d->y, e->a, L1 );
- field_mul ( L1, d->u, d->t );
- field_mul ( d->x, e->c, L1 );
- field_add_nr ( d->u, L0, d->y );
- field_subx_nr ( d->t, d->y, L0 );
- field_add_nr ( d->y, d->x, d->z );
- field_subx_nr ( L0, d->z, d->x );
- field_mul ( d->z, L0, d->y );
- field_mul ( d->x, d->y, d->t );
- field_mul ( d->y, L0, d->u );
- }
- void
- add_tw_pniels_to_tw_extensible (
- tw_extensible_a_t e,
- const tw_pniels_a_t a
- ) {
- field_a_t L0;
- field_mul ( L0, e->z, a->z );
- field_copy ( e->z, L0 );
- add_tw_niels_to_tw_extensible( e, a->n );
- }
- void
- sub_tw_pniels_from_tw_extensible (
- tw_extensible_a_t e,
- const tw_pniels_a_t a
- ) {
- field_a_t L0;
- field_mul ( L0, e->z, a->z );
- field_copy ( e->z, L0 );
- sub_tw_niels_from_tw_extensible( e, a->n );
- }
- void
- double_tw_extensible (
- tw_extensible_a_t a
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2;
- field_sqr ( L2, a->x );
- field_sqr ( L0, a->y );
- field_add_nr ( a->u, L2, L0 );
- field_add_nr ( a->t, a->y, a->x );
- field_sqr ( L1, a->t );
- field_sub_nr ( a->t, L1, a->u );
- field_bias ( a->t, 3 );
- IF32( field_weak_reduce( a->t ) );
- field_subx_nr ( L1, L0, L2 );
- field_sqr ( a->x, a->z );
- field_bias ( a->x, 2-is32 /*is32 ? 1 : 2*/ );
- field_add_nr ( a->z, a->x, a->x );
- field_sub_nr ( L0, a->z, L1 );
- IF32( field_weak_reduce( L0 ) );
- field_mul ( a->z, L1, L0 );
- field_mul ( a->x, L0, a->t );
- field_mul ( a->y, L1, a->u );
- }
- void
- double_extensible (
- extensible_a_t a
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2;
- field_sqr ( L2, a->x );
- field_sqr ( L0, a->y );
- field_add_nr ( L1, L2, L0 );
- field_add_nr ( a->t, a->y, a->x );
- field_sqr ( a->u, a->t );
- field_sub_nr ( a->t, a->u, L1 );
- field_bias ( a->t, 3 );
- IF32( field_weak_reduce( a->t ) );
- field_subx_nr ( a->u, L0, L2 );
- field_sqr ( a->x, a->z );
- field_bias ( a->x, 2 );
- field_add_nr ( a->z, a->x, a->x );
- field_sub_nr ( L0, a->z, L1 );
- IF32( field_weak_reduce( L0 ) );
- field_mul ( a->z, L1, L0 );
- field_mul ( a->x, L0, a->t );
- field_mul ( a->y, L1, a->u );
- }
- void
- twist_and_double (
- tw_extensible_a_t b,
- const extensible_a_t a
- ) {
- field_a_t L0;
- field_sqr ( b->x, a->x );
- field_sqr ( b->z, a->y );
- field_add ( b->u, b->x, b->z );
- field_add ( b->t, a->y, a->x );
- field_sqr ( L0, b->t );
- field_sub ( b->t, L0, b->u );
- field_sub ( L0, b->z, b->x );
- field_sqr ( b->x, a->z );
- field_add ( b->z, b->x, b->x );
- field_sub ( b->y, b->z, b->u );
- field_mul ( b->z, L0, b->y );
- field_mul ( b->x, b->y, b->t );
- field_mul ( b->y, L0, b->u );
- }
- void
- untwist_and_double (
- extensible_a_t b,
- const tw_extensible_a_t a
- ) {
- field_a_t L0;
- field_sqr ( b->x, a->x );
- field_sqr ( b->z, a->y );
- field_add ( L0, b->x, b->z );
- field_add ( b->t, a->y, a->x );
- field_sqr ( b->u, b->t );
- field_sub ( b->t, b->u, L0 );
- field_sub ( b->u, b->z, b->x );
- field_sqr ( b->x, a->z );
- field_add ( b->z, b->x, b->x );
- field_sub ( b->y, b->z, b->u );
- field_mul ( b->z, L0, b->y );
- field_mul ( b->x, b->y, b->t );
- field_mul ( b->y, L0, b->u );
- }
- void
- convert_tw_affine_to_tw_pniels (
- tw_pniels_a_t b,
- const tw_affine_a_t a
- ) {
- field_sub ( b->n->a, a->y, a->x );
- field_add ( b->n->b, a->x, a->y );
- field_mul ( b->z, a->y, a->x );
- field_mulw_scc_wr ( b->n->c, b->z, 2*EDWARDS_D-2 );
- field_set_ui( b->z, 2 );
- }
- void
- convert_tw_affine_to_tw_extensible (
- tw_extensible_a_t b,
- const tw_affine_a_t a
- ) {
- field_copy ( b->x, a->x );
- field_copy ( b->y, a->y );
- field_set_ui( b->z, 1 );
