- /* Copyright (c) 2015 Cryptography Research, Inc.
- * Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for license information.
- */
- /**
- * @file decaf.c
- * @author Mike Hamburg
- * @brief Decaf high-level functions.
- */
- #define __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ 1 /* for memset_s */
- #include "decaf.h"
- #include <string.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #if WBITS == 64
- #define LBITS 56
- typedef __int128_t decaf_sdword_t;
- #define LIMB(x) (x##ull)
- #define SC_LIMB(x) (x##ull)
- #elif WBITS == 32
- typedef int64_t decaf_sdword_t;
- #define LBITS 28
- #define LIMB(x) (x##ull)&((1ull<<LBITS)-1), (x##ull)>>LBITS
- #define SC_LIMB(x) (x##ull)&((1ull<<32)-1), (x##ull)>>32
- #else
- #error "Only supporting 32- and 64-bit platforms right now"
- #endif
- static const int QUADRATIC_NONRESIDUE = -1;
- #define sv static void
- #define snv static void __attribute__((noinline))
- #define siv static inline void __attribute__((always_inline))
- static const gf ZERO = {{{0}}}, ONE = {{{1}}}, TWO = {{{2}}};
- #define LMASK ((((decaf_word_t)1)<<LBITS)-1)
- #if WBITS == 64
- static const gf P = {{{ LMASK, LMASK, LMASK, LMASK, LMASK-1, LMASK, LMASK, LMASK }}};
- #else
- #endif
- static const int EDWARDS_D = -39081;
- const decaf_448_scalar_t decaf_448_scalar_p = {{{
- SC_LIMB(0x2378c292ab5844f3),
- SC_LIMB(0x216cc2728dc58f55),
- SC_LIMB(0xc44edb49aed63690),
- SC_LIMB(0xffffffff7cca23e9),
- SC_LIMB(0xffffffffffffffff),
- SC_LIMB(0xffffffffffffffff),
- SC_LIMB(0x3fffffffffffffff)
- }}}, decaf_448_scalar_one = {{{1}}}, decaf_448_scalar_zero = {{{0}}};
- static const decaf_448_scalar_t decaf_448_scalar_r2 = {{{
- SC_LIMB(0xe3539257049b9b60),
- SC_LIMB(0x7af32c4bc1b195d9),
- SC_LIMB(0x0d66de2388ea1859),
- SC_LIMB(0xae17cf725ee4d838),
- SC_LIMB(0x1a9cc14ba3c47c44),
- SC_LIMB(0x2052bcb7e4d070af),
- SC_LIMB(0x3402a939f823b729)
- }}};
- static const decaf_word_t DECAF_MONTGOMERY_FACTOR = (decaf_word_t)(0x3bd440fae918bc5ull);
- #define FIELD_LITERAL(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) {{LIMB(a),LIMB(b),LIMB(c),LIMB(d),LIMB(e),LIMB(f),LIMB(g),LIMB(h)}}
- const decaf_448_point_t decaf_448_point_base = {{
- {FIELD_LITERAL(0x00fffffffffffffe,0x00ffffffffffffff,0x00ffffffffffffff,0x00ffffffffffffff,
- 0x0000000000000003,0x0000000000000000,0x0000000000000000,0x0000000000000000)},
- {FIELD_LITERAL(0x0081e6d37f752992,0x003078ead1c28721,0x00135cfd2394666c,0x0041149c50506061,
- 0x0031d30e4f5490b3,0x00902014990dc141,0x0052341b04c1e328,0x0014237853c10a1b)},
- {FIELD_LITERAL(0x00fffffffffffffb,0x00ffffffffffffff,0x00ffffffffffffff,0x00ffffffffffffff,
- 0x00fffffffffffffe,0x00ffffffffffffff,0x00ffffffffffffff,0x00ffffffffffffff)},
