- #include "test.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "ec_point.h"
- #include "scalarmul.h"
- #include "magic.h"
- #include "field.h"
- #include "crandom.h"
- static void
- failprint_ext (
- const struct extensible_t *a
- ) {
- field_a_t zi, scaled;
- field_print(" x", a->x);
- field_print(" y", a->y);
- field_print(" z", a->z);
- field_inverse(zi, a->z);
- field_mul(scaled, zi, a->x);
- field_print(" X", scaled);
- field_mul(scaled, zi, a->y);
- field_print(" Y", scaled);
- printf("\n");
- }
- static void
- failprint_tw_ext (
- const struct tw_extensible_t *a
- ) {
- failprint_ext((const struct extensible_t *)a);
- }
- static mask_t
- fail_if_different (
- const struct extensible_t *a,
- const struct extensible_t *b,
- const char *faildescr,
- const char *adescr,
- const char *bdescr
- ) {
- mask_t succ = eq_extensible(a, b);
- if (!succ) {
- youfail();
- printf(" %s\n", faildescr);
- printf("\n %s:\n", adescr);
- failprint_ext(a);
- printf("\n %s:\n", bdescr);
- failprint_ext(b);
- }
- return succ;
- }
- static mask_t
- validate_ext(
- const struct extensible_t *ext,
- int evenness,
- const char *description
- ) {
- mask_t succ = validate_extensible(ext), succ2;
- const char *error = "Point isn't on the curve.";
- if (evenness > 0) {
- succ2 = is_even_pt(ext);
- if (succ &~ succ2) error = "Point isn't even.";
- succ &= succ2;
- } else if (evenness < 0) {
- succ2 = is_even_pt(ext);
- if (succ &~ succ2) error = "Point is even but shouldn't be.";
- succ &= succ2;
- } /* FUTURE: quadness */
- if (~succ) {
- youfail();
- printf(" %s\n", error);
- printf(" %s\n", description);
- failprint_ext(ext);
- }
- return succ;
- }
- static mask_t
- validate_tw_ext(
- const struct tw_extensible_t *ext,
- int evenness,
- const char *description
- ) {
- mask_t succ = validate_tw_extensible(ext), succ2;
- const char *error = "Point isn't on the twisted curve.";
- if (evenness > 0) {
- succ2 = is_even_tw(ext);
- if (succ &~ succ2) error = "Point isn't even.";
- succ &= succ2;
- } else if (evenness < 0) {
- succ2 = is_even_tw(ext);
- if (succ &~ succ2) error = "Point is even but shouldn't be.";
- succ &= succ2;
- } /* FUTURE: quadness */
- if (~succ) {
- youfail();
- printf(" %s\n", error);
- printf(" %s\n", description);
- failprint_tw_ext(ext);
- }
- return succ;
- }
- static mask_t
- fail_if_different_tw (
- const struct tw_extensible_t *a,
- const struct tw_extensible_t *b,
- const char *faildescr,
- const char *adescr,
- const char *bdescr
- ) {
- return fail_if_different(
- (const struct extensible_t *)a, (const struct extensible_t *)b,
- faildescr,adescr,bdescr
- );
- }
- static int
- add_double_test (
- const struct affine_t *base1,
- const struct affine_t *base2
- ) {
- mask_t succ = MASK_SUCCESS;
- struct extensible_t exb;
- struct tw_extensible_t text1, text2, texta, textb;
- struct tw_pniels_t pn;
- /* Convert to ext */
- convert_affine_to_extensible(&exb, base1);
- succ &= validate_ext(&exb,0,"base1");
- twist_and_double(&text1, &exb);
- succ &= validate_tw_ext(&text1,2,"iso1");
- convert_affine_to_extensible(&exb, base2);
- succ &= validate_ext(&exb,0,"base2");
- twist_and_double(&text2, &exb);
- succ &= validate_tw_ext(&text2,2,"iso2");
- /* a + b == b + a? */
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&pn, &text1);
- copy_tw_extensible(&texta, &text2);
- add_tw_pniels_to_tw_extensible(&texta, &pn);
- convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&pn, &text2);
- copy_tw_extensible(&textb, &text1);
