- /**
- * @file decaf.hxx
- * @author Mike Hamburg
- *
- * @copyright
- * Copyright (c) 2015 Cryptography Research, Inc. \n
- * Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for license information.
- *
- * @brief A group of prime order p, C++ wrapper.
- *
- * The Decaf library implements cryptographic operations on a an elliptic curve
- * group of prime order p. It accomplishes this by using a twisted Edwards
- * curve (isogenous to Ed448-Goldilocks) and wiping out the cofactor.
- *
- * The formulas are all complete and have no special cases, except that
- * decaf_448_decode can fail because not every sequence of bytes is a valid group
- * element.
- *
- * The formulas contain no data-dependent branches, timing or memory accesses,
- * except for decaf_448_base_double_scalarmul_non_secret.
- */
- #ifndef __DECAF_448_HXX__
- #define __DECAF_448_HXX__ 1
- #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 /* for posix_memalign */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h> /* for memcpy */
- #include "decaf.h"
- #include <string>
- /* TODO: document */
- /* TODO: This is incomplete */
- /* TODO: attribute nonnull */
- #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
- #define NOEXCEPT noexcept
- #define EXPLICIT_CON explicit
- #define GET_DATA(str) ((const unsigned char *)&(str)[0])
- #else
- #define NOEXCEPT
- #define EXPLICIT_CON
- #define GET_DATA(str) ((const unsigned char *)((str).data()))
- #endif
- namespace decaf {
- void really_bzero(void *data, size_t size);
- template<unsigned int bits = 448> struct decaf;
- template<> struct decaf<448> {
- class Scalar {
- public:
- decaf_448_scalar_t s;
- inline Scalar() NOEXCEPT {}
- inline Scalar(const decaf_word_t w) NOEXCEPT { decaf_448_scalar_set(s,w); }
- inline Scalar(const decaf_448_scalar_t &t) NOEXCEPT { decaf_448_scalar_copy(s,t); }
- inline Scalar(const Scalar &x) NOEXCEPT { decaf_448_scalar_copy(s,x.s); }
- inline Scalar& operator=(const Scalar &x) NOEXCEPT { decaf_448_scalar_copy(s,x.s); return *this; }
- inline ~Scalar() NOEXCEPT { decaf_448_scalar_destroy(s); }
- /* Initialize from buffer */
- inline explicit Scalar(const std::string &str) NOEXCEPT { decaf_448_scalar_decode_long(s,GET_DATA(str),str.length()); }
- inline Scalar(const unsigned char *buffer, size_t n) NOEXCEPT { decaf_448_scalar_decode_long(s,buffer,n); }
- inline Scalar(const char *buffer, size_t n) NOEXCEPT { decaf_448_scalar_decode_long(s,(const unsigned char *)buffer,n); }
- inline Scalar(const void *buffer, size_t n) NOEXCEPT { decaf_448_scalar_decode_long(s,(const unsigned char *)buffer,n); }
- static inline decaf_bool_t __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) decode (
- Scalar &sc, const unsigned char buffer[DECAF_448_SCALAR_BYTES]
- return decaf_448_scalar_decode(sc.s,buffer);
- }
- static inline decaf_bool_t __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) decode (
- Scalar &sc, const std::string buffer
- if (buffer.size() != DECAF_448_SCALAR_BYTES) return DECAF_FAILURE;
- return decaf_448_scalar_decode(sc.s,GET_DATA(buffer));
- }
- inline EXPLICIT_CON operator std::string() const NOEXCEPT {
- unsigned char buffer[DECAF_448_SCALAR_BYTES];
- decaf_448_scalar_encode(buffer, s);
- return std::string((char*)buffer,sizeof(buffer));
- }
- inline void write_to_buffer(unsigned char buffer[DECAF_448_SCALAR_BYTES]) const NOEXCEPT{
- decaf_448_scalar_encode(buffer, s);
- }
- /* Arithmetic */
- inline Scalar operator+ (const Scalar &q) const NOEXCEPT { Scalar r; decaf_448_scalar_add(r.s,s,q.s); return r; }
- inline Scalar operator+=(const Scalar &q) NOEXCEPT { decaf_448_scalar_add(s,s,q.s); return *this; }
- inline Scalar operator- (const Scalar &q) const NOEXCEPT { Scalar r; decaf_448_scalar_sub(r.s,s,q.s); return r; }
- inline Scalar operator-=(const Scalar &q) NOEXCEPT { decaf_448_scalar_sub(s,s,q.s); return *this; }
- inline Scalar operator* (const Scalar &q) const NOEXCEPT { Scalar r; decaf_448_scalar_mul(r.s,s,q.s); return r; }
- inline Scalar operator*=(const Scalar &q) NOEXCEPT { decaf_448_scalar_mul(s,s,q.s); return *this; }
- inline Scalar operator- () const NOEXCEPT { Scalar r; decaf_448_scalar_sub(r.s,decaf_448_scalar_zero,s); return r; }
- inline bool operator==(const Scalar &q) const NOEXCEPT { return !!decaf_448_scalar_eq(s,q.s); }
- };
- class Point {
- public:
- decaf_448_point_t p;
- inline Point() {}
- inline Point(const decaf_448_point_t &q) { decaf_448_point_copy(p,q); } /* TODO: not memcpy? */
- inline Point(const Point &q) { decaf_448_point_copy(p,q.p); }
- inline Point& operator=(const Point &q) { decaf_448_point_copy(p,q.p); return *this; }
- inline ~Point() { decaf_448_point_destroy(p); }
