- /* Copyright (c) 2014 Cryptography Research, Inc.
- * Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for license information.
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "scalarmul.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "barrett_field.h"
- mask_t
- p448_montgomery_ladder(
- struct p448_t *out,
- const struct p448_t *in,
- const uint64_t *scalar,
- int nbits,
- int n_extra_doubles
- ) {
- struct montgomery_t mont;
- p448_sqr(&mont.z0,in);
- p448_copy(&mont.za,&mont.z0);
- p448_set_ui(&mont.xa,1);
- p448_set_ui(&mont.zd,0);
- p448_set_ui(&mont.xd,1);
- int i,j,n=(nbits-1)&63;
- mask_t pflip = 0;
- for (j=(nbits+63)/64-1; j>=0; j--) {
- uint64_t w = scalar[j];
- for (i=n; i>=0; i--) {
- mask_t flip = -((w>>i)&1);
- p448_cond_swap(&mont.xa,&mont.xd,flip^pflip);
- p448_cond_swap(&mont.za,&mont.zd,flip^pflip);
- p448_montgomery_step(&mont);
- pflip = flip;
- }
- n = 63;
- }
- p448_cond_swap(&mont.xa,&mont.xd,pflip);
- p448_cond_swap(&mont.za,&mont.zd,pflip);
- for (j=0; j<n_extra_doubles; j++) {
- p448_montgomery_step(&mont);
- }
- struct p448_t sign;
- p448_montgomery_serialize(&sign, out, &mont, in);
- p448_addw(&sign,1);
- return ~p448_is_zero(&sign);
- }
- static __inline__ void
- niels_cond_negate(
- struct tw_niels_t *n,
- mask_t doNegate
- ) {
- p448_cond_swap(&n->a, &n->b, doNegate);
- p448_cond_neg(&n->c, doNegate); /* TODO: bias amt? */
- }
- static __inline__ void
- pniels_cond_negate(
- struct tw_pniels_t *n,
- mask_t doNegate
- ) {
- niels_cond_negate(&n->n, doNegate);
- }
- void
- constant_time_lookup_pniels(
- struct tw_pniels_t *out,
- const struct tw_pniels_t *in,
- int nin,
- int idx
- ) {
- big_register_t big_one = 1, big_i = idx;
- big_register_t *o = (big_register_t *)out;
- const big_register_t *i = (const big_register_t *)in;
- int j;
- unsigned int k;
- memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out));
- for (j=0; j<nin; j++, big_i-=big_one) {
- big_register_t mask = br_is_zero(big_i);
- for (k=0; k<sizeof(*out)/sizeof(*o); k++) {
- o[k] |= mask & i[k+j*sizeof(*out)/sizeof(*o)];
- }
- }
- }
- static __inline__ void
- constant_time_lookup_niels(
- struct tw_niels_t *out,
- const struct tw_niels_t *in,
- int nin,
- int idx
- ) {
- big_register_t big_one = 1, big_i = idx;
- big_register_t *o = (big_register_t *)out;
- const big_register_t *i = (const big_register_t *)in;
- int j;
- unsigned int k;
- memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out));
- for (j=0; j<nin; j++, big_i-=big_one) {
- big_register_t mask = br_is_zero(big_i);
- for (k=0; k<sizeof(*out)/sizeof(*o); k++) {
- o[k] |= mask & i[k+j*sizeof(*out)/sizeof(*o)];
- }
- }
- }
- static void
- convert_to_signed_window_form(
- word_t *out,
- const word_t *scalar,
- const word_t *prepared_data,
- int nwords
- ) {
- mask_t mask = -(scalar[0]&1);
- word_t carry = add_nr_ext_packed(out, scalar, nwords, prepared_data, nwords, ~mask);
- carry += add_nr_ext_packed(out, out, nwords, prepared_data+nwords, nwords, mask);
