- /* Copyright (c) 2014 Cryptography Research, Inc.
- * Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for license information.
- */
- /* This file was generated with the assistance of a tool written in SAGE. */
- #include "ec_point.h"
- void
- p448_isr (
- struct p448_t* a,
- const struct p448_t* x
- ) {
- struct p448_t L0, L1, L2;
- p448_sqr ( &L1, x );
- p448_mul ( &L2, x, &L1 );
- p448_sqr ( &L1, &L2 );
- p448_mul ( &L2, x, &L1 );
- p448_sqrn ( &L1, &L2, 3 );
- p448_mul ( &L0, &L2, &L1 );
- p448_sqrn ( &L1, &L0, 3 );
- p448_mul ( &L0, &L2, &L1 );
- p448_sqrn ( &L2, &L0, 9 );
- p448_mul ( &L1, &L0, &L2 );
- p448_sqr ( &L0, &L1 );
- p448_mul ( &L2, x, &L0 );
- p448_sqrn ( &L0, &L2, 18 );
- p448_mul ( &L2, &L1, &L0 );
- p448_sqrn ( &L0, &L2, 37 );
- p448_mul ( &L1, &L2, &L0 );
- p448_sqrn ( &L0, &L1, 37 );
- p448_mul ( &L1, &L2, &L0 );
- p448_sqrn ( &L0, &L1, 111 );
- p448_mul ( &L2, &L1, &L0 );
- p448_sqr ( &L0, &L2 );
- p448_mul ( &L1, x, &L0 );
- p448_sqrn ( &L0, &L1, 223 );
- p448_mul ( a, &L2, &L0 );
- }
- void
- p448_inverse (
- struct p448_t* a,
- const struct p448_t* x
- ) {
- struct p448_t L0, L1;
- p448_isr ( &L0, x );
- p448_sqr ( &L1, &L0 );
- p448_sqr ( &L0, &L1 );
- p448_mul ( a, x, &L0 );
- }
- void
- p448_tw_extensible_add_niels (
- struct tw_extensible_t* d,
- const struct tw_niels_t* e
- ) {
- struct p448_t L0, L1;
- p448_bias ( &d->y, 2 );
- p448_bias ( &d->z, 2 );
- p448_sub ( &L1, &d->y, &d->x );
- p448_mul ( &L0, &e->a, &L1 );
- p448_add ( &L1, &d->x, &d->y );
- p448_mul ( &d->y, &e->b, &L1 );
- p448_bias ( &d->y, 2 );
- p448_mul ( &L1, &d->u, &d->t );
- p448_mul ( &d->x, &e->c, &L1 );
- p448_add ( &d->u, &L0, &d->y );
- p448_sub ( &d->t, &d->y, &L0 );
- p448_sub ( &d->y, &d->z, &d->x );
- p448_add ( &L0, &d->x, &d->z );
- p448_mul ( &d->z, &L0, &d->y );
- p448_mul ( &d->x, &d->y, &d->t );
- p448_mul ( &d->y, &L0, &d->u );
- }
- void
- p448_tw_extensible_add_pniels (
- struct tw_extensible_t* e,
- const struct tw_pniels_t* a
- ) {
- struct p448_t L0;
- p448_mul ( &L0, &e->z, &a->z );
- p448_copy ( &e->z, &L0 );
- p448_tw_extensible_add_niels( e, &a->n );
- }
- void
- p448_tw_extensible_double (
- struct tw_extensible_t* a
- ) {
- struct p448_t L0, L1, L2;
- p448_sqr ( &L2, &a->x );
- p448_sqr ( &L0, &a->y );
- p448_add ( &a->u, &L2, &L0 );
- p448_add ( &a->t, &a->y, &a->x );
- p448_sqr ( &L1, &a->t );
- p448_bias ( &L1, 3 );
- p448_sub ( &a->t, &L1, &a->u );
- p448_sub ( &L1, &L0, &L2 );
- p448_bias ( &L1, 2 );
- p448_sqr ( &a->x, &a->z );
- p448_bias ( &a->x, 2 );