- field_copy ( b->t, a->x );
- field_copy ( b->u, a->y );
- }
- void
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_extended (
- tw_extended_a_t b,
- const tw_extensible_a_t a
- ) {
- field_copy ( b->x, a->x );
- field_copy ( b->y, a->y );
- field_copy ( b->z, a->z );
- field_mul ( b->t, a->t, a->u );
- }
- void
- convert_affine_to_extensible (
- extensible_a_t b,
- const affine_a_t a
- ) {
- field_copy ( b->x, a->x );
- field_copy ( b->y, a->y );
- field_set_ui( b->z, 1 );
- field_copy ( b->t, a->x );
- field_copy ( b->u, a->y );
- }
- void
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels (
- tw_pniels_a_t b,
- const tw_extensible_a_t a
- ) {
- field_sub ( b->n->a, a->y, a->x );
- field_add ( b->n->b, a->x, a->y );
- field_mul ( b->z, a->u, a->t );
- field_mulw_scc_wr ( b->n->c, b->z, 2*EDWARDS_D-2 );
- field_add ( b->z, a->z, a->z );
- }
- void
- convert_tw_pniels_to_tw_extensible (
- tw_extensible_a_t e,
- const tw_pniels_a_t d
- ) {
- field_add ( e->u, d->n->b, d->n->a );
- field_sub ( e->t, d->n->b, d->n->a );
- field_mul ( e->x, d->z, e->t );
- field_mul ( e->y, d->z, e->u );
- field_sqr ( e->z, d->z );
- }
- void
- convert_tw_niels_to_tw_extensible (
- tw_extensible_a_t e,
- const tw_niels_a_t d
- ) {
- field_add ( e->y, d->b, d->a );
- field_sub ( e->x, d->b, d->a );
- field_set_ui( e->z, 1 );
- field_copy ( e->t, e->x );
- field_copy ( e->u, e->y );
- }
- void
- decaf_deserialize_montgomery (
- montgomery_aux_a_t a,
- const field_a_t s
- ) {
- field_copy ( a->s0, s );
- field_sqr ( a->xa, s );
- field_set_ui ( a->za, 1 );
- field_set_ui ( a->xd, 1 );
- field_set_ui ( a->zd, 0 );
- }
- void
- montgomery_aux_step (
- struct montgomery_aux_t* a
- ) {
- field_add_nr ( a->xs, a->xa, a->za );
- field_subx_nr ( a->zs, a->xa, a->za );
- field_add_nr ( a->xa, a->xd, a->zd );
- field_subx_nr ( a->za, a->xd, a->zd );
- field_mul ( a->xd, a->xa, a->zs );
- field_mul ( a->zd, a->xs, a->za );
- field_add_nr ( a->xs, a->xd, a->zd );
- field_subx_nr ( a->zd, a->xd, a->zd );
- field_mul ( a->zs, a->zd, a->s0 );
- field_sqr ( a->zd, a->xa );
- field_sqr ( a->xa, a->za );
- field_subx_nr ( a->za, a->zd, a->xa );
- field_mul ( a->xd, a->xa, a->zd );
- field_mulw_scc_wr ( a->zd, a->za, 1-EDWARDS_D );
- field_add_nr ( a->xa, a->xa, a->zd );
- field_mul ( a->zd, a->xa, a->za );
- field_sqr ( a->xa, a->xs );
- field_sqr ( a->za, a->zs );
- }
- void
- montgomery_step (
- montgomery_a_t a
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1;
- field_add_nr ( L0, a->zd, a->xd );
- field_subx_nr ( L1, a->xd, a->zd );
- field_subx_nr ( a->zd, a->xa, a->za );
- field_mul ( a->xd, L0, a->zd );
- field_add_nr ( a->zd, a->za, a->xa );
- field_mul ( a->za, L1, a->zd );
- field_add_nr ( a->xa, a->za, a->xd );
- field_sqr ( a->zd, a->xa );
- field_mul ( a->xa, a->z0, a->zd );
- field_subx_nr ( a->zd, a->xd, a->za );
- field_sqr ( a->za, a->zd );
- field_sqr ( a->xd, L0 );
- field_sqr ( L0, L1 );
- field_mulw_scc ( a->zd, a->xd, 1-EDWARDS_D ); /* FIXME PERF MULW */
- field_subx_nr ( L1, a->xd, L0 );
- field_mul ( a->xd, L0, a->zd );
- field_sub_nr ( L0, a->zd, L1 );
- field_bias ( L0, 4 - 2*is32 /*is32 ? 2 : 4*/ );
- IF32( field_weak_reduce( L0 ) );
- field_mul ( a->zd, L0, L1 );
- }
- void
- deserialize_montgomery (
- montgomery_a_t a,
- const field_a_t sbz
- ) {
- field_sqr ( a->z0, sbz );
- field_set_ui( a->xd, 1 );
- field_set_ui( a->zd, 0 );
- field_set_ui( a->xa, 1 );
- field_copy ( a->za, a->z0 );
- }
- mask_t
- serialize_montgomery (
- field_a_t b,
- const montgomery_a_t a,