- assert(!(out[0]&1));
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<nwords; i++) {
- out[i] >>= 1;
- if (i<nwords-1) {
- out[i] |= out[i+1]<<(WORD_BITS-1);
- } else {
- out[i] |= carry<<(WORD_BITS-1);
- }
- }
- }
- void
- edwards_scalar_multiply(
- struct tw_extensible_t *working,
- const uint64_t scalar[7]
- ) {
- const int nbits=448; /* HACK? */
- word_t prepared_data[14] = {
- 0x9595b847fdf73126ull,
- 0x9bb9b8a856af5200ull,
- 0xb3136e22f37d5c4full,
- 0x0000000189a19442ull,
- 0x0000000000000000ull,
- 0x0000000000000000ull,
- 0x4000000000000000ull,
- 0x721cf5b5529eec33ull,
- 0x7a4cf635c8e9c2abull,
- 0xeec492d944a725bfull,
- 0x000000020cd77058ull,
- 0x0000000000000000ull,
- 0x0000000000000000ull,
- 0x0000000000000000ull
- }; /* TODO: split off */
- uint64_t scalar2[7];
- convert_to_signed_window_form(scalar2,scalar,prepared_data,7);
- struct tw_extensible_t tabulator;
- copy_tw_extensible(&tabulator, working);
- p448_tw_extensible_double(&tabulator);
- struct tw_pniels_t pn, multiples[8];
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&pn, &tabulator);
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&multiples[0], working);
- int i;
- for (i=1; i<8; i++) {
- p448_tw_extensible_add_pniels(working, &pn);
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&multiples[i], working);
- }
- i = nbits - 4;
- int bits = scalar2[i/64] >> (i%64) & 0xF,
- inv = (bits>>3)-1;
- bits ^= inv;
- constant_time_lookup_pniels(&pn, multiples, 8, bits&7);
- pniels_cond_negate(&pn, inv);
- convert_tw_pniels_to_tw_extensible(working, &pn);
- for (i-=4; i>=0; i-=4) {
- p448_tw_extensible_double(working);
- p448_tw_extensible_double(working);
- p448_tw_extensible_double(working);
- p448_tw_extensible_double(working);
- bits = scalar2[i/64] >> (i%64) & 0xF;
- inv = (bits>>3)-1;
- bits ^= inv;
- constant_time_lookup_pniels(&pn, multiples, 8, bits&7);
- pniels_cond_negate(&pn, inv);
- p448_tw_extensible_add_pniels(working, &pn);
- }
- }
- void
- edwards_comb(
- struct tw_extensible_t *working,
- const word_t scalar[7],
- const struct tw_niels_t *table,
- int n,
- int t,
- int s
- ) {
- word_t prepared_data[14] = {
- 0xebec9967f5d3f5c2ull,
- 0x0aa09b49b16c9a02ull,
- 0x7f6126aec172cd8eull,
- 0x00000007b027e54dull,
- 0x0000000000000000ull,
- 0x0000000000000000ull,
- 0x4000000000000000ull,
- 0xc873d6d54a7bb0cfull,
- 0xe933d8d723a70aadull,
- 0xbb124b65129c96fdull,
- 0x00000008335dc163ull,
- 0x0000000000000000ull,
- 0x0000000000000000ull,
- 0x0000000000000000ull
- }; /* TODO: split off. Above is for 450 bits */
- word_t scalar2[7];
- convert_to_signed_window_form(scalar2,scalar,prepared_data,7);
- /* const int n=3, t=5, s=30; */
- int i,j,k;
- struct tw_niels_t ni;
- for (i=0; i<s; i++) {
- if (i) p448_tw_extensible_double(working);
- for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
- int tab = 0;
- /*
- * PERF: This computation takes about 1.5µs on SBR, i.e. 2-3% of the
- * time of a keygen or sign op. Surely it is possible to speed it up.