- p448_add ( &a->z, &a->x, &a->x );
- p448_sub ( &L0, &a->z, &L1 );
- p448_mul ( &a->z, &L1, &L0 );
- p448_mul ( &a->x, &L0, &a->t );
- p448_mul ( &a->y, &L1, &a->u );
- }
- void
- p448_extensible_double (
- struct extensible_t* a
- ) {
- struct p448_t L0, L1, L2;
- p448_sqr ( &L2, &a->x );
- p448_sqr ( &L0, &a->y );
- p448_add ( &L1, &L2, &L0 );
- p448_add ( &a->t, &a->y, &a->x );
- p448_sqr ( &a->u, &a->t );
- p448_bias ( &a->u, 3 );
- p448_sub ( &a->t, &a->u, &L1 );
- p448_sub ( &a->u, &L0, &L2 );
- p448_bias ( &a->u, 2 );
- p448_sqr ( &a->x, &a->z );
- p448_bias ( &a->x, 2 );
- p448_add ( &a->z, &a->x, &a->x );
- p448_sub ( &L0, &a->z, &L1 );
- p448_mul ( &a->z, &L1, &L0 );
- p448_mul ( &a->x, &L0, &a->t );
- p448_mul ( &a->y, &L1, &a->u );
- }
- void
- p448_isogeny_un_to_tw (
- struct tw_extensible_t* b,
- const struct extensible_t* a
- ) {
- struct p448_t L0;
- p448_sqr ( &b->x, &a->x );
- p448_sqr ( &b->z, &a->y );
- p448_add ( &b->u, &b->x, &b->z );
- p448_add ( &b->t, &a->y, &a->x );
- p448_sqr ( &L0, &b->t );
- p448_bias ( &L0, 3 );
- p448_sub ( &b->t, &L0, &b->u );
- p448_sub ( &L0, &b->z, &b->x );
- p448_bias ( &L0, 2 );
- p448_sqr ( &b->x, &a->z );
- p448_bias ( &b->x, 2 );
- p448_add ( &b->z, &b->x, &b->x );
- p448_sub ( &b->y, &b->z, &b->u );
- p448_mul ( &b->z, &L0, &b->y );
- p448_mul ( &b->x, &b->y, &b->t );
- p448_mul ( &b->y, &L0, &b->u );
- }
- void
- p448_isogeny_tw_to_un (
- struct extensible_t* b,
- const struct tw_extensible_t* a
- ) {
- struct p448_t L0;
- p448_sqr ( &b->x, &a->x );
- p448_sqr ( &b->z, &a->y );
- p448_add ( &L0, &b->x, &b->z );
- p448_add ( &b->t, &a->y, &a->x );
- p448_sqr ( &b->u, &b->t );
- p448_bias ( &b->u, 3 );
- p448_sub ( &b->t, &b->u, &L0 );
- p448_sub ( &b->u, &b->z, &b->x );
- p448_bias ( &b->u, 2 );
- p448_sqr ( &b->x, &a->z );
- p448_bias ( &b->x, 2 );
- p448_add ( &b->z, &b->x, &b->x );
- p448_sub ( &b->y, &b->z, &b->u );
- p448_mul ( &b->z, &L0, &b->y );
- p448_mul ( &b->x, &b->y, &b->t );
- p448_mul ( &b->y, &L0, &b->u );
- }
- void
- convert_tw_affine_to_tw_pniels (
- struct tw_pniels_t* b,
- const struct tw_affine_t* a
- ) {
- p448_sub ( &b->n.a, &a->y, &a->x );
- p448_bias ( &b->n.a, 2 );
- p448_weak_reduce( &b->n.a );
- p448_add ( &b->n.b, &a->x, &a->y );
- p448_weak_reduce( &b->n.b );
- p448_mul ( &b->n.c, &a->y, &a->x );
- p448_mulw ( &b->z, &b->n.c, 78164 );
- p448_neg ( &b->n.c, &b->z );
- p448_bias ( &b->n.c, 2 );
- p448_weak_reduce( &b->n.c );
- p448_set_ui( &b->z, 2 );
- }
- void
- convert_tw_affine_to_tw_extensible (
- struct tw_extensible_t* b,
