- /* Copyright (c) 2011 Stanford University.
- * Copyright (c) 2014 Cryptography Research, Inc.
- * Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for license information.
- */
- /* Chacha random number generator code copied from crandom */
- #include "intrinsics.h"
- #include "crandom.h"
- volatile unsigned int crandom_features = 0;
- unsigned int crandom_detect_features() {
- unsigned int out = GEN;
- # if (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))
- u_int32_t a,b,c,d;
- a=1; __asm__("cpuid" : "+a"(a), "=b"(b), "=c"(c), "=d"(d));
- out |= GEN;
- if (d & 1<<26) out |= SSE2;
- if (d & 1<< 9) out |= SSSE3;
- if (c & 1<<25) out |= AESNI;
- if (c & 1<<28) out |= AVX;
- if (b & 1<<5) out |= AVX2;
- a=0x80000001; __asm__("cpuid" : "+a"(a), "=b"(b), "=c"(c), "=d"(d));
- if (c & 1<<11) out |= XOP;
- # endif
- return out;
- }
- /* ------------------------------- Vectorized code ------------------------------- */
- #define shuffle(x,i) _mm_shuffle_epi32(x, \
- i + ((i+1)&3)*4 + ((i+2)&3)*16 + ((i+3)&3)*64)
- #define add _mm_add_epi32
- #define add64 _mm_add_epi64
- #define NEED_CONV (!MUST_HAVE(SSE2))
- #if NEED_XOP
- static __inline__ void
- quarter_round_xop(
- ssereg *a,
- ssereg *b,
- ssereg *c,
- ssereg *d
- ) {
- *a = add(*a,*b); *d = xop_rotate(16, *d ^ *a);
- *c = add(*c,*d); *b = xop_rotate(12, *b ^ *c);
- *a = add(*a,*b); *d = xop_rotate(8, *d ^ *a);
- *c = add(*c,*d); *b = xop_rotate(7, *b ^ *c);
- }
- #endif
- #if NEED_SSSE3
- static const ssereg shuffle8 = { 0x0605040702010003ull, 0x0E0D0C0F0A09080Bull };
- static const ssereg shuffle16 = { 0x0504070601000302ull, 0x0D0C0F0E09080B0Aull };
- INTRINSIC ssereg ssse3_rotate_8(ssereg a) {
- return _mm_shuffle_epi8(a, shuffle8);
- }
- INTRINSIC ssereg ssse3_rotate_16(ssereg a) {
- return _mm_shuffle_epi8(a, shuffle16);
- }
- static __inline__ void
- quarter_round_ssse3(
- ssereg *a,
- ssereg *b,
- ssereg *c,
- ssereg *d
- ) {
- *a = add(*a,*b); *d = ssse3_rotate_16(*d ^ *a);
- *c = add(*c,*d); *b = sse2_rotate(12, *b ^ *c);
- *a = add(*a,*b); *d = ssse3_rotate_8( *d ^ *a);
- *c = add(*c,*d); *b = sse2_rotate(7, *b ^ *c);
- }
- #endif /* MIGHT_HAVE(SSSE3) && !MUST_HAVE(XOP) */
- #if NEED_SSE2
- static __inline__ void
- quarter_round_sse2(
- ssereg *a,
- ssereg *b,
- ssereg *c,
- ssereg *d
- ) {
- *a = add(*a,*b); *d = sse2_rotate(16, *d ^ *a);
- *c = add(*c,*d); *b = sse2_rotate(12, *b ^ *c);
- *a = add(*a,*b); *d = sse2_rotate(8, *d ^ *a);
- *c = add(*c,*d); *b = sse2_rotate(7, *b ^ *c);
- }
- #endif
- #define DOUBLE_ROUND(qrf) { \
- qrf(&a1,&b1,&c1,&d1); \
- qrf(&a2,&b2,&c2,&d2); \
- b1 = shuffle(b1,1); \
- c1 = shuffle(c1,2); \
- d1 = shuffle(d1,3); \
- b2 = shuffle(b2,1); \
- c2 = shuffle(c2,2); \
- d2 = shuffle(d2,3); \
- \
- qrf(&a1,&b1,&c1,&d1); \
- qrf(&a2,&b2,&c2,&d2); \
- b1 = shuffle(b1,3); \
- c1 = shuffle(c1,2); \
- d1 = shuffle(d1,1); \
- b2 = shuffle(b2,3); \
- c2 = shuffle(c2,2); \
- d2 = shuffle(d2,1); \
- }
- #define OUTPUT_FUNCTION { \
- output[0] = add(a1,aa); \
- output[1] = add(b1,bb); \
- output[2] = add(c1,cc); \