- */
- for (k=0; k<t; k++) {
- int bit = (s-1-i) + k*s + j*(s*t);
- if (bit < 7*WORD_BITS) {
- tab |= (scalar2[bit/WORD_BITS] >> (bit%WORD_BITS) & 1) << k;
- }
- }
- mask_t invert = (tab>>(t-1))-1;
- tab ^= invert;
- tab &= (1<<(t-1)) - 1;
- constant_time_lookup_niels(&ni, table + (j<<(t-1)), 1<<(t-1), tab);
- niels_cond_negate(&ni, invert);
- if (i||j) {
- p448_tw_extensible_add_niels(working, &ni);
- } else {
- convert_tw_niels_to_tw_extensible(working, &ni);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void
- simultaneous_invert_p448(
- struct p448_t *out,
- const struct p448_t *in,
- int n
- ) {
- if (!n) return;
- p448_copy(&out[1], &in[0]);
- int i;
- for (i=1; i<n-1; i++) {
- p448_mul(&out[i+1], &out[i], &in[i]);
- }
- p448_mul(&out[0], &out[n-1], &in[n-1]);
- struct p448_t tmp;
- p448_inverse(&tmp, &out[0]);
- p448_copy(&out[0], &tmp);
- /* at this point, out[0] = product(in[i]) ^ -1
- * out[i] = product(in[0]..in[i-1]) if i != 0
- */
- for (i=n-1; i>0; i--) {
- p448_mul(&tmp, &out[i], &out[0]);
- p448_copy(&out[i], &tmp);
- p448_mul(&tmp, &out[0], &in[i]);
- p448_copy(&out[0], &tmp);
- }
- }
- mask_t
- precompute_for_combs(
- struct tw_niels_t *out,
- const struct tw_extensible_t *const_base,
- int n,
- int t,
- int s
- ) {
- if (s < 1) return 0;
- struct tw_extensible_t working, start;
- copy_tw_extensible(&working, const_base);
- struct tw_pniels_t pn_tmp;
- struct tw_pniels_t *doubles = (struct tw_pniels_t *) malloc(sizeof(*doubles) * (t-1));
- struct p448_t *zs = (struct p448_t *) malloc(sizeof(*zs) * (n<<(t-1)));
- struct p448_t *zis = (struct p448_t *) malloc(sizeof(*zis) * (n<<(t-1)));
- if (!doubles || !zs || !zis) {
- free(doubles);
- free(zs);
- free(zis);
- return 0;
- }
- int i,j,k;
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- /* doubling phase */
- for (j=0; j<t; j++) {
- if (j) {
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&pn_tmp, &working);
- p448_tw_extensible_add_pniels(&start, &pn_tmp);
- } else {
- copy_tw_extensible(&start, &working);
- }
- if (j==t-1 && i==n-1) {
- break;
- }
- p448_tw_extensible_double(&working);
- if (j<t-1) {
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&doubles[j], &working);
- }
- for (k=0; k<s-1; k++) {
- p448_tw_extensible_double(&working);
- }
- }
- /* Gray-code phase */
- for (j=0;; j++) {
- int gray = j ^ (j>>1);
- int idx = ((i+1)<<(t-1))-1 ^ gray;
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&pn_tmp, &start);
- copy_tw_niels(&out[idx], &pn_tmp.n);
- p448_copy(&zs[idx], &pn_tmp.z);
- if (j >= (1<<(t-1)) - 1) break;
- int delta = (j+1) ^ ((j+1)>>1) ^ gray;
- for (k=0; delta>1; k++)
- delta >>=1;
- if (gray & (1<<k)) {
- /* start += doubles[k] */
- p448_tw_extensible_add_pniels(&start, &doubles[k]);
- } else {
- /* start -= doubles[k] */
- /* PERF: uncond negate */
- copy_tw_pniels(&pn_tmp, &doubles[k]);
- pniels_cond_negate(&pn_tmp, -1);
- p448_tw_extensible_add_pniels(&start, &pn_tmp);
- }
- }
- }
- simultaneous_invert_p448(zis, zs, n<<(t-1));
- p448_t product;
- for (i=0; i<n<<(t-1); i++) {
- p448_mul(&product, &out[i].a, &zis[i]);
- p448_strong_reduce(&product);
- p448_copy(&out[i].a, &product);
- p448_mul(&product, &out[i].b, &zis[i]);
- p448_strong_reduce(&product);
- p448_copy(&out[i].b, &product);
- p448_mul(&product, &out[i].c, &zis[i]);
- p448_strong_reduce(&product);
- p448_copy(&out[i].c, &product);
- }
- mask_t ret = ~p448_is_zero(&zis[0]);
- free(doubles);
- free(zs);
- free(zis);
- return ret;
- }
- mask_t
- precompute_for_wnaf(
- struct tw_niels_t *out,
- const struct tw_extensible_t *const_base,
- int tbits
- ) {
- int i;
- struct p448_t *zs = (struct p448_t *) malloc(sizeof(*zs)<<tbits);
- struct p448_t *zis = (struct p448_t *) malloc(sizeof(*zis)<<tbits);
- if (!zs || !zis) {
- free(zs);
- free(zis);
- return 0;
- }
- struct tw_extensible_t base;
- copy_tw_extensible(&base,const_base);
- struct tw_pniels_t twop, tmp;
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&tmp, &base);
- p448_copy(&zs[0], &tmp.z);
- copy_tw_niels(&out[0], &tmp.n);
- if (tbits > 0) {
- p448_tw_extensible_double(&base);
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&twop, &base);
- p448_tw_extensible_add_pniels(&base, &tmp);
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&tmp, &base);
- p448_copy(&zs[1], &tmp.z);
- copy_tw_niels(&out[1], &tmp.n);
- for (i=2; i < 1<<tbits; i++) {
- p448_tw_extensible_add_pniels(&base, &twop);
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&tmp, &base);
- p448_copy(&zs[i], &tmp.z);
- copy_tw_niels(&out[i], &tmp.n);
- }
- }
- simultaneous_invert_p448(zis, zs, 1<<tbits);
- p448_t product;
- for (i=0; i<1<<tbits; i++) {
- p448_mul(&product, &out[i].a, &zis[i]);
- p448_strong_reduce(&product);
- p448_copy(&out[i].a, &product);
- p448_mul(&product, &out[i].b, &zis[i]);
- p448_strong_reduce(&product);
- p448_copy(&out[i].b, &product);
- p448_mul(&product, &out[i].c, &zis[i]);
- p448_strong_reduce(&product);
- p448_copy(&out[i].c, &product);
- }
- free(zs);
- free(zis);
- return -1;
- }
- struct smvt_control {
- int power, addend;
- };
- static int
- recode_wnaf(
- struct smvt_control *control, /* [nbits/(tableBits+1) + 3] */
- const word_t *scalar,
- int nbits,
- int tableBits)
- {
- int current = 0, position=0, i;
- /* PERF: negate scalar if it's large
- * PERF: this is a pretty simplistic algorithm. I'm sure there's a faster one...
