- #include "test.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "scalarmul.h"
- #include "ec_point.h"
- #include "field.h"
- #include "crandom.h"
- #define STRIDE 7
- /* 0 = succeed, 1 = inval, -1 = fail */
- static int
- single_scalarmul_compatibility_test (
- const struct field_t *base,
- const word_t *scalar,
- int nbits
- ) {
- struct tw_extensible_t text, work;
- struct field_t mont, ct, vl, vt;
- int ret = 0, i;
- mask_t succ, succm;
- succ = deserialize_and_twist_approx(&text, &sqrt_d_minus_1, base);
- succm = montgomery_ladder(&mont,base,scalar,nbits,1);
- if (succ != succm) {
- youfail();
- printf(" Deserialize_and_twist_approx succ=%d, montgomery_ladder succ=%d\n",
- (int)-succ, (int)-succm);
- printf(" nbits = %d\n", nbits);
- field_print(" base", base);
- scalar_print(" scal", scalar, (nbits+WORD_BITS-1)/WORD_BITS);
- return -1;
- }
- if (!succ) {
- return 1;
- }
- #if FIELD_BITS == 448
- struct { int n,t,s; } params[] = {{5,5,18},{3,5,30},{4,4,28},{1,2,224}};
- #elif FIELD_BITS == 480
- struct { int n,t,s; } params[] = {{5,6,16},{6,5,16},{4,5,24},{4,4,30},{1,2,240}};
- #elif FIELD_BITS == 521
- struct { int n,t,s; } params[] = {{5,8,13},{4,5,26},{1,2,(SCALAR_BITS+1)/2}};
- #else
- struct { int n,t,s; } params[] = {{5,5,(SCALAR_BITS+24)/25},{1,2,(SCALAR_BITS+1)/2}};
- #endif
- const int nparams = sizeof(params)/sizeof(params[0]);
- struct fixed_base_table_t fbt;
- const int nsizes = 6;
- struct field_t fbout[nparams], wout[nsizes];
- memset(&fbt, 0, sizeof(fbt));
- memset(&fbout, 0, sizeof(fbout));
- memset(&wout, 0, sizeof(wout));
- /* compute using combs */
- for (i=0; i<nparams; i++) {
- int n=params[i].n, t=params[i].t, s=params[i].s;
- succ = precompute_fixed_base(&fbt, &text, n, t, s, NULL);
- if (!succ) {
- youfail();
- printf(" Failed to precompute_fixed_base(%d,%d,%d)\n", n, t, s);
- continue;
- }
- succ = scalarmul_fixed_base(&work, scalar, nbits, &fbt);
- destroy_fixed_base(&fbt);
- if (!succ) {
- youfail();
- printf(" Failed to scalarmul_fixed_base(%d,%d,%d)\n", n, t, s);
- continue;
- }
- untwist_and_double_and_serialize(&fbout[i], &work);
- }
- /* compute using precomp wNAF */
- for (i=0; i<nsizes; i++) {
- struct tw_niels_t pre[1<<i];
- succ = precompute_fixed_base_wnaf(pre, &text, i);
- if (!succ) {
- youfail();
- printf(" Failed to precompute_fixed_base_wnaf(%d)\n", i);
- continue;
- }
- scalarmul_fixed_base_wnaf_vt(&work, scalar, nbits, pre, i);
- untwist_and_double_and_serialize(&wout[i], &work);
- }
- mask_t consistent = MASK_SUCCESS;
- if (nbits == FIELD_BITS) {
- /* window methods currently only work on FIELD_BITS bits. */
- copy_tw_extensible(&work, &text);
- scalarmul(&work, scalar);
- untwist_and_double_and_serialize(&ct, &work);
- copy_tw_extensible(&work, &text);
- scalarmul_vlook(&work, scalar);
- untwist_and_double_and_serialize(&vl, &work);
- copy_tw_extensible(&work, &text);
- scalarmul_vt(&work, scalar, nbits);
- untwist_and_double_and_serialize(&vt, &work);
- /* check consistency mont vs window */
- consistent &= field_eq(&mont, &ct);
- consistent &= field_eq(&mont, &vl);
- consistent &= field_eq(&mont, &vt);
- }
- /* check consistency mont vs combs */
- for (i=0; i<nparams; i++) {
- consistent &= field_eq(&mont,&fbout[i]);
- }
- /* check consistency mont vs wNAF */
- for (i=0; i<nsizes; i++) {
- consistent &= field_eq(&mont,&wout[i]);
- }
- /* If inconsistent, complain. */
- if (!consistent) {
- youfail();
- printf(" Failed scalarmul consistency test with nbits=%d.\n",nbits);
- field_print(" base", base);
- scalar_print(" scal", scalar, (nbits+WORD_BITS-1)/WORD_BITS);
- field_print(" mont", &mont);
- for (i=0; i<nparams; i++) {
- printf(" With n=%d, t=%d, s=%d:\n", params[i].n, params[i].t, params[i].s);
- field_print(" out ", &fbout[i]);