- add_tw_pniels_to_tw_extensible(&textb, &pn);
- succ &= fail_if_different_tw(&texta,&textb,"Addition commutativity","a+b","b+a");
- copy_tw_extensible(&textb, &text2);
- add_tw_pniels_to_tw_extensible(&textb, &pn);
- copy_tw_extensible(&texta, &text2);
- double_tw_extensible(&texta);
- succ &= fail_if_different_tw(&texta,&textb,"Doubling test","2b","b+b");
- if (~succ) {
- printf(" Bases were:\n");
- field_print(" x1", base1->x);
- field_print(" y1", base1->y);
- field_print(" x2", base2->x);
- field_print(" y2", base2->y);
- }
- return succ ? 0 : -1;
- }
- static int
- single_twisting_test (
- const struct affine_t *base
- ) {
- struct extensible_t exb, ext, tmpext;
- struct tw_extensible_t text, text2;
- mask_t succ = MASK_SUCCESS;
- convert_affine_to_extensible(&exb, base);
- succ &= validate_ext(&exb,0,"base");
- /* check: dual . iso = 4 */
- twist_and_double(&text, &exb);
- succ &= validate_tw_ext(&text,2,"iso");
- untwist_and_double(&ext, &text);
- succ &= validate_ext(&ext,2,"dual.iso");
- copy_extensible(&tmpext,&exb);
- double_extensible(&tmpext);
- succ &= validate_ext(&tmpext,1,"2*base");
- double_extensible(&tmpext);
- succ &= validate_ext(&tmpext,2,"4*base");
- succ &= fail_if_different(&ext,&tmpext,"Isogeny and dual","Dual . iso","4*base");
- /* check: twist and serialize */
- test_only_twist(&text, &exb);
- succ &= validate_tw_ext(&text,0,"tot");
- mask_t evt = is_even_tw(&text), evb = is_even_pt(&exb);
- if (evt != evb) {
- youfail();
- printf(" Different evenness from twist base: %d, twist: %d\n", (int)-evt, (int)-evb);
- succ = 0;
- } /* FUTURE: quadness */
- field_a_t sera,serb;
- untwist_and_double_and_serialize(sera,&text);
- copy_extensible(&tmpext,&exb);
- double_extensible(&tmpext);
- serialize_extensible(serb,&tmpext);
- /* check that their (doubled; FUTURE?) serializations are equal */
- if (~field_eq(sera,serb)) {
- youfail();
- printf(" Different serialization from twist + double ()\n");
- field_print(" t", sera);
- field_print(" b", serb);
- succ = 0;
- }
- untwist_and_double(&ext, &text);
- succ &= validate_ext(&tmpext,1,"dual.tot");
- twist_and_double(&text2, &ext);
- succ &= validate_tw_ext(&text2,2,"iso.dual.tot");
- double_tw_extensible(&text);
- succ &= validate_tw_ext(&text,1,"2*tot");
- double_tw_extensible(&text);
- succ &= validate_tw_ext(&text,2,"4*tot");
- succ &= fail_if_different_tw(&text,&text2,"Dual and isogeny","4*tot","iso.dual.tot");
- if (~succ) {
- printf(" Base was:\n");
- field_print(" x", base->x);
- field_print(" y", base->y);
- }
- return succ ? 0 : -1;
- }
- int test_decaf (void) {
- struct affine_t base;
- struct tw_affine_t tw_base;
- field_a_t serf;
- struct crandom_state_t crand;
- crandom_init_from_buffer(&crand, "my test_decaf random initializer");
- int i, hits = 0, fails = 0;
- for (i=0; i<1000; i++) {
- uint8_t ser[FIELD_BYTES];
- int j;
- mask_t succ = 0;
- for (j=0; j<128 && !succ; j++) {
- crandom_generate(&crand, ser, sizeof(ser));
- #if (FIELD_BITS % 8)
- ser[FIELD_BYTES-1] &= (1<<(FIELD_BITS%8)) - 1;
- #endif
- ser[0] &= ~1;
- succ = field_deserialize(serf, ser);
- if (!succ) {
- youfail();
- printf(" Unlikely: fail at field_deserialize\n");
- return -1;
- }
- succ &= decaf_deserialize_affine(&base, serf, 0);
- }
- if (!succ) {
- youfail();
- printf("Unlikely: fail 128 desers\n");
- return -1;
- }
- hits++;
- field_a_t serf2;
- struct extensible_t ext;
- convert_affine_to_extensible(&ext, &base);
- decaf_serialize_extensible(serf2, &ext);
- if (~validate_affine(&base)) {
- youfail();