- */
- for (i=nbits-1; i >= -2 - tableBits; i--) {
- int bit = (i >= 0)
- ? (scalar[i/WORD_BITS] >> (i%WORD_BITS)) & 1
- : 0;
- current = 2*current + bit;
- /*
- * Sizing: |current| >= 2^(tableBits+1) -> |current| = 2^0
- * So current loses (tableBits+1) bits every time. It otherwise gains
- * 1 bit per iteration. The number of iterations is
- * (nbits + 2 + tableBits), and an additional control word is added at
- * the end. So the total number of control words is at most
- * ceil((nbits+1) / (tableBits+1)) + 2 = floor((nbits)/(tableBits+1)) + 2.
- * There's also the stopper with power -1, for a total of +3.
- */
- if (current >= (2<<tableBits) || current <= -1 - (2<<tableBits)) {
- int delta = (current + 1) >> 1;
- current = -(current & 1);
- int j;
- for (j=i; (delta & 1) == 0; j++) {
- delta >>= 1;
- }
- control[position].power = j+1;
- control[position].addend = delta;
- position++;
- assert(position <= nbits/(tableBits+1) + 2);
- }
- }
- control[position].power = -1;
- control[position].addend = 0;
- return position;
- }
- static void
- prepare_wnaf_table(
- struct tw_pniels_t *output,
- struct tw_extensible_t *working,
- int tbits
- ) {
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&output[0], working);
- if (tbits == 0) return;
- p448_tw_extensible_double(working);
- struct tw_pniels_t twop;
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&twop, working);
- p448_tw_extensible_add_pniels(working, &output[0]);
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&output[1], working);
- for (int i=2; i < 1<<tbits; i++) {
- p448_tw_extensible_add_pniels(working, &twop);
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&output[i], working);
- }
- }
- int
- edwards_scalar_multiply_vt(
- struct tw_extensible_t *working,
- const uint64_t scalar[7]
- ) {
- /* HACK: not 448? */
- const int nbits=448, table_bits = 3;
- struct smvt_control control[nbits/(table_bits+1)+3];
- int control_bits = recode_wnaf(control, scalar, nbits, table_bits);
- struct tw_pniels_t precmp[1<<table_bits];
- prepare_wnaf_table(precmp, working, table_bits);
- if (control_bits > 0) {
- assert(control[0].addend > 0);
- assert(control[0].power >= 0);
- convert_tw_pniels_to_tw_extensible(working, &precmp[control[0].addend >> 1]);
- } else {
- set_identity_tw_extensible(working);
- return control_bits;
- }
- int conti = 1, i;
- struct tw_pniels_t neg;
- for (i = control[0].power - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- p448_tw_extensible_double(working);
- if (i == control[conti].power) {
- assert(control[conti].addend);
- if (control[conti].addend > 0) {
- p448_tw_extensible_add_pniels(working, &precmp[control[conti].addend >> 1]);
- } else {
- /* PERF: uncond negate */
- copy_tw_pniels(&neg, &precmp[(-control[conti].addend) >> 1]);
- pniels_cond_negate(&neg, -1);
- p448_tw_extensible_add_pniels(working, &neg);
- }
- conti++;
- assert(conti <= control_bits);
- }
- }
- return control_bits; /* TODO: don't return anything, this is just for testing */
- }
- void
- edwards_scalar_multiply_vt_pre(
- struct tw_extensible_t *working,
- const uint64_t scalar[7],
- const struct tw_niels_t *precmp,
- int table_bits
- ) {
- /* HACK: not 448? */
- const int nbits=448;
- struct smvt_control control[nbits/(table_bits+1)+3];