- {FIELD_LITERAL(0x008f205b70660415,0x00881c60cfd3824f,0x00377a638d08500d,0x008c66d5d4672615,
- 0x00e52fa558e08e13,0x0087770ae1b6983d,0x004388f55a0aa7ff,0x00b4d9a785cf1a91)}
- }};
- struct decaf_448_precomputed_s { decaf_448_point_t p[1]; };
- /* FIXME: restore */
- const struct decaf_448_precomputed_s *decaf_448_precomputed_base =
- (const struct decaf_448_precomputed_s *)decaf_448_point_base;
- const size_t sizeof_decaf_448_precomputed_s = sizeof(struct decaf_448_precomputed_s);
- const size_t alignof_decaf_448_precomputed_s = 32;
- #ifdef __clang__
- #if 100*__clang_major__ + __clang_minor__ > 305
- #define VECTORIZE _Pragma("clang loop unroll(disable) vectorize(enable) vectorize_width(8)")
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifndef VECTORIZE
- #define VECTORIZE
- #endif
- #if (defined(__OPTIMIZE__) && !defined(__OPTIMIZE_SIZE__)) || defined(DECAF_FORCE_UNROLL)
- #if DECAF_448_LIMBS==8
- #define FOR_LIMB_U(i,op) { unsigned int i=0; \
- op;i++; op;i++; op;i++; op;i++; op;i++; op;i++; op;i++; op;i++; \
- }
- #elif DECAF_448_LIMBS==16
- #define FOR_LIMB_U(i,op) { unsigned int i=0; \
- op;i++; op;i++; op;i++; op;i++; op;i++; op;i++; op;i++; op;i++; \
- op;i++; op;i++; op;i++; op;i++; op;i++; op;i++; op;i++; op;i++; \
- }
- #else
- #define FOR_LIMB_U(i,op) { unsigned int i=0; for (i=0; i<DECAF_448_LIMBS; i++) { op; }}
- #endif
- #else
- #define FOR_LIMB_U(i,op) { unsigned int i=0; for (i=0; i<DECAF_448_LIMBS; i++) { op; }}
- #endif
- #define FOR_LIMB(i,op) { unsigned int i=0; for (i=0; i<DECAF_448_LIMBS; i++) { op; }}
- /* TODO: figure out why this horribly degrades speed if you use it */
- #define FOR_LIMB_V(i,op) { unsigned int i=0; VECTORIZE for (i=0; i<DECAF_448_LIMBS; i++) { op; }}
- /** Copy x = y */
- siv gf_cpy(gf x, const gf y) { FOR_LIMB_U(i, x->limb[i] = y->limb[i]); }
- /** Mostly-unoptimized multiply (PERF), but at least it's unrolled. */
- snv gf_mul (gf c, const gf a, const gf b) {
- gf aa;
- gf_cpy(aa,a);
- decaf_dword_t accum[DECAF_448_LIMBS] = {0};
- FOR_LIMB_U(i, {
- FOR_LIMB_U(j,{ accum[(i+j)%DECAF_448_LIMBS] += (decaf_dword_t)b->limb[i] * aa->limb[j]; });
- aa->limb[(DECAF_448_LIMBS-1-i)^(DECAF_448_LIMBS/2)] += aa->limb[DECAF_448_LIMBS-1-i];
- });
- accum[DECAF_448_LIMBS-1] += accum[DECAF_448_LIMBS-2] >> LBITS;
- accum[DECAF_448_LIMBS-2] &= LMASK;
- accum[DECAF_448_LIMBS/2] += accum[DECAF_448_LIMBS-1] >> LBITS;
- FOR_LIMB_U(j,{
- accum[j] += accum[(j-1)%DECAF_448_LIMBS] >> LBITS;
- accum[(j-1)%DECAF_448_LIMBS] &= LMASK;
- });
- FOR_LIMB_U(j, c->limb[j] = accum[j] );
- }
- /** No dedicated square (PERF) */
- #define gf_sqr(c,a) gf_mul(c,a,a)
- /** Inverse square root using addition chain. */