- const field_a_t sbz
- ) {
- mask_t L4, L5, L6;
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2, L3;
- field_mul ( L3, a->z0, a->zd );
- field_sub ( L1, L3, a->xd );
- field_mul ( L3, a->za, L1 );
- field_mul ( L2, a->z0, a->xd );
- field_sub ( L1, L2, a->zd );
- field_mul ( L0, a->xa, L1 );
- field_add ( L2, L0, L3 );
- field_sub ( L1, L3, L0 );
- field_mul ( L3, L1, L2 );
- field_copy ( L2, a->z0 );
- field_addw ( L2, 1 );
- field_sqr ( L0, L2 );
- field_mulw_scc_wr ( L1, L0, EDWARDS_D-1 );
- field_add ( L2, a->z0, a->z0 );
- field_add ( L0, L2, L2 );
- field_add ( L2, L0, L1 );
- field_mul ( L0, a->xd, L2 );
- L5 = field_is_zero( a->zd );
- L6 = - L5;
- constant_time_mask ( L1, L0, sizeof(L1), L5 );
- field_add ( L2, L1, a->zd );
- L4 = ~ L5;
- field_mul ( L1, sbz, L3 );
- field_addw ( L1, L6 );
- field_mul ( L3, L2, L1 );
- field_mul ( L1, L3, L2 );
- field_mul ( L2, L3, a->xd );
- field_mul ( L3, L1, L2 );
- field_isr ( L0, L3 );
- field_mul ( L2, L1, L0 );
- field_sqr ( L1, L0 );
- field_mul ( L0, L3, L1 );
- constant_time_mask ( b, L2, sizeof(L1), L4 );
- field_subw( L0, 1 );
- L5 = field_is_zero( L0 );
- L4 = field_is_zero( sbz );
- return L5 | L4;
- }
- void
- serialize_extensible (
- field_a_t b,
- const extensible_a_t a
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2;
- field_sub ( L0, a->y, a->z );
- field_add ( b, a->z, a->y );
- field_mul ( L1, a->z, a->x );
- field_mul ( L2, L0, L1 );
- field_mul ( L1, L2, L0 );
- field_mul ( L0, L2, b );
- field_mul ( L2, L1, L0 );
- field_isr ( L0, L2 );
- field_mul ( b, L1, L0 );
- field_sqr ( L1, L0 );
- field_mul ( L0, L2, L1 );
- }
- static void
- decaf_abs (
- field_a_t a
- ) {
- field_cond_neg ( a, field_high_bit(a) );
- field_strong_reduce ( a );
- }
- mask_t
- decaf_serialize_montgomery (
- field_a_t out,
- const montgomery_aux_a_t a,
- mask_t swapped
- ) {
- field_a_t xz_d, xz_a, x0, den, L0, L1, L2, L3;
- mask_t zcase, output_zero, flip, succ, za_zero;
- field_mul(xz_d, a->xd, a->zd);
- field_mul(xz_a, a->xa, a->za);
- output_zero = field_is_zero(xz_d);
- za_zero = field_is_zero(a->za);
- field_addw(xz_d, -output_zero); /* make xz_d always nonzero */
- zcase = output_zero | field_is_zero(xz_a);
- field_sqr(x0, a->s0);
- /* Curve test in zcase */
- field_copy(L0,x0);
- field_addw(L0,1);
- field_sqr(L1,L0);
- field_mulw_scc_wr(L0,x0,-4*EDWARDS_D);
- field_add(L1,L1,L0);
- constant_time_select(xz_a,L1,xz_a,sizeof(xz_a),zcase);
- /* Compute denominator */
- field_mul(L0, x0, xz_d);
- field_mulw(L2, L0, 4);
- field_mul(L1, L2, xz_a);
- field_isr(den, L1);
- /* Check squareness */
- field_sqr(L2, den);
- field_mul(L0, L1, L2);
- field_addw(L0, 1);
- succ = ~field_high_bit(a->s0) & ~field_is_zero(L0);
- /* Compute y/x */
- field_mul(L1, x0, a->xd);
- field_sub(L1, a->zd, L1);
- field_mul(L0, a->za, L1); /* L0 = "opq" */
- field_mul(L1, x0, a->zd);
- field_sub(L1, L1, a->xd);
- field_mul(L2, a->xa, L1); /* L2 = "pqr" */
- field_sub(L1, L0, L2);
- field_add(L0, L0, L2);
- field_mul(L2, L1, den); /* L2 = y0 / x0 */
- field_mul(L1, L0, den); /* L1 = yO / xO */
- flip = field_high_bit(L1) ^ field_high_bit(L2) ^ za_zero;
- constant_time_select(L0, a->zd, a->xd, sizeof(L0), flip); /* L0 = "times" */
- /* OK, done with y-coordinates */
- /* OK, now correct for swappage */
- field_add(den,den,den);
- field_mul(L1,den,a->s0);
- field_sqr(L2,L1);
- field_mul(L3,L2,xz_a);
- constant_time_select(den,L3,L1,sizeof(den),swapped | zcase);
- /* compute the output */
- field_mul(L1,L0,den);
- constant_time_select(L2,a->s0,a->zs,sizeof(L2),zcase); /* zs, but s0 in zcase */