- }
- for (i=0; i<nsizes; i++) {
- printf(" With w=%d:\n",i);
- field_print(" wNAF", &wout[i]);
- }
- if (nbits == FIELD_BITS) {
- field_print(" ct ", &ct);
- field_print(" vl ", &vl);
- field_print(" vt ", &vt);
- }
- ret = -1;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- static int
- single_linear_combo_test (
- const struct field_t *base1,
- const word_t *scalar1,
- int nbits1,
- const struct field_t *base2,
- const word_t *scalar2,
- int nbits2
- ) {
- struct tw_extensible_t text1, text2, working;
- struct tw_pniels_t pn;
- struct field_t result_comb, result_combo, result_wnaf;
- mask_t succ =
- deserialize_and_twist_approx(&text1, &sqrt_d_minus_1, base1)
- & deserialize_and_twist_approx(&text2, &sqrt_d_minus_1, base2);
- if (!succ) return 1;
- struct fixed_base_table_t t1, t2;
- struct tw_niels_t wnaf[32];
- memset(&t1,0,sizeof(t1));
- memset(&t2,0,sizeof(t2));
- succ = precompute_fixed_base(&t1, &text1, 5, 5, 18, NULL); // FIELD_MAGIC
- succ &= precompute_fixed_base(&t2, &text2, 6, 3, 25, NULL); // FIELD_MAGIC
- succ &= precompute_fixed_base_wnaf(wnaf, &text2, 5);
- if (!succ) {
- destroy_fixed_base(&t1);
- destroy_fixed_base(&t2);
- return -1;
- }
- /* use the dedicated wNAF linear combo algorithm */
- copy_tw_extensible(&working, &text1);
- linear_combo_var_fixed_vt(&working, scalar1, nbits1, scalar2, nbits2, wnaf, 5);
- untwist_and_double_and_serialize(&result_wnaf, &working);
- /* use the dedicated combs algorithm */
- succ &= linear_combo_combs_vt(&working, scalar1, nbits1, &t1, scalar2, nbits2, &t2);
- untwist_and_double_and_serialize(&result_combo, &working);
- /* use two combs */
- succ &= scalarmul_fixed_base(&working, scalar1, nbits1, &t1);
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&pn, &working);
- succ &= scalarmul_fixed_base(&working, scalar2, nbits2, &t2);
- add_tw_pniels_to_tw_extensible(&working, &pn);
- untwist_and_double_and_serialize(&result_comb, &working);
- mask_t consistent = MASK_SUCCESS;
- consistent &= field_eq(&result_combo, &result_wnaf);
- consistent &= field_eq(&result_comb, &result_wnaf);
- if (!succ || !consistent) {
- youfail();
- printf(" Failed linear combo consistency test with nbits=%d,%d.\n",nbits1,nbits2);
- field_print(" base1", base1);
- scalar_print(" scal1", scalar1, (nbits1+WORD_BITS-1)/WORD_BITS);
- field_print(" base2", base2);
- scalar_print(" scal2", scalar2, (nbits1+WORD_BITS-1)/WORD_BITS);
- field_print(" combs", &result_comb);
- field_print(" combo", &result_combo);
- field_print(" wNAFs", &result_wnaf);
- return -1;
- }
- destroy_fixed_base(&t1);
- destroy_fixed_base(&t2);
- return 0;
- }
- /* 0 = succeed, 1 = inval, -1 = fail */
- static int
- single_scalarmul_commutativity_test (
- const struct field_t *base,
- const word_t *scalar1,
- int nbits1,
- int ned1,
- const word_t *scalar2,
- int nbits2,
- int ned2
- ) {
- struct field_t m12, m21, tmp1, tmp2;
- mask_t succ12a = montgomery_ladder(&tmp1,base,scalar1,nbits1,ned1);
- mask_t succ12b = montgomery_ladder(&m12,&tmp1,scalar2,nbits2,ned2);
- mask_t succ21a = montgomery_ladder(&tmp2,base,scalar2,nbits2,ned2);
- mask_t succ21b = montgomery_ladder(&m21,&tmp2,scalar1,nbits1,ned1);
- mask_t succ12 = succ12a & succ12b, succ21 = succ21a & succ21b;
- if (succ12 != succ21) {
- youfail();
- printf(" Failed scalarmul commutativity test with (nbits,ned) = (%d,%d), (%d,%d).\n",
- nbits1,ned1,nbits2,ned2);
- field_print(" base", base);
- field_print(" tmp1", &tmp1);
- field_print(" tmp2", &tmp2);
- scalar_print(" sca1", scalar1, (nbits1+WORD_BITS-1)/WORD_BITS);
- scalar_print(" sca2", scalar2, (nbits1+WORD_BITS-1)/WORD_BITS);
- printf(" good = ((%d,%d),(%d,%d))\n", (int)-succ12a,
- (int)-succ12b, (int)-succ21a, (int)-succ21b);
- return -1;
- } else if (!succ12) {