- const struct tw_affine_t* a
- ) {
- p448_copy ( &b->x, &a->x );
- p448_copy ( &b->y, &a->y );
- p448_set_ui( &b->z, 1 );
- p448_copy ( &b->t, &a->x );
- p448_copy ( &b->u, &a->y );
- }
- void
- convert_affine_to_extensible (
- struct extensible_t* b,
- const struct affine_t* a
- ) {
- p448_copy ( &b->x, &a->x );
- p448_copy ( &b->y, &a->y );
- p448_set_ui( &b->z, 1 );
- p448_copy ( &b->t, &a->x );
- p448_copy ( &b->u, &a->y );
- }
- void
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels (
- struct tw_pniels_t* b,
- const struct tw_extensible_t* a
- ) {
- p448_sub ( &b->n.a, &a->y, &a->x );
- p448_bias ( &b->n.a, 2 );
- p448_weak_reduce( &b->n.a );
- p448_add ( &b->n.b, &a->x, &a->y );
- p448_weak_reduce( &b->n.b );
- p448_mul ( &b->n.c, &a->u, &a->t );
- p448_mulw ( &b->z, &b->n.c, 78164 );
- p448_neg ( &b->n.c, &b->z );
- p448_bias ( &b->n.c, 2 );
- p448_weak_reduce( &b->n.c );
- p448_add ( &b->z, &a->z, &a->z );
- p448_weak_reduce( &b->z );
- }
- void
- convert_tw_pniels_to_tw_extensible (
- struct tw_extensible_t* e,
- const struct tw_pniels_t* d
- ) {
- p448_add ( &e->u, &d->n.b, &d->n.a );
- p448_sub ( &e->t, &d->n.b, &d->n.a );
- p448_bias ( &e->t, 2 );
- p448_mul ( &e->x, &d->z, &e->t );
- p448_mul ( &e->y, &d->z, &e->u );
- p448_sqr ( &e->z, &d->z );
- }
- void
- convert_tw_niels_to_tw_extensible (
- struct tw_extensible_t* e,
- const struct tw_niels_t* d
- ) {
- p448_add ( &e->y, &d->b, &d->a );
- p448_weak_reduce( &e->y );
- p448_sub ( &e->x, &d->b, &d->a );
- p448_bias ( &e->x, 2 );
- p448_weak_reduce( &e->x );
- p448_set_ui( &e->z, 1 );
- p448_copy ( &e->t, &e->x );
- p448_copy ( &e->u, &e->y );
- }
- void
- p448_montgomery_step (
- struct montgomery_t* a
- ) {
- struct p448_t L0, L1;
- p448_bias ( &a->xd, 2 );
- p448_bias ( &a->xa, 2 );
- p448_add ( &L0, &a->zd, &a->xd );
- p448_sub ( &L1, &a->xd, &a->zd );
- p448_sub ( &a->zd, &a->xa, &a->za );
- p448_mul ( &a->xd, &L0, &a->zd );
- p448_bias ( &a->xd, 2 );
- p448_add ( &a->zd, &a->za, &a->xa );
- p448_mul ( &a->za, &L1, &a->zd );
- p448_add ( &a->xa, &a->za, &a->xd );
- p448_sqr ( &a->zd, &a->xa );
- p448_mul ( &a->xa, &a->z0, &a->zd );
- p448_sub ( &a->zd, &a->xd, &a->za );
- p448_sqr ( &a->za, &a->zd );
- p448_sqr ( &a->xd, &L0 );
- p448_bias ( &a->xd, 2 );
- p448_sqr ( &L0, &L1 );
- p448_mulw ( &a->zd, &a->xd, 39082 );
- p448_bias ( &a->zd, 4 );
- p448_sub ( &L1, &a->xd, &L0 );
- p448_mul ( &a->xd, &L0, &a->zd );
- p448_sub ( &L0, &a->zd, &L1 );
- p448_mul ( &a->zd, &L0, &L1 );
- }
- void
- p448_montgomery_serialize (
- struct p448_t* sign,