- output[3] = add(d1,dd); \
- output[4] = add(a2,aa); \
- output[5] = add(b2,bb); \
- output[6] = add(c2,add(cc,p)); \
- output[7] = add(d2,dd); \
- \
- output += 8; \
- \
- cc = add64(add64(cc,p), p); \
- a1 = a2 = aa; \
- b1 = b2 = bb; \
- c1 = cc; c2 = add64(cc,p);\
- d1 = d2 = dd; \
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- INTRINSIC u_int32_t rotate(int r, u_int32_t a) {
- return a<<r ^ a>>(32-r);
- }
- static __inline__ void
- quarter_round(u_int32_t *a, u_int32_t *b, u_int32_t *c, u_int32_t *d) {
- *a = *a + *b; *d = rotate(16, *d^*a);
- *c = *c + *d; *b = rotate(12, *b^*c);
- *a = *a + *b; *d = rotate(8, *d^*a);
- *c = *c + *d; *b = rotate(7, *b^*c);
- }
- static void
- crandom_chacha_expand(u_int64_t iv,
- u_int64_t ctr,
- int nr,
- int output_size,
- const unsigned char *key_,
- unsigned char *output_) {
- if (HAVE(SSE2)) {
- ssereg *key = (ssereg *)key_;
- ssereg *output = (ssereg *)output_;
- ssereg a1 = key[0], a2 = a1, aa = a1,
- b1 = key[1], b2 = b1, bb = b1,
- c1 = {iv, ctr}, c2 = {iv, ctr+1}, cc = c1,
- d1 = {0x3320646e61707865ull, 0x6b20657479622d32ull},
- d2 = d1, dd = d1,
- p = {0, 1};
- int i,r;
- # if (NEED_XOP)
- if (HAVE(XOP)) {
- for (i=0; i<output_size; i+=128) {
- for (r=nr; r>0; r-=2)
- DOUBLE_ROUND(quarter_round_xop);
- }
- return;
- }
- # endif
- # if (NEED_SSSE3)
- if (HAVE(SSSE3)) {
- for (i=0; i<output_size; i+=128) {
- for (r=nr; r>0; r-=2)
- DOUBLE_ROUND(quarter_round_ssse3);
- }
- return;
- }
- # endif
- # if (NEED_SSE2)
- if (HAVE(SSE2)) {
- for (i=0; i<output_size; i+=128) {
- for (r=nr; r>0; r-=2)
- DOUBLE_ROUND(quarter_round_sse2);
- }
- return;
- }
- # endif
- }
- # endif
- # if NEED_CONV
- {
- const u_int32_t *key = (const u_int32_t *)key_;
- u_int32_t
- x[16],
- input[16] = {
- key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3],
- key[4], key[5], key[6], key[7],
- iv, iv>>32, ctr, ctr>>32,
- 0x61707865, 0x3320646e, 0x79622d32, 0x6b206574
- },
- *output = (u_int32_t *)output_;
- int i, r;
- for (i=0; i<output_size; i+= 64) {
- for (r=0; r<16; r++) {
- x[r] = input[r];
- }
- for (r=nr; r>0; r-=2) {
- quarter_round(&x[0], &x[4], &x[8], &x[12]);
- quarter_round(&x[1], &x[5], &x[9], &x[13]);
- quarter_round(&x[2], &x[6], &x[10], &x[14]);
- quarter_round(&x[3], &x[7], &x[11], &x[15]);
- quarter_round(&x[0], &x[5], &x[10], &x[15]);
- quarter_round(&x[1], &x[6], &x[11], &x[12]);
- quarter_round(&x[2], &x[7], &x[8], &x[13]);
- quarter_round(&x[3], &x[4], &x[9], &x[14]);
- }
- for (r=0; r<16; r++) {
- output[r] = x[r] + input[r];
- }
- output += 16;
- input[11] ++;
- if (!input[11]) input[12]++;
- }
- }
- #endif /* NEED_CONV */
- }
- /* "return 4", cf xkcd #221 */
- #define CRANDOM_MAGIC 0x72657475726e2034ull
- int
- crandom_init_from_file(
- struct crandom_state_t *state,
- const char *filename,
- int reseed_interval,
- int reseeds_mandatory
- ) {
- state->fill = 0;
- state->reseed_countdown = reseed_interval;
- state->reseed_interval = reseed_interval;
- state->ctr = 0;
- state->randomfd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
- if (state->randomfd == -1) {