- int control_bits = recode_wnaf(control, scalar, nbits, table_bits);
- if (control_bits > 0) {
- assert(control[0].addend > 0);
- assert(control[0].power >= 0);
- convert_tw_niels_to_tw_extensible(working, &precmp[control[0].addend >> 1]);
- } else {
- set_identity_tw_extensible(working);
- return;
- }
- int conti = 1, i;
- struct tw_niels_t neg;
- for (i = control[0].power - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- p448_tw_extensible_double(working);
- if (i == control[conti].power) {
- assert(control[conti].addend);
- if (control[conti].addend > 0) {
- p448_tw_extensible_add_niels(working, &precmp[control[conti].addend >> 1]);
- } else {
- /* PERF: uncond negate */
- copy_tw_niels(&neg, &precmp[(-control[conti].addend) >> 1]);
- niels_cond_negate(&neg, -1);
- p448_tw_extensible_add_niels(working, &neg);
- }
- conti++;
- assert(conti <= control_bits);
- }
- }
- }
- int
- edwards_combo_var_fixed_vt(
- struct tw_extensible_t *working,
- const uint64_t scalar_var[7],
- const uint64_t scalar_pre[7],
- const struct tw_niels_t *precmp,
- int table_bits_pre
- ) {
- /* HACK: not 448? */
- const int nbits_var=448, nbits_pre=448, table_bits_var = 3;
- struct smvt_control control_var[nbits_var/(table_bits_var+1)+3];
- struct smvt_control control_pre[nbits_pre/(table_bits_pre+1)+3];
- int ncb_var = recode_wnaf(control_var, scalar_var, nbits_var, table_bits_var);
- int ncb_pre = recode_wnaf(control_pre, scalar_pre, nbits_pre, table_bits_pre);
- (void)ncb_var;
- (void)ncb_pre;
- struct tw_pniels_t precmp_var[1<<table_bits_var];
- prepare_wnaf_table(precmp_var, working, table_bits_var);
- int contp=0, contv=0, i;
- i = control_var[0].power;
- if (i > control_pre[0].power) {
- convert_tw_pniels_to_tw_extensible(working, &precmp_var[control_var[0].addend >> 1]);
- contv++;
- } else if (i == control_pre[0].power && i >=0 ) {
- convert_tw_pniels_to_tw_extensible(working, &precmp_var[control_var[0].addend >> 1]);
- p448_tw_extensible_add_niels(working, &precmp[control_pre[0].addend >> 1]);
- contv++; contp++;
- } else {
- i = control_pre[0].power;
- convert_tw_niels_to_tw_extensible(working, &precmp[control_pre[0].addend >> 1]);
- contp++;
- }
- if (i < 0) {
- set_identity_tw_extensible(working);
- return ncb_pre;
- }
- struct tw_pniels_t pneg;
- struct tw_niels_t neg;
- for (i--; i >= 0; i--) {
- p448_tw_extensible_double(working);
- if (i == control_var[contv].power) {
- assert(control_var[contv].addend);
- if (control_var[contv].addend > 0) {
- p448_tw_extensible_add_pniels(working, &precmp_var[control_var[contv].addend >> 1]);
- } else {
- /* PERF: uncond negate */
- copy_tw_pniels(&pneg, &precmp_var[(-control_var[contv].addend) >> 1]);
- pniels_cond_negate(&pneg, -1);
- p448_tw_extensible_add_pniels(working, &pneg);
- }
- contv++;
- }
- if (i == control_pre[contp].power) {
- assert(control_pre[contp].addend);
- if (control_pre[contp].addend > 0) {
- p448_tw_extensible_add_niels(working, &precmp[control_pre[contp].addend >> 1]);
- } else {
- /* PERF: uncond negate */
- copy_tw_niels(&neg, &precmp[(-control_pre[contp].addend) >> 1]);
- niels_cond_negate(&neg, -1);
- p448_tw_extensible_add_niels(working, &neg);
- }
- contp++;
- }
- }
- assert(contv == ncb_var);
- assert(contp == ncb_pre);
- return ncb_pre;
- }