- struct p448_t* ser,
- const struct montgomery_t* a,
- const struct p448_t* sbz
- ) {
- struct p448_t L0, L1, L2, L3;
- p448_mul ( &L2, &a->z0, &a->zd );
- p448_bias ( &L2, 2 );
- p448_sub ( &L0, &L2, &a->xd );
- p448_mul ( &L2, &a->za, &L0 );
- p448_bias ( &L2, 2 );
- p448_mul ( &L1, &a->z0, &a->xd );
- p448_bias ( &L1, 2 );
- p448_sub ( &L0, &L1, &a->zd );
- p448_mul ( &L3, &a->xa, &L0 );
- p448_add ( &L1, &L3, &L2 );
- p448_sub ( &L0, &L2, &L3 );
- p448_mul ( &L2, &L0, &L1 );
- p448_mul ( &L0, sbz, &L2 );
- p448_mul ( &L2, &a->zd, &L0 );
- p448_mul ( sign, &L2, &a->zd );
- p448_mul ( ser, &L2, &a->xd );
- p448_mul ( &L2, sign, ser );
- p448_isr ( &L1, &L2 );
- p448_mul ( ser, sign, &L1 );
- p448_sqr ( &L0, &L1 );
- p448_mul ( sign, &L2, &L0 );
- }
- void
- extensible_serialize (
- struct p448_t* b,
- const struct extensible_t* a
- ) {
- struct p448_t L0, L1, L2;
- p448_sub ( &L0, &a->y, &a->z );
- p448_bias ( &L0, 2 );
- p448_add ( b, &a->z, &a->y );
- p448_mul ( &L1, &a->z, &a->x );
- p448_mul ( &L2, &L0, &L1 );
- p448_mul ( &L1, &L2, &L0 );
- p448_mul ( &L0, &L2, b );
- p448_mul ( &L2, &L1, &L0 );
- p448_isr ( &L0, &L2 );
- p448_mul ( b, &L1, &L0 );
- p448_sqr ( &L1, &L0 );
- p448_mul ( &L0, &L2, &L1 );
- }
- void
- isogeny_and_serialize (
- struct p448_t* b,
- const struct tw_extensible_t* a
- ) {
- struct p448_t L0, L1, L2, L3;
- p448_mul ( &L3, &a->y, &a->x );
- p448_add ( &L1, &a->y, &a->x );
- p448_sqr ( b, &L1 );
- p448_add ( &L2, &L3, &L3 );
- p448_sub ( &L1, b, &L2 );
- p448_bias ( &L1, 3 );
- p448_sqr ( &L2, &a->z );
- p448_sqr ( b, &L2 );
- p448_add ( &L2, &L1, &L1 );
- p448_mulw ( &L1, &L2, 39082 );
- p448_neg ( &L2, &L1 );
- p448_bias ( &L2, 2 );
- p448_mulw ( &L0, &L2, 39082 );
- p448_neg ( &L1, &L0 );
- p448_bias ( &L1, 2 );
- p448_mul ( &L0, &L2, b );
- p448_mul ( b, &L1, &L0 );
- p448_isr ( &L0, b );
- p448_mul ( &L2, &L1, &L0 );
- p448_sqr ( &L1, &L0 );
- p448_mul ( &L0, b, &L1 );
- p448_mul ( b, &L2, &L3 );
- }
- mask_t
- affine_deserialize (
- struct affine_t* a,
- const struct p448_t* sz
- ) {
- struct p448_t L0, L1, L2, L3;
- p448_sqr ( &L1, sz );
- p448_copy ( &L3, &L1 );
- p448_addw ( &L3, 1 );
- p448_sqr ( &a->x, &L3 );
- p448_mulw ( &L3, &a->x, 39082 );
- p448_neg ( &a->x, &L3 );
- p448_add ( &L3, &L1, &L1 );
- p448_bias ( &L3, 1 );
- p448_add ( &a->y, &L3, &L3 );
- p448_add ( &L3, &a->y, &a->x );
- p448_copy ( &a->y, &L1 );
- p448_subw ( &a->y, 1 );
- p448_neg ( &a->x, &a->y );
- p448_bias ( &a->x, 2 );
- p448_mul ( &a->y, &a->x, &L3 );
- p448_sqr ( &L2, &a->x );