- printf("Invalid decaf deser:\n");
- field_print(" s", serf);
- field_print(" x", base.x);
- field_print(" y", base.y);
- fails ++;
- } else if (~field_eq(serf, serf2)) {
- youfail();
- printf("Fail round-trip through decaf ser:\n");
- field_print(" s", serf);
- field_print(" x", base.x);
- field_print(" y", base.y);
- printf(" deser is %s\n", validate_affine(&base) ? "valid" : "invalid");
- field_print(" S", serf2);
- fails ++;
- } else if (~is_even_pt(&ext)) {
- youfail();
- printf("Decaf deser isn't even:\n");
- field_print(" s", serf);
- field_print(" x", base.x);
- field_print(" y", base.y);
- fails ++;
- }
- succ = decaf_deserialize_tw_affine(&tw_base, serf, 0);
- struct tw_extensible_t tw_ext, tw_ext2;
- convert_tw_affine_to_tw_extensible(&tw_ext, &tw_base);
- decaf_serialize_tw_extensible(serf2, &tw_ext);
- twist_even(&tw_ext2, &ext);
- if (~succ | ~validate_tw_extensible(&tw_ext)) {
- youfail();
- printf("Invalid decaf tw deser:\n");
- field_print(" s", serf);
- field_print(" x", tw_base.x);
- field_print(" y", tw_base.y);
- fails ++;
- } else if (~field_eq(serf, serf2)) {
- youfail();
- printf("Fail round-trip through decaf ser:\n");
- field_print(" s", serf);
- field_print(" x", tw_base.x);
- field_print(" y", tw_base.y);
- printf(" tw deser is %s\n", validate_tw_extensible(&tw_ext) ? "valid" : "invalid");
- field_print(" S", serf2);
- fails ++;
- } else if (~is_even_tw(&tw_ext)) {
- youfail();
- printf("Decaf tw deser isn't even:\n");
- field_print(" s", serf);
- field_print(" x", tw_base.x);
- field_print(" y", tw_base.y);
- fails ++;
- } else if (~decaf_eq_tw_extensible(&tw_ext,&tw_ext2)) {
- youfail();
- printf("Decaf tw doesn't equal ext:\n");
- field_print(" s", serf);
- field_print(" x1", base.x);
- field_print(" y1", base.y);
- field_print(" x2", tw_base.x);
- field_print(" y2", tw_base.y);
- field_print(" X2", tw_ext2.x);
- field_print(" Y2", tw_ext2.y);
- fails ++;
- }
- word_t scalar = 1;
- mask_t res = decaf_montgomery_ladder(serf2,serf,&scalar,1+(i%31));
- if (~res | ~field_eq(serf2,serf)) {
- youfail();
- printf("Decaf Montgomery ladder i=%d res=%d\n", 1+(i%31), (int)res);
- field_print(" s", serf);
- field_print(" o", serf2);
- printf("\n");
- }
- }
- if (hits < 1000) {
- youfail();
- printf(" Fail: only %d successes in decaf_deser\n", hits);
- return -1;
- } else if (fails) {
- return -1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int test_pointops (void) {
- struct affine_t base, pbase;
- field_a_t serf;
- struct crandom_state_t crand;
- crandom_init_from_buffer(&crand, "test_pointops random initializer");
- struct extensible_t ext_base;
- if (!validate_affine(goldilocks_base_point)) {
- youfail();
- printf(" Base point isn't on the curve.\n");
- return -1;
- }
- convert_affine_to_extensible(&ext_base, goldilocks_base_point);
- if (!validate_ext(&ext_base, 2, "base")) return -1;
- int i, ret;
- for (i=0; i<1000; i++) {
- uint8_t ser[FIELD_BYTES];
- crandom_generate(&crand, ser, sizeof(ser));
- #if (FIELD_BITS % 8)
- ser[FIELD_BYTES-1] &= (1<<(FIELD_BITS%8)) - 1;
- #endif
- /* TODO: we need a field generate, which can return random or pathological. */
- mask_t succ = field_deserialize(serf, ser);
- if (!succ) {
- youfail();
- printf(" Unlikely: fail at field_deserialize\n");
- return -1;
- }
- if (i) {
- copy_affine(&pbase, &base);
- }
- elligator_2s_inject(&base, serf);
- if (i) {
- ret = add_double_test(&base, &pbase);
- if (ret) return ret;
- }
- ret = single_twisting_test(&base);
- if (ret) return ret;
- }
- return 0;
- }