- snv gf_isqrt(gf y, const gf x) {
- int i;
- #define STEP(s,m,n) gf_mul(s,m,c); gf_cpy(c,s); for (i=0;i<n;i++) gf_sqr(c,c);
- gf a, b, c;
- gf_sqr ( c, x );
- STEP(b,x,1);
- STEP(b,x,3);
- STEP(a,b,3);
- STEP(a,b,9);
- STEP(b,a,1);
- STEP(a,x,18);
- STEP(a,b,37);
- STEP(b,a,37);
- STEP(b,a,111);
- STEP(a,b,1);
- STEP(b,x,223);
- gf_mul(y,a,c);
- }
- /** Weak reduce mod p. */
- siv gf_reduce(gf x) {
- x->limb[DECAF_448_LIMBS/2] += x->limb[DECAF_448_LIMBS-1] >> LBITS;
- FOR_LIMB_U(j,{
- x->limb[j] += x->limb[(j-1)%DECAF_448_LIMBS] >> LBITS;
- x->limb[(j-1)%DECAF_448_LIMBS] &= LMASK;
- });
- }
- /** Add mod p. Conservatively always weak-reduce. (PERF) */
- sv gf_add ( gf x, const gf y, const gf z ) {
- FOR_LIMB_U(i, x->limb[i] = y->limb[i] + z->limb[i] );
- gf_reduce(x);
- }
- /** Subtract mod p. Conservatively always weak-reduce. (PERF) */
- sv gf_sub ( gf x, const gf y, const gf z ) {
- FOR_LIMB_U(i, x->limb[i] = y->limb[i] - z->limb[i] + 2*P->limb[i] );
- gf_reduce(x);
- }
- /** Constant time, x = is_z ? z : y */
- sv cond_sel(gf x, const gf y, const gf z, decaf_bool_t is_z) {
- FOR_LIMB_U(i, x->limb[i] = (y->limb[i] & ~is_z) | (z->limb[i] & is_z) );
- }
- /** Constant time, if (neg) x=-x; */
- siv cond_neg(gf x, decaf_bool_t neg) {
- gf y;
- gf_sub(y,ZERO,x);
- cond_sel(x,x,y,neg);
- }
- /** Constant time, if (swap) (x,y) = (y,x); */
- sv cond_swap(gf x, gf_s *__restrict__ y, decaf_bool_t swap) {
- FOR_LIMB_U(i, {
- decaf_word_t s = (x->limb[i] ^ y->limb[i]) & swap;
- x->limb[i] ^= s;
- y->limb[i] ^= s;
- });
- }
- /**
- * Mul by signed int. Not constant-time WRT the sign of that int.
- * Just uses a full mul (PERF)
- */
- siv gf_mlw(gf a, const gf b, int w) {
- if (w>0) {
- gf ww = {{{w}}};
- gf_mul(a,b,ww);
- } else {
- gf ww = {{{-w}}};
- gf_mul(a,b,ww);
- gf_sub(a,ZERO,a);
- }
- }
- /** Canonicalize */
- snv gf_canon ( gf a ) {
- gf_reduce(a);
- /* subtract p with borrow */
- decaf_sdword_t carry = 0;
- FOR_LIMB(i, {
- carry = carry + a->limb[i] - P->limb[i];
- a->limb[i] = carry & LMASK;
- carry >>= LBITS;
- });
- decaf_bool_t addback = carry;
- carry = 0;
- /* add it back */
- FOR_LIMB(i, {
- carry = carry + a->limb[i] + (P->limb[i] & addback);
- a->limb[i] = carry & LMASK;
- carry >>= LBITS;
- });
- }
- /** Compare a==b */
- static decaf_word_t __attribute__((noinline)) gf_eq(const gf a, const gf b) {
- gf c;
- gf_sub(c,a,b);
- gf_canon(c);
- decaf_word_t ret=0;
- FOR_LIMB(i, ret |= c->limb[i] );
- /* Hope the compiler is too dumb to optimize this, thus noinline */
- return ((decaf_dword_t)ret - 1) >> WBITS;
- }
- /** Return high bit of x = low bit of 2x mod p */
- static decaf_word_t hibit(const gf x) {
- gf y;
- gf_add(y,x,x);