- p448_mul ( &L0, &L2, &a->y );
- p448_mul ( &a->y, &a->x, &L0 );
- p448_isr ( &L3, &a->y );
- p448_mul ( &a->y, &L2, &L3 );
- p448_sqr ( &L2, &L3 );
- p448_mul ( &L3, &L0, &L2 );
- p448_mul ( &L0, &a->x, &L3 );
- p448_bias ( &L0, 1 );
- p448_add ( &L2, &a->y, &a->y );
- p448_mul ( &a->x, sz, &L2 );
- p448_addw ( &L1, 1 );
- p448_mul ( &a->y, &L1, &L3 );
- p448_subw ( &L0, 1 );
- return p448_is_zero( &L0 );
- }
- void
- set_identity_extensible (
- struct extensible_t* a
- ) {
- p448_set_ui( &a->x, 0 );
- p448_set_ui( &a->y, 1 );
- p448_set_ui( &a->z, 1 );
- p448_set_ui( &a->t, 0 );
- p448_set_ui( &a->u, 0 );
- }
- void
- set_identity_tw_extensible (
- struct tw_extensible_t* a
- ) {
- p448_set_ui( &a->x, 0 );
- p448_set_ui( &a->y, 1 );
- p448_set_ui( &a->z, 1 );
- p448_set_ui( &a->t, 0 );
- p448_set_ui( &a->u, 0 );
- }
- void
- set_identity_affine (
- struct affine_t* a
- ) {
- p448_set_ui( &a->x, 0 );
- p448_set_ui( &a->y, 1 );
- }
- mask_t
- eq_affine (
- const struct affine_t* a,
- const struct affine_t* b
- ) {
- mask_t L0, L1;
- struct p448_t L2;
- p448_sub ( &L2, &a->x, &b->x );
- p448_bias ( &L2, 2 );
- L1 = p448_is_zero( &L2 );
- p448_sub ( &L2, &a->y, &b->y );
- p448_bias ( &L2, 2 );
- L0 = p448_is_zero( &L2 );
- return L1 & L0;
- }
- mask_t
- eq_extensible (
- const struct extensible_t* a,
- const struct extensible_t* b
- ) {
- mask_t L0, L1;
- struct p448_t L2, L3, L4;
- p448_mul ( &L4, &b->z, &a->x );
- p448_mul ( &L3, &a->z, &b->x );
- p448_sub ( &L2, &L4, &L3 );
- p448_bias ( &L2, 2 );
- L1 = p448_is_zero( &L2 );
- p448_mul ( &L4, &b->z, &a->y );
- p448_mul ( &L3, &a->z, &b->y );
- p448_sub ( &L2, &L4, &L3 );
- p448_bias ( &L2, 2 );
- L0 = p448_is_zero( &L2 );
- return L1 & L0;
- }
- mask_t
- eq_tw_extensible (
- const struct tw_extensible_t* a,
- const struct tw_extensible_t* b
- ) {
- mask_t L0, L1;
- struct p448_t L2, L3, L4;
- p448_mul ( &L4, &b->z, &a->x );
- p448_mul ( &L3, &a->z, &b->x );
- p448_sub ( &L2, &L4, &L3 );
- p448_bias ( &L2, 2 );
- L1 = p448_is_zero( &L2 );
- p448_mul ( &L4, &b->z, &a->y );
- p448_mul ( &L3, &a->z, &b->y );
- p448_sub ( &L2, &L4, &L3 );
- p448_bias ( &L2, 2 );
- L0 = p448_is_zero( &L2 );
- return L1 & L0;
- }
- void
- elligator_2s_inject (
- struct affine_t* a,
- const struct p448_t* r
- ) {
- mask_t L0, L1;
- struct p448_t L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, L9;
- p448_sqr ( &a->x, r );
- p448_sqr ( &L3, &a->x );
- p448_copy ( &a->y, &L3 );
- p448_subw ( &a->y, 1 );
- p448_neg ( &L9, &a->y );
- p448_bias ( &L9, 2 );
- p448_sqr ( &L2, &L9 );