- field_mul(L0,L1,L2);
- constant_time_select(L3,a->zd,a->xd,sizeof(L3),za_zero);
- constant_time_select(L2,L3,a->xs,sizeof(L2),zcase); /* xs, but zq or qq in zcase */
- field_mul(out,L0,L2);
- constant_time_mask(out,out,sizeof(field_a_t),~output_zero);
- decaf_abs(out);
- return succ;
- }
- void
- decaf_serialize_extensible (
- field_a_t b,
- const extensible_a_t a
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2, L3;
- field_mulw_scc_wr ( L2, a->y, EDWARDS_D );
- field_mul ( L3, L2, a->t );
- field_mul ( L2, L3, a->u );
- field_mul ( L0, a->x, a->z );
- field_sub ( L3, L0, L2 );
- field_add ( L0, a->y, a->z );
- field_sub ( L1, a->z, a->y );
- field_mul ( L2, L1, L0 );
- field_mulw_scc_wr ( L1, L2, 1-EDWARDS_D );
- field_isr ( L0, L1 );
- field_mulw_scc_wr ( L1, L0, 1-EDWARDS_D );
- field_mul ( L2, L1, L0 );
- field_mul ( L0, L2, L3 );
- field_add ( L3, L1, L1 );
- field_mul ( L2, L3, a->z );
- field_cond_neg ( L1, ~field_high_bit(L2) );
- field_mul ( L2, L1, a->y );
- field_add ( b, L0, L2 );
- decaf_abs ( b );
- }
- void
- decaf_serialize_tw_extensible (
- field_a_t b,
- const tw_extensible_a_t a
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2, L3;
- field_mulw_scc ( L2, a->y, 1-EDWARDS_D );
- field_mul ( L3, L2, a->t );
- field_mul ( L2, L3, a->u );
- field_mul ( L0, a->x, a->z );
- field_sub ( L3, L2, L0 );
- field_add ( L0, a->z, a->y );
- field_sub ( L1, a->z, a->y );
- field_mul ( L2, L1, L0 );
- field_mulw_scc ( L1, L2, -EDWARDS_D );
- field_isr ( L0, L1 );
- field_mulw_scc ( L1, L0, -EDWARDS_D );
- field_mul ( L2, L1, L0 );
- field_mul ( L0, L2, L3 );
- field_add ( L3, L1, L1 );
- field_mul ( L2, L3, a->z );
- field_cond_neg ( L1, ~field_high_bit(L2) );
- field_mul ( L2, L1, a->y );
- field_add ( b, L0, L2 );
- decaf_abs ( b );
- }
- void
- decaf_serialize_tw_extended (
- field_a_t b,
- const tw_extended_a_t a
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2, L3;
- field_mulw_scc ( L0, a->y, 1-EDWARDS_D );
- field_mul ( L2, L0, a->t );
- field_mul ( L0, a->x, a->z );
- field_sub ( L3, L2, L0 );
- field_add ( L0, a->z, a->y );
- field_sub ( L1, a->z, a->y );
- field_mul ( L2, L1, L0 );
- field_mulw_scc ( L1, L2, -EDWARDS_D );
- field_isr ( L0, L1 );
- field_mulw_scc ( L1, L0, -EDWARDS_D );
- field_mul ( L2, L1, L0 );
- field_mul ( L0, L2, L3 );
- field_add ( L3, L1, L1 );
- field_mul ( L2, L3, a->z );
- field_cond_neg ( L1, ~field_high_bit(L2) );
- field_mul ( L2, L1, a->y );
- field_add ( b, L0, L2 );
- decaf_abs ( b );
- }
- /*
- static void
- tw_extended_efgh (
- tw_extended_a_t a,
- field_a_t x,
- field_a_t xz,
- field_a_t y,
- field_a_t yz
- ) {
- field_mul(a->x,x,yz);
- field_mul(a->y,y,xz);
- field_mul(a->z,xz,yz);
- field_mul(a->t,x,y);
- }
- */
- mask_t
- decaf_deserialize_tw_extended (
- tw_extended_a_t a,
- const field_a_t s,
- mask_t allow_identity
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2, L3, L4;
- mask_t succ, zero;
- zero = field_is_zero(s);
- succ = allow_identity | ~zero;
- succ &= ~field_high_bit(s);
- field_sqr ( L0, s ); // L0 = s^2
- field_neg ( a->z, L0 );
- field_addw ( a->z, 1 );
- field_sqr ( L1, a->z );
- field_mulw_scc_wr ( L2, L0, 4-4*EDWARDS_D );
- field_add ( L2, L2, L1 ); // L2 = [t^2]
- field_mul ( L1, L2, L0 ); // L1 = [t^2] s^2
- field_isr ( L3, L1 ); // L3 =? 1/ts; check it
- field_sqr ( L4, L3 );
- field_mul ( L0, L4, L1 );
- field_addw( L0, 1 );
- succ &= ~field_is_zero( L0 );
- field_mul ( L1, L2, L3 ); // L1 = t^2 * 1/ts = t/s
- field_cond_neg ( L3, field_high_bit(L1) ); // negate 1/ts?