- int err = errno;
- return err ? err : -1;
- }
- ssize_t offset = 0, red;
- do {
- red = read(state->randomfd, state->seed + offset, 32 - offset);
- if (red > 0) offset += red;
- } while (red > 0 && offset < 32);
- if (offset < 32) {
- int err = errno;
- return err ? err : -1;
- }
- bzero(state->buffer, 96);
- state->magic = CRANDOM_MAGIC;
- state->reseeds_mandatory = reseeds_mandatory;
- return 0;
- }
- void
- crandom_init_from_buffer(
- struct crandom_state_t *state,
- const char initial_seed[32]
- ) {
- memcpy(state->seed, initial_seed, 32);
- bzero(state->buffer, 96);
- state->reseed_countdown = state->reseed_interval = state->fill = state->ctr = state->reseeds_mandatory = 0;
- state->randomfd = -1;
- state->magic = CRANDOM_MAGIC;
- }
- int
- crandom_generate(
- struct crandom_state_t *state,
- unsigned char *output,
- unsigned long long length
- ) {
- /* the generator isn't seeded; maybe they ignored the return value of init_from_file */
- if (unlikely(state->magic != CRANDOM_MAGIC)) abort();
- int ret = 0;
- while (length) {
- if (unlikely(state->fill <= 0)) {
- uint64_t iv = 0;
- if (state->reseed_interval) {
- /* it's nondeterministic, stir in some rdtsc() */
- iv = rdtsc();
- state->reseed_countdown--;
- if (unlikely(state->reseed_countdown <= 0)) {
- /* reseed by xoring in random state */
- state->reseed_countdown = state->reseed_interval;
- ssize_t offset = 0, red;
- do {
- red = read(state->randomfd, state->buffer + offset, 32 - offset);
- if (red > 0) offset += red;
- } while (red > 0 && offset < 32);
- if (offset < 32) {
- /* The read failed. Signal an error with the return code.
- *
- * If reseeds are mandatory, crash.
- *
- * If not, the generator is still probably safe to use, because reseeding
- * is basically over-engineering for caution. Also, the user might ignore
- * the return code, so we still need to fill the request.
- *
- * Set reseed_countdown = 1 so we'll try again later. If the user's perf
- * sucks as a result of ignoring the error code while calling us in a loop,
- * well, he gets what he deserves.
- */
- if (state->reseeds_mandatory) abort();
- ret = errno;
- if (ret == 0) ret = -1;
- state->reseed_countdown = 1;
- }
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<32; i++) {
- /* Stir in the buffer. If somehow the read failed, it'll be zeros. */
- state->seed[i] ^= state->buffer[i];
- }
- }
- }
- crandom_chacha_expand(iv,state->ctr,20,128,state->seed,state->seed);
- state->ctr++;
- state->fill = sizeof(state->buffer);
- }
- unsigned long long copy = (length > state->fill) ? state->fill : length;
- state->fill -= copy;
- memcpy(output, state->buffer + state->fill, copy);
- bzero(state->buffer + state->fill, copy);
- output += copy; length -= copy;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- void
- crandom_destroy(
- struct crandom_state_t *state
- ) {
- if (state->randomfd) close(state->randomfd);
- /* Ignore the return value, because what would it mean?
- * "Your random device, which you were reading over NFS, lost some data"?
- */
- bzero(state, sizeof(*state));
- }