- p448_bias ( &L2, 1 );
- p448_mulw ( &L7, &L2, 1527402724 );
- p448_bias ( &L7, 2 );
- p448_mulw ( &L8, &L3, 6108985600 );
- p448_add ( &a->y, &L8, &L7 );
- p448_mulw ( &L8, &L2, 6109454568 );
- p448_sub ( &L7, &a->y, &L8 );
- p448_mulw ( &L4, &a->y, 78160 );
- p448_mul ( &L6, &L7, &L9 );
- p448_mul ( &L8, &L6, &L4 );
- p448_mul ( &L4, &L7, &L8 );
- p448_isr ( &L5, &L4 );
- p448_mul ( &L4, &L6, &L5 );
- p448_sqr ( &L6, &L5 );
- p448_mul ( &L5, &L8, &L6 );
- p448_mul ( &L8, &L7, &L5 );
- p448_mul ( &L7, &L8, &L5 );
- p448_copy ( &L6, &a->x );
- p448_subw ( &L6, 1 );
- p448_addw ( &a->x, 1 );
- p448_mul ( &L5, &a->x, &L8 );
- p448_sub ( &a->x, &L6, &L5 );
- p448_bias ( &a->x, 3 );
- p448_mul ( &L5, &L4, &a->x );
- p448_mulw ( &L4, &L5, 78160 );
- p448_neg ( &a->x, &L4 );
- p448_bias ( &a->x, 2 );
- p448_weak_reduce( &a->x );
- p448_add ( &L4, &L3, &L3 );
- p448_add ( &L3, &L4, &L2 );
- p448_subw ( &L3, 2 );
- p448_mul ( &L2, &L3, &L8 );
- p448_mulw ( &L3, &L2, 3054649120 );
- p448_add ( &L2, &L3, &a->y );
- p448_mul ( &a->y, &L7, &L2 );
- L1 = p448_is_zero( &L9 );
- L0 = - L1;
- p448_addw ( &a->y, L0 );
- p448_weak_reduce( &a->y );
- }
- mask_t
- p448_affine_validate (
- const struct affine_t* a
- ) {
- struct p448_t L0, L1, L2, L3;
- p448_sqr ( &L0, &a->y );
- p448_sqr ( &L2, &a->x );
- p448_add ( &L3, &L2, &L0 );
- p448_subw ( &L3, 1 );
- p448_mulw ( &L1, &L2, 39081 );
- p448_neg ( &L2, &L1 );
- p448_bias ( &L2, 2 );
- p448_mul ( &L1, &L0, &L2 );
- p448_sub ( &L0, &L3, &L1 );
- p448_bias ( &L0, 3 );
- return p448_is_zero( &L0 );
- }
- mask_t
- p448_tw_extensible_validate (
- const struct tw_extensible_t* ext
- ) {
- mask_t L0, L1;
- struct p448_t L2, L3, L4, L5;
- /*
- * Check invariant:
- * 0 = -x*y + z*t*u
- */
- p448_mul ( &L2, &ext->t, &ext->u );
- p448_mul ( &L4, &ext->z, &L2 );
- p448_addw ( &L4, 0 );
- p448_mul ( &L3, &ext->x, &ext->y );
- p448_neg ( &L2, &L3 );
- p448_add ( &L3, &L2, &L4 );
- p448_bias ( &L3, 2 );
- L1 = p448_is_zero( &L3 );
- /*
- * Check invariant:
- * 0 = d*t^2*u^2 + x^2 - y^2 + z^2 - t^2*u^2
- */
- p448_sqr ( &L4, &ext->y );
- p448_neg ( &L2, &L4 );
- p448_addw ( &L2, 0 );
- p448_sqr ( &L3, &ext->x );
- p448_bias ( &L3, 4 );
- p448_add ( &L4, &L3, &L2 );
- p448_sqr ( &L5, &ext->u );
- p448_sqr ( &L3, &ext->t );
- p448_mul ( &L2, &L3, &L5 );
- p448_mulw ( &L3, &L2, 39081 );
- p448_neg ( &L5, &L3 );
- p448_add ( &L3, &L5, &L4 );
- p448_neg ( &L5, &L2 );
- p448_add ( &L4, &L5, &L3 );
- p448_sqr ( &L3, &ext->z );
- p448_add ( &L2, &L3, &L4 );
- L0 = p448_is_zero( &L2 );
- return L1 & L0;
- }