- field_add( a->x, s, s );
- field_mul ( L2, L3, s );
- field_neg ( L1, a->z );
- field_addw ( L1, 2 );
- field_mul ( L0, L1, L2 );
- field_mul(a->y,L0,a->z);
- field_mul(a->t,a->x,L0);
- field_addw ( a->y, -zero );
- return succ;
- }
- mask_t
- decaf_deserialize_affine (
- affine_a_t a,
- const field_a_t s,
- mask_t allow_identity
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5;
- mask_t succ, zero;
- zero = field_is_zero(s);
- succ = allow_identity | ~zero;
- succ &= ~field_high_bit(s);
- field_sqr ( L0, s );
- field_copy ( L1, L0 );
- field_addw ( L1, 1 );
- field_make_nonzero ( L1 );
- field_sqr ( L2, L1 );
- field_mulw_scc_wr ( L3, L0, -4*EDWARDS_D );
- field_add ( L3, L3, L2 );
- field_mul ( L4, L3, L2 );
- field_mul ( L2, L4, L0 );
- field_isr ( L4, L2 );
- field_sqr ( L5, L4 );
- field_mul ( L0, L5, L2 );
- field_addw( L0, 1 );
- succ &= ~field_is_zero( L0 );
- field_mul ( L2, L3, L1 );
- field_mul ( L3, L2, L4 );
- field_cond_neg ( L4, field_high_bit(L3) );
- field_mul ( L3, L4, s );
- field_sqr ( L4, L3 );
- field_mul ( L0, L2, L4 );
- field_add ( L0, L0, L0 );
- field_mul ( a->x, L0, s );
- field_mul ( L2, L1, L3 );
- field_neg ( L1, L1 );
- field_addw ( L1, 2 );
- field_mul ( a->y, L1, L2 );
- field_addw ( a->y, -zero );
- return succ;
- }
- mask_t
- decaf_deserialize_tw_affine (
- tw_affine_a_t a,
- const field_a_t s,
- mask_t allow_identity
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5;
- mask_t succ, zero;
- zero = field_is_zero(s);
- succ = allow_identity | ~zero;
- succ &= ~field_high_bit(s);
- field_sqr ( L0, s );
- field_neg ( L1, L0 );
- field_addw ( L1, 1 );
- field_make_nonzero ( L1 );
- field_sqr ( L2, L1 );
- field_mulw_scc_wr ( L3, L0, 4-4*EDWARDS_D );
- field_add ( L3, L3, L2 );
- field_mul ( L4, L3, L2 );
- field_mul ( L2, L4, L0 );
- field_isr ( L4, L2 );
- field_sqr ( L5, L4 );
- field_mul ( L0, L5, L2 );
- field_addw( L0, 1 );
- succ &= ~field_is_zero( L0 );
- field_mul ( L2, L3, L1 );
- field_mul ( L3, L2, L4 );
- field_cond_neg ( L4, field_high_bit(L3) );
- field_mul ( L3, L4, s );
- field_sqr ( L4, L3 );
- field_mul ( L0, L2, L4 );
- field_add ( L0, L0, L0 );
- field_mul ( a->x, L0, s );
- field_mul ( L2, L1, L3 );
- field_neg ( L1, L1 );
- field_addw ( L1, 2 );
- field_mul ( a->y, L1, L2 );
- field_addw ( a->y, -zero );
- return succ;
- }
- void
- untwist_and_double_and_serialize (
- field_a_t b,
- const tw_extensible_a_t a
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2, L3;
- field_mul ( L3, a->y, a->x );
- field_add ( b, a->y, a->x );
- field_sqr ( L1, b );
- field_add ( L2, L3, L3 );
- field_sub ( b, L1, L2 );
- field_sqr ( L2, a->z );
- field_sqr ( L1, L2 );
- field_add ( b, b, b );
- field_mulw_scc ( L2, b, EDWARDS_D-1 );
- field_mulw_scc ( b, L2, EDWARDS_D-1 );
- field_mul ( L0, L2, L1 );
- field_mul ( L2, b, L0 );
- field_isr ( L0, L2 );
- field_mul ( L1, b, L0 );
- field_sqr ( b, L0 );
- field_mul ( L0, L2, b );
- field_mul ( b, L1, L3 );
- }
- void
- twist_even (
- tw_extensible_a_t b,
- const extensible_a_t a
- ) {
- field_sqr ( b->y, a->z );
- field_sqr ( b->z, a->x );
- field_sub ( b->u, b->y, b->z );
- field_sub ( b->z, a->z, a->x );
- field_mul ( b->y, b->z, a->y );
- field_sub ( b->z, a->z, a->y );
- field_mul ( b->x, b->z, b->y );
- field_mul ( b->t, b->x, b->u );
- field_mul ( b->y, b->x, b->t );
- field_isr ( b->t, b->y );
- field_mul ( b->u, b->x, b->t );
- field_sqr ( b->x, b->t );
- field_mul ( b->t, b->y, b->x );
- field_mul ( b->x, a->x, b->u );
- field_mul ( b->y, a->y, b->u );
