- /* Copyright (c) 2014 Cryptography Research, Inc.
- * Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for license information.
- */
- #ifndef __P448_H__
- #define __P448_H__ 1
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include "word.h"
- typedef struct p448_t {
- uint64_t limb[8];
- } __attribute__((aligned(32))) p448_t;
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- static __inline__ void
- p448_set_ui(p448_t *out,
- uint64_t x)
- __attribute__((unused,always_inline));
- static __inline__ void
- p448_cond_swap(p448_t *a,
- p448_t *b,
- mask_t do_swap)
- __attribute__((unused,always_inline));
- static __inline__ void
- p448_add(p448_t *out,
- const p448_t *a,
- const p448_t *b)
- __attribute__((unused,always_inline));
- static __inline__ void
- p448_sub(p448_t *out,
- const p448_t *a,
- const p448_t *b)
- __attribute__((unused,always_inline));
- static __inline__ void
- p448_neg(p448_t *out,
- const p448_t *a)
- __attribute__((unused,always_inline));
- static __inline__ void
- p448_cond_neg(p448_t *a,
- mask_t doNegate)
- __attribute__((unused,always_inline));
- static __inline__ void
- p448_addw(p448_t *a,
- uint64_t x)
- __attribute__((unused,always_inline));
- static __inline__ void
- p448_subw(p448_t *a,
- uint64_t x)
- __attribute__((unused,always_inline));
- static __inline__ void
- p448_copy(p448_t *out, const p448_t *a)
- __attribute__((unused,always_inline));
- static __inline__ void
- p448_weak_reduce(p448_t *inout)
- __attribute__((unused,always_inline));
- void
- p448_strong_reduce(p448_t *inout);
- mask_t
- p448_is_zero(const p448_t *in);
- static __inline__ void
- p448_bias(p448_t *inout, int amount)
- __attribute__((unused,always_inline));
- void
- p448_mul(p448_t *__restrict__ out,
- const p448_t *a,
- const p448_t *b);
- void
- p448_mulw(p448_t *__restrict__ out,
- const p448_t *a,
- uint64_t b);
- void
- p448_sqr(p448_t *__restrict__ out,
- const p448_t *a);
- static __inline__ void
- p448_sqrn(p448_t *__restrict__ y, const p448_t *x, int n)
- __attribute__((unused,always_inline));
- void
- p448_set_ui(p448_t *out,
- uint64_t x) {
- int i;
- out->limb[0] = x;
- for (i=1; i<8; i++) {
- out->limb[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- void
- p448_cond_swap(p448_t *a, p448_t *b, mask_t doswap) {
- big_register_t *aa = (big_register_t*)a;
- big_register_t *bb = (big_register_t*)b;
- big_register_t m = doswap;
- unsigned int i;
- for (i=0; i<sizeof(*a)/sizeof(*aa); i++) {
- big_register_t x = m & (aa[i]^bb[i]);
- aa[i] ^= x;
- bb[i] ^= x;
- }
- }
- void
- p448_add(p448_t *out, const p448_t *a, const p448_t *b) {
- unsigned int i;
- for (i=0; i<sizeof(*out)/sizeof(uint64xn_t); i++) {
- ((uint64xn_t*)out)[i] = ((const uint64xn_t*)a)[i] + ((const uint64xn_t*)b)[i];
- }
- /*
- unsigned int i;
- for (i=0; i<sizeof(*out)/sizeof(out->limb[0]); i++) {
- out->limb[i] = a->limb[i] + b->limb[i];
- }
- */
- }
- void
- p448_sub(p448_t *out, const p448_t *a, const p448_t *b) {
- unsigned int i;
- for (i=0; i<sizeof(*out)/sizeof(uint64xn_t); i++) {
- ((uint64xn_t*)out)[i] = ((const uint64xn_t*)a)[i] - ((const uint64xn_t*)b)[i];
- }
- /*
- unsigned int i;
- for (i=0; i<sizeof(*out)/sizeof(out->limb[0]); i++) {
- out->limb[i] = a->limb[i] - b->limb[i];
- }
- */
- }
- void
- p448_neg(p448_t *out, const p448_t *a) {
- unsigned int i;
- for (i=0; i<sizeof(*out)/sizeof(uint64xn_t); i++) {
- ((uint64xn_t*)out)[i] = -((const uint64xn_t*)a)[i];
- }
- /*
- unsigned int i;
- for (i=0; i<sizeof(*out)/sizeof(out->limb[0]); i++) {
- out->limb[i] = -a->limb[i];
- }
- */
- }
- void
- p448_cond_neg(
- p448_t *a,
- mask_t doNegate
- ) {
- unsigned int i;
- struct p448_t negated;
- big_register_t *aa = (big_register_t *)a;
- big_register_t *nn = (big_register_t*)&negated;
- big_register_t m = doNegate;
- p448_neg(&negated, a);
- p448_bias(&negated, 2);
- for (i=0; i<sizeof(*a)/sizeof(*aa); i++) {
- aa[i] = (aa[i] & ~m) | (nn[i] & m);
- }
- }
- void
- p448_addw(p448_t *a, uint64_t x) {
- a->limb[0] += x;
- }
- void
- p448_subw(p448_t *a, uint64_t x) {
- a->limb[0] -= x;
- }
- void
- p448_copy(p448_t *out, const p448_t *a) {
- *out = *a;
- }
- void
- p448_bias(p448_t *a, int amt) {
- uint64_t co1 = ((1ull<<56)-1)*amt, co2 = co1-amt;
- uint64x4_t lo = {co1,co1,co1,co1}, hi = {co2,co1,co1,co1};
- uint64x4_t *aa = (uint64x4_t*) a;
- aa[0] += lo;
- aa[1] += hi;
- }
- void
- p448_weak_reduce(p448_t *a) {
- /* TODO: use pshufb/palignr if anyone cares about speed of this */
- uint64_t mask = (1ull<<56) - 1;
- uint64_t tmp = a->limb[7] >> 56;
- int i;
- a->limb[4] += tmp;
- for (i=7; i>0; i--) {
- a->limb[i] = (a->limb[i] & mask) + (a->limb[i-1]>>56);
- }
- a->limb[0] = (a->limb[0] & mask) + tmp;
- }
- void p448_sqrn(p448_t *__restrict__ y, const p448_t *x, int n) {
- p448_t tmp;
- assert(n>0);
- if (n&1) {
- p448_sqr(y,x);
- n--;
- } else {
- p448_sqr(&tmp,x);
- p448_sqr(y,&tmp);
- n-=2;
- }
- for (; n; n-=2) {
- p448_sqr(&tmp,y);
- p448_sqr(y,&tmp);
- }
- }
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }; /* extern "C" */
- #endif
- #endif /* __P448_H__ */