- /* serialize / deserialize */
- static inline decaf_bool_t __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) decode (
- Point &p, const unsigned char buffer[DECAF_448_SER_BYTES], decaf_bool_t allow_identity=DECAF_TRUE
- return decaf_448_point_decode(p.p,buffer,allow_identity);
- }
- static inline decaf_bool_t __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) decode (
- Point &p, const std::string &buffer, decaf_bool_t allow_identity=DECAF_TRUE
- if (buffer.size() != DECAF_448_SER_BYTES) return DECAF_FAILURE;
- return decaf_448_point_decode(p.p,GET_DATA(buffer),allow_identity);
- }
- inline EXPLICIT_CON operator std::string() const NOEXCEPT {
- unsigned char buffer[DECAF_448_SER_BYTES];
- decaf_448_point_encode(buffer, p);
- return std::string((char*)buffer,sizeof(buffer));
- }
- inline void write_to_buffer(unsigned char buffer[DECAF_448_SER_BYTES]) const NOEXCEPT{
- decaf_448_point_encode(buffer, p);
- }
- /* Point/point arithmetic */
- inline Point operator+ (const Point &q) const NOEXCEPT { Point r; decaf_448_point_add(r.p,p,q.p); return r; }
- inline Point operator+=(const Point &q) NOEXCEPT { decaf_448_point_add(p,p,q.p); return *this; }
- inline Point operator- (const Point &q) const NOEXCEPT { Point r; decaf_448_point_sub(r.p,p,q.p); return r; }
- inline Point operator-=(const Point &q) NOEXCEPT { decaf_448_point_sub(p,p,q.p); return *this; }
- inline Point operator- () const NOEXCEPT { Point r; decaf_448_point_negate(r.p,p); return r; }
- inline Point times_two () const NOEXCEPT { Point r; decaf_448_point_double(r.p,p); return r; }
- inline Point &double_in_place() NOEXCEPT { decaf_448_point_double(p,p); return *this; }
- inline bool operator==(const Point &q) const NOEXCEPT { return !!decaf_448_point_eq(p,q.p); }
- /* Scalarmul */
- inline Point operator* (const Scalar &s) const NOEXCEPT { Point r; decaf_448_point_scalarmul(r.p,p,s.s); return r; }
- inline Point operator*=(const Scalar &s) NOEXCEPT { decaf_448_point_scalarmul(p,p,s.s); return *this; }
- static inline Point double_scalar_mul (
- const Point &q, const Scalar &qs, const Point &r, const Scalar &rs
- Point p; decaf_448_point_double_scalarmul(p.p,q.p,qs.s,r.p,rs.s); return p;
- }
- /* FIXME: are these defined to be correct? */
- static inline const Point &base() NOEXCEPT { return (const Point &)decaf_448_point_base; }
- static inline const Point &identity() NOEXCEPT { return (const Point &)decaf_448_point_identity; }
- };
- class Precomputed {
- public:
- union {
- decaf_448_precomputed_s *mine;
- const decaf_448_precomputed_s *yours;
- } ours;
- bool isMine;
- private:
- inline void clear() NOEXCEPT {
- if (isMine) {
- decaf_448_precomputed_destroy(ours.mine);
- free(ours.mine);
- ours.yours = decaf_448_precomputed_base;
- isMine = false;
- }
- }
- inline void alloc() {
- if (isMine) return;
- int ret = posix_memalign((void**)&ours.mine, alignof_decaf_448_precomputed_s,sizeof_decaf_448_precomputed_s);
- if (ret || !ours.mine) {
- isMine = false;
- throw std::bad_alloc();
- }
- isMine = true;
- }
- inline const decaf_448_precomputed_s *get() const NOEXCEPT { return isMine ? ours.mine : ours.yours; }
- public:
- inline ~Precomputed() NOEXCEPT { clear(); }
- inline Precomputed(const decaf_448_precomputed_s *yours = decaf_448_precomputed_base) NOEXCEPT {
- ours.yours = yours;
- isMine = false;
- }
- inline Precomputed &operator=(const Precomputed &it) {
- if (this == &it) return *this;
- if (it.isMine) {
- alloc();
- memcpy(ours.mine,it.ours.mine,sizeof_decaf_448_precomputed_s);
- } else {
- clear();
- ours.yours = it.ours.yours;
- }
- isMine = it.isMine;
- return *this;
- }
- inline Precomputed &operator=(const Point &it) {
- alloc();
- decaf_448_precompute(ours.mine,it.p);
- return *this;
- }
- inline Precomputed(const Precomputed &it) NOEXCEPT : isMine(false) { *this = it; }
- inline Precomputed(const Point &it) NOEXCEPT : isMine(false) { *this = it; }
- #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
- inline Precomputed &operator=(Precomputed &&it) NOEXCEPT {
- if (this == &it) return *this;
- clear();
- ours = it.ours;
- isMine = it.isMine;
- it.isMine = false;
- it.ours.yours = decaf_448_precomputed_base;
- return *this;
- }
- inline Precomputed(Precomputed &&it) NOEXCEPT : isMine(false) { *this = it; }
- #endif
- inline Point operator* (const Scalar &s) const NOEXCEPT { Point r; decaf_448_precomputed_scalarmul(r.p,get(),s.s); return r; }
- static inline const Precomputed base() NOEXCEPT { return Precomputed(decaf_448_precomputed_base); }
- };
- #undef NOEXCEPT
- }; /* struct decaf<448> */
- }; /* namespace decaf */
- #endif /* __DECAF_448_HXX__ */