- field_addw ( b->y, -field_is_zero( b->z ) );
- field_set_ui( b->z, 1 );
- field_copy ( b->t, b->x );
- field_copy ( b->u, b->y );
- }
- void
- test_only_twist (
- tw_extensible_a_t b,
- const extensible_a_t a
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1;
- field_sqr ( b->u, a->z );
- field_sqr ( b->y, a->x );
- field_sub ( b->z, b->u, b->y );
- field_add ( b->y, b->z, b->z );
- field_add ( b->u, b->y, b->y );
- field_sub ( b->y, a->z, a->x );
- field_mul ( b->x, b->y, a->y );
- field_sub ( b->z, a->z, a->y );
- field_mul ( b->t, b->z, b->x );
- field_mul ( L1, b->t, b->u );
- field_mul ( b->x, b->t, L1 );
- field_isr ( L0, b->x );
- field_mul ( b->u, b->t, L0 );
- field_sqr ( L1, L0 );
- field_mul ( b->t, b->x, L1 );
- field_add ( L1, a->y, a->x );
- field_sub ( L0, a->x, a->y );
- field_mul ( b->x, b->t, L0 );
- field_add ( L0, b->x, L1 );
- field_sub ( b->t, L1, b->x );
- field_mul ( b->x, L0, b->u );
- field_addw ( b->x, -field_is_zero( b->y ) );
- field_mul ( b->y, b->t, b->u );
- field_addw ( b->y, -field_is_zero( b->z ) );
- field_set_ui( b->z, 1+field_is_zero( a->y ) );
- field_copy ( b->t, b->x );
- field_copy ( b->u, b->y );
- }
- mask_t
- is_even_pt (
- const extensible_a_t a
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2;
- field_sqr ( L2, a->z );
- field_sqr ( L1, a->x );
- field_sub ( L0, L2, L1 );
- return field_is_square ( L0 );
- }
- mask_t
- is_even_tw (
- const tw_extensible_a_t a
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2;
- field_sqr ( L2, a->z );
- field_sqr ( L1, a->x );
- field_add ( L0, L1, L2 );
- return field_is_square ( L0 );
- }
- mask_t
- deserialize_affine (
- affine_a_t a,
- const field_a_t sz
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2, L3;
- field_sqr ( L1, sz );
- field_copy ( L3, L1 );
- field_addw ( L3, 1 );
- field_sqr ( L2, L3 );
- field_mulw_scc ( a->x, L2, EDWARDS_D-1 ); /* PERF MULW */
- field_add ( L3, L1, L1 );
- field_add ( a->y, L3, L3 );
- field_add ( L3, a->y, a->x );
- field_copy ( a->y, L1 );
- field_neg ( a->x, a->y );
- field_addw ( a->x, 1 );
- field_mul ( a->y, a->x, L3 );
- field_sqr ( L2, a->x );
- field_mul ( L0, L2, a->y );
- field_mul ( a->y, a->x, L0 );
- field_isr ( L3, a->y );
- field_mul ( a->y, L2, L3 );
- field_sqr ( L2, L3 );
- field_mul ( L3, L0, L2 );
- field_mul ( L0, a->x, L3 );
- field_add ( L2, a->y, a->y );
- field_mul ( a->x, sz, L2 );
- field_addw ( L1, 1 );
- field_mul ( a->y, L1, L3 );
- field_subw( L0, 1 );
- return field_is_zero( L0 );
- }
- mask_t
- deserialize_and_twist_approx (
- tw_extensible_a_t a,
- const field_a_t sz
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1;
- field_sqr ( a->z, sz );
- field_copy ( a->y, a->z );
- field_addw ( a->y, 1 );
- field_sqr ( L0, a->y );
- field_mulw_scc ( a->x, L0, EDWARDS_D-1 );
- field_add ( a->y, a->z, a->z );
- field_add ( a->u, a->y, a->y );
- field_add ( a->y, a->u, a->x );
- field_sqr ( a->x, a->z );
- field_neg ( a->u, a->x );
- field_addw ( a->u, 1 );
- field_mul ( a->x, sqrt_d_minus_1, a->u );
- field_mul ( L0, a->x, a->y );
- field_mul ( a->t, L0, a->y );
- field_mul ( a->u, a->x, a->t );
- field_mul ( a->t, a->u, L0 );
- field_mul ( a->y, a->x, a->t );
- field_isr ( L0, a->y );
- field_mul ( a->y, a->u, L0 );
- field_sqr ( L1, L0 );
- field_mul ( a->u, a->t, L1 );
- field_mul ( a->t, a->x, a->u );
- field_add ( a->x, sz, sz );
- field_mul ( L0, a->u, a->x );
- field_copy ( a->x, a->z );
- field_neg ( L1, a->x );
- field_addw ( L1, 1 );
- field_mul ( a->x, L1, L0 );