- // printf(" (nbits,ned) = (%d,%d), (%d,%d).\n", nbits1,ned1,nbits2,ned2);
- // printf(" succ = (%d,%d), (%d,%d).\n", (int)-succ12a, (int)-succ12b, (int)-succ21a, (int)-succ21b);
- return 1;
- }
- mask_t consistent = field_eq(&m12,&m21);
- if (consistent) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- youfail();
- printf(" Failed scalarmul commutativity test with (nbits,ned) = (%d,%d), (%d,%d).\n",
- nbits1,ned1,nbits2,ned2);
- field_print(" base", base);
- scalar_print(" sca1", scalar1, (nbits1+WORD_BITS-1)/WORD_BITS);
- scalar_print(" sca2", scalar2, (nbits1+WORD_BITS-1)/WORD_BITS);
- field_print(" m12 ", &m12);
- field_print(" m21 ", &m21);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- static void crandom_generate_f(struct crandom_state_t *crand, uint8_t *scalar, int n) {
- crandom_generate(crand, scalar, n);
- int i;
- for (i = FIELD_BYTES; i<n; i++) {
- scalar[i] = 0;
- }
- #if (FIELD_BITS % 8)
- if (n >= FIELD_BYTES) {
- scalar[FIELD_BYTES-1] &= (1<<(FIELD_BITS%8)) - 1;
- }
- #endif
- }
- int test_scalarmul_commutativity (void) {
- int i,j,k,got;
- struct crandom_state_t crand;
- crandom_init_from_buffer(&crand, "scalarmul_commutativity_test RNG");
- for (i=0; i<=FIELD_BITS; i+=STRIDE) {
- for (j=0; j<=FIELD_BITS; j+=STRIDE) {
- got = 0;
- for (k=0; k<128 && !got; k++) {
- uint8_t ser[FIELD_BYTES];
- word_t scalar1[SCALAR_WORDS], scalar2[SCALAR_WORDS];
- crandom_generate_f(&crand, ser, sizeof(ser));
- crandom_generate(&crand, (uint8_t *)scalar1, sizeof(scalar1));
- crandom_generate(&crand, (uint8_t *)scalar2, sizeof(scalar2));
- field_t base;
- mask_t succ = field_deserialize(&base, ser);
- if (!succ) continue;
- int ret = single_scalarmul_commutativity_test (&base, scalar1, i, i%3, scalar2, j, j%3);
- got = !ret;
- if (ret == -1) return -1;
- }
- if (!got) {
- youfail();
- printf(" Unlikely: rejected 128 scalars in a row.\n");
- return -1;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int test_linear_combo (void) {
- int i,j,k,got;
- struct crandom_state_t crand;
- crandom_init_from_buffer(&crand, "scalarmul_linear_combos_test RNG");
- for (i=0; i<=FIELD_BITS; i+=STRIDE) {
- for (j=0; j<=FIELD_BITS; j+=STRIDE) {
- got = 0;
- for (k=0; k<128 && !got; k++) {
- uint8_t ser[FIELD_BYTES];
- word_t scalar1[SCALAR_WORDS], scalar2[SCALAR_WORDS];
- crandom_generate(&crand, (uint8_t *)scalar1, sizeof(scalar1));
- crandom_generate(&crand, (uint8_t *)scalar2, sizeof(scalar2));
- field_t base1;
- crandom_generate_f(&crand, ser, sizeof(ser));
- mask_t succ = field_deserialize(&base1, ser);
- if (!succ) continue;
- field_t base2;
- crandom_generate(&crand, ser, sizeof(ser));
- succ = field_deserialize(&base2, ser);
- if (!succ) continue;
- int ret = single_linear_combo_test (&base1, scalar1, i, &base2, scalar2, j);
- got = !ret;
- if (ret == -1) return -1;
- }
- if (!got) {
- youfail();
- printf(" Unlikely: rejected 128 scalars in a row.\n");
- return -1;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int test_scalarmul_compatibility (void) {
- int i,j,k,got;
- struct crandom_state_t crand;
- crandom_init_from_buffer(&crand, "scalarmul_compatibility_test RNG");
- for (i=0; i<=FIELD_BITS; i+=STRIDE) {
- for (j=0; j<=20; j++) {
- got = 0;
- for (k=0; k<128 && !got; k++) {
- uint8_t ser[FIELD_BYTES];
- word_t scalar[SCALAR_WORDS];
- crandom_generate_f(&crand, ser, sizeof(ser));
- crandom_generate(&crand, (uint8_t *)scalar, sizeof(scalar));
- field_t base;
- mask_t succ = field_deserialize(&base, ser);
- if (!succ) continue;
- int ret = single_scalarmul_compatibility_test (&base, scalar, i);
- got = !ret;
- if (ret == -1) return -1;
- }
- if (!got) {
- youfail();
- printf(" Unlikely: rejected 128 scalars in a row.\n");
- return -1;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }