- /* Copyright (c) 2014 Cryptography Research, Inc.
- * Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for license information.
- */
- #ifndef __P448_ALGO_H__
- #define __P448_ALGO_H__ 1
- #include "ec_point.h"
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- /*
- * Out = scalar * in, encoded in inverse square root
- * format.
- *
- * nbits is the number of bits in scalar.
- *
- * The scalar is to be presented in little-endian form,
- * meaning that scalar[0] contains the least significant
- * word of the scalar.
- *
- * If the point "in" is on the curve, the return
- * value will be set (to -1).
- *
- * If the point "in" is not on the curve, then the
- * output will be incorrect. If the scalar is even,
- * this condition will be detected by returning 0,
- * unless the output is the identity point (0; TODO).
- * If the scalar is odd, the value returned will be
- * set (to -1; TODO).
- *
- * The input and output points are always even.
- * Therefore on a cofactor-4 curve like Goldilocks,
- * it is sufficient for security to make the scalar
- * even. (TODO: detect when i/o has cofactor?)
- *
- * This function takes constant time, depending on
- * nbits but not on in or scalar.
- */
- mask_t
- p448_montgomery_ladder(
- struct p448_t *out,
- const struct p448_t *in,
- const uint64_t *scalar,
- int nbits,
- int n_extra_doubles
- );
- void
- edwards_scalar_multiply(
- struct tw_extensible_t *working,
- const uint64_t scalar[7]
- /* TODO? int nbits */
- );
- mask_t
- precompute_for_combs(
- struct tw_niels_t *out,
- const struct tw_extensible_t *const_base,
- int n,
- int t,
- int s
- );
- void
- edwards_comb(
- struct tw_extensible_t *working,
- const word_t scalar[7],
- const struct tw_niels_t *table,
- int n,
- int t,
- int s
- );
- /* TODO: void. int is just for diagnostic purposes. */
- int
- edwards_scalar_multiply_vt(
- struct tw_extensible_t *working,
- const uint64_t scalar[7]
- );
- void
- edwards_scalar_multiply_vt_pre(
- struct tw_extensible_t *working,
- const uint64_t scalar[7],
- const struct tw_niels_t *precmp,
- int table_bits
- );
- mask_t
- precompute_for_wnaf(
- struct tw_niels_t *out,
- const struct tw_extensible_t *const_base,
- int tbits
- ); /* TODO: attr don't ignore... */
- /* TODO: void. int is just for diagnostic purposes. */
- int
- edwards_combo_var_fixed_vt(
- struct tw_extensible_t *working,
- const uint64_t scalar_var[7],
- const uint64_t scalar_pre[7],
- const struct tw_niels_t *precmp,
- int table_bits_pre
- );
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- };
- #endif
- #endif /* __P448_ALGO_H__ */