- field_mul ( L0, a->u, a->y );
- field_addw ( a->z, 1 );
- field_mul ( a->y, a->z, L0 );
- field_subw( a->t, 1 );
- mask_t ret = field_is_zero( a->t );
- field_set_ui( a->z, 1 );
- field_copy ( a->t, a->x );
- field_copy ( a->u, a->y );
- return ret;
- }
- void
- set_identity_extensible (
- extensible_a_t a
- ) {
- field_set_ui( a->x, 0 );
- field_set_ui( a->y, 1 );
- field_set_ui( a->z, 1 );
- field_set_ui( a->t, 0 );
- field_set_ui( a->u, 0 );
- }
- void
- set_identity_tw_extended (
- tw_extended_a_t a
- ) {
- field_set_ui( a->x, 0 );
- field_set_ui( a->y, 1 );
- field_set_ui( a->z, 1 );
- field_set_ui( a->t, 0 );
- }
- void
- set_identity_tw_extensible (
- tw_extensible_a_t a
- ) {
- field_set_ui( a->x, 0 );
- field_set_ui( a->y, 1 );
- field_set_ui( a->z, 1 );
- field_set_ui( a->t, 0 );
- field_set_ui( a->u, 0 );
- }
- void
- set_identity_affine (
- affine_a_t a
- ) {
- field_set_ui( a->x, 0 );
- field_set_ui( a->y, 1 );
- }
- mask_t
- decaf_eq_extensible (
- const struct extensible_t* a,
- const struct extensible_t* b
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1;
- field_mul ( L0, b->y, a->x );
- field_mul ( L1, a->y, b->x );
- return field_eq(L0,L1);
- }
- mask_t
- decaf_eq_tw_extended (
- const tw_extended_a_t a,
- const tw_extended_a_t b
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1;
- field_mul ( L0, b->y, a->x );
- field_mul ( L1, a->y, b->x );
- return field_eq(L0,L1);
- }
- mask_t
- decaf_eq_tw_extensible (
- const struct tw_extensible_t* a,
- const struct tw_extensible_t* b
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2;
- field_mul ( L2, b->y, a->x );
- field_mul ( L1, a->y, b->x );
- field_sub ( L0, L2, L1 );
- field_bias ( L0, 2 );
- return field_is_zero ( L0 );
- }
- mask_t
- eq_affine (
- const affine_a_t a,
- const affine_a_t b
- ) {
- mask_t L1, L2;
- field_a_t L0;
- field_sub ( L0, a->x, b->x );
- L2 = field_is_zero( L0 );
- field_sub ( L0, a->y, b->y );
- L1 = field_is_zero( L0 );
- return L2 & L1;
- }
- mask_t
- eq_extensible (
- const extensible_a_t a,
- const extensible_a_t b
- ) {
- mask_t L3, L4;
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2;
- field_mul ( L2, b->z, a->x );
- field_mul ( L1, a->z, b->x );
- field_sub ( L0, L2, L1 );
- L4 = field_is_zero( L0 );
- field_mul ( L2, b->z, a->y );
- field_mul ( L1, a->z, b->y );
- field_sub ( L0, L2, L1 );
- L3 = field_is_zero( L0 );
- return L4 & L3;
- }
- mask_t
- eq_tw_extensible (
- const tw_extensible_a_t a,
- const tw_extensible_a_t b
- ) {
- mask_t L3, L4;
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2;
- field_mul ( L2, b->z, a->x );
- field_mul ( L1, a->z, b->x );
- field_sub ( L0, L2, L1 );
- L4 = field_is_zero( L0 );
- field_mul ( L2, b->z, a->y );
- field_mul ( L1, a->z, b->y );
- field_sub ( L0, L2, L1 );
- L3 = field_is_zero( L0 );
- return L4 & L3;
- }
- void
- elligator_2s_inject (
- affine_a_t a,
- const field_a_t r
- ) {
- field_a_t L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8;
- field_sqr ( a->x, r );
- field_sqr ( L3, a->x );
- field_copy ( a->y, L3 );
- field_neg ( L4, a->y );
- field_addw ( L4, 1 );
- field_sqr ( L2, L4 );
- field_mulw ( L7, L2, (EDWARDS_D-1)*(EDWARDS_D-1) );
- field_mulw ( L8, L3, 4*(EDWARDS_D+1)*(EDWARDS_D+1) );
- field_add ( a->y, L8, L7 );
- field_mulw ( L8, L2, 4*(EDWARDS_D)*(EDWARDS_D-1) );
- field_sub ( L7, a->y, L8 );
- field_mulw_scc ( L6, a->y, -2-2*EDWARDS_D );
- field_mul ( L5, L7, L6 );
- /* FIXME Stability problem (API stability, not crash) / possible bug.
- * change to: p448_mul ( L5, L7, L4 ); ?
- * This isn't a deep change: it's for sign adjustment.
- * Need to check which one leads to the correct sign, probably by writig
- * the invert routine.
- *
- * Also, the tool doesn't produce the optimal route to this.
- * Let incoming L6 = a, L7 = e, L4 = b.
- *
- * Could compute be, (be)^2, (be)^3, a b^3 e^3, a b^3 e^4. = 4M+S
- * instead of 6M.
- */
- field_mul ( L8, L5, L4 );
- field_mul ( L4, L5, L6 );
- field_mul ( L5, L7, L8 );
- field_mul ( L8, L5, L4 );
- field_mul ( L4, L7, L8 );
- field_isr ( L6, L4 );
- field_mul ( L4, L5, L6 );
- field_sqr ( L5, L6 );
- field_mul ( L6, L8, L5 );
- field_mul ( L8, L7, L6 );
- field_mul ( L7, L8, L6 );
- field_copy ( L6, a->x );
- field_addw ( a->x, 1 );
- field_mul ( L5, a->x, L8 );
- field_addw ( L5, 1 );
- field_sub ( a->x, L6, L5 );
- field_mul ( L5, L4, a->x );
- field_mulw_scc_wr ( a->x, L5, -2-2*EDWARDS_D );
- field_add ( L4, L3, L3 );
- field_add ( L3, L4, L2 );
- field_subw( L3, 2 );
- field_mul ( L2, L3, L8 );
- field_mulw ( L3, L2, 2*(EDWARDS_D+1)*(EDWARDS_D-1) );
- field_add ( L2, L3, a->y );
- field_mul ( a->y, L7, L2 );
- field_addw ( a->y, -field_is_zero( L8 ) );
- }
- mask_t
- validate_affine (
- const affine_a_t a
- ) {
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2, L3;
- field_sqr ( L0, a->y );
- field_sqr ( L1, a->x );
- field_add ( L3, L1, L0 );
- field_mulw_scc ( L2, L1, EDWARDS_D );
- field_mul ( L1, L0, L2 );
- field_addw ( L1, 1 );
- field_sub ( L0, L3, L1 );
- return field_is_zero( L0 );
- }
- mask_t
- validate_tw_extensible (
- const tw_extensible_a_t ext
- ) {
- mask_t L4, L5;
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2, L3;
- /*
- * Check invariant:
- * 0 = -x*y + z*t*u
- */
- field_mul ( L1, ext->t, ext->u );
- field_mul ( L2, ext->z, L1 );
- field_mul ( L0, ext->x, ext->y );
- field_neg ( L1, L0 );
- field_add ( L0, L1, L2 );
- L5 = field_is_zero( L0 );
- /*
- * Check invariant:
- * 0 = d*t^2*u^2 + x^2 - y^2 + z^2 - t^2*u^2
- */
- field_sqr ( L2, ext->y );
- field_neg ( L1, L2 );
- field_sqr ( L0, ext->x );
- field_add ( L2, L0, L1 );
- field_sqr ( L3, ext->u );
- field_sqr ( L0, ext->t );
- field_mul ( L1, L0, L3 );
- field_mulw_scc ( L3, L1, EDWARDS_D );
- field_add ( L0, L3, L2 );
- field_neg ( L3, L1 );
- field_add ( L2, L3, L0 );
- field_sqr ( L1, ext->z );
- field_add ( L0, L1, L2 );
- L4 = field_is_zero( L0 );
- return L5 & L4 &~ field_is_zero(ext->z);
- }
- mask_t
- validate_extensible (
- const extensible_a_t ext
- ) {
- mask_t L4, L5;
- field_a_t L0, L1, L2, L3;
- /*
- * Check invariant:
- * 0 = d*t^2*u^2 - x^2 - y^2 + z^2
- */
- field_sqr ( L2, ext->y );
- field_neg ( L1, L2 );
- field_sqr ( L0, ext->z );
- field_add ( L2, L0, L1 );
- field_sqr ( L3, ext->u );
- field_sqr ( L0, ext->t );
- field_mul ( L1, L0, L3 );
- field_mulw_scc ( L0, L1, EDWARDS_D );
- field_add ( L1, L0, L2 );
- field_sqr ( L0, ext->x );
- field_neg ( L2, L0 );
- field_add ( L0, L2, L1 );
- L5 = field_is_zero( L0 );
- /*
- * Check invariant:
- * 0 = -x*y + z*t*u
- */
- field_mul ( L1, ext->t, ext->u );
- field_mul ( L2, ext->z, L1 );
- field_mul ( L0, ext->x, ext->y );
- field_neg ( L1, L0 );
- field_add ( L0, L1, L2 );
- L4 = field_is_zero( L0 );
- return L5 & L4 &~ field_is_zero(ext->z);
- }