- gf_canon(y);
- return -(y->limb[0]&1);
- }
- /* a = use_c ? c : b */
- sv decaf_448_cond_sel (
- decaf_448_point_t a,
- const decaf_448_point_t b,
- const decaf_448_point_t c,
- decaf_bool_t use_c
- ) {
- cond_sel(a->x, b->x, c->x, use_c);
- cond_sel(a->y, b->y, c->y, use_c);
- cond_sel(a->z, b->z, c->z, use_c);
- cond_sel(a->t, b->t, c->t, use_c);
- }
- /** {extra,accum} - sub +? p
- * Must have extra <= 1
- */
- snv decaf_448_subx(
- decaf_448_scalar_t out,
- const decaf_word_t accum[DECAF_448_SCALAR_LIMBS],
- const decaf_448_scalar_t sub,
- const decaf_448_scalar_t p,
- decaf_word_t extra
- ) {
- decaf_sdword_t chain = 0;
- unsigned int i;
- for (i=0; i<DECAF_448_SCALAR_LIMBS; i++) {
- chain = (chain + accum[i]) - sub->limb[i];
- out->limb[i] = chain;
- chain >>= WBITS;
- }
- decaf_bool_t borrow = chain+extra; /* = 0 or -1 */
- chain = 0;
- for (i=0; i<DECAF_448_SCALAR_LIMBS; i++) {
- chain = (chain + out->limb[i]) + (p->limb[i] & borrow);
- out->limb[i] = chain;
- chain >>= WBITS;
- }
- }
- snv decaf_448_montmul (
- decaf_448_scalar_t out,
- const decaf_448_scalar_t a,
- const decaf_448_scalar_t b
- ) {
- unsigned int i,j;
- decaf_word_t accum[DECAF_448_SCALAR_LIMBS+1] = {0};
- decaf_word_t hi_carry = 0;
- for (i=0; i<DECAF_448_SCALAR_LIMBS; i++) {
- decaf_word_t mand = a->limb[i];
- const decaf_word_t *mier = b->limb;
- decaf_dword_t chain = 0;
- for (j=0; j<DECAF_448_SCALAR_LIMBS; j++) {
- chain += ((decaf_dword_t)mand)*mier[j] + accum[j];
- accum[j] = chain;
- chain >>= WBITS;
- }
- accum[j] = chain;
- mand = accum[0] * DECAF_MONTGOMERY_FACTOR;
- chain = 0;
- mier = decaf_448_scalar_p->limb;
- for (j=0; j<DECAF_448_SCALAR_LIMBS; j++) {
- chain += (decaf_dword_t)mand*mier[j] + accum[j];
- if (j) accum[j-1] = chain;
- chain >>= WBITS;
- }
- chain += accum[j];
- chain += hi_carry;
- accum[j-1] = chain;
- hi_carry = chain >> WBITS;
- }
- decaf_448_subx(out, accum, decaf_448_scalar_p, decaf_448_scalar_p, hi_carry);
- }
- void decaf_448_scalar_mul (
- decaf_448_scalar_t out,
- const decaf_448_scalar_t a,
- const decaf_448_scalar_t b
- ) {
- decaf_448_montmul(out,a,b);
- decaf_448_montmul(out,out,decaf_448_scalar_r2);
- }
- decaf_bool_t decaf_448_scalar_invert (
- decaf_448_scalar_t out,
- const decaf_448_scalar_t a
- ) {
- decaf_448_scalar_t b, ma;
- int i;
- decaf_448_montmul(b,decaf_448_scalar_one,decaf_448_scalar_r2);
- decaf_448_montmul(ma,a,decaf_448_scalar_r2);
- for (i=DECAF_448_SCALAR_BITS-1; i>=0; i--) {
- decaf_448_montmul(b,b,b);
- decaf_word_t w = decaf_448_scalar_p->limb[i/WBITS];
- if (i<WBITS) {
- assert(w >= 2);
- w-=2;
- }
- if (1 & w>>(i%WBITS)) {
- decaf_448_montmul(b,b,ma);
- }
- }
- decaf_448_montmul(out,b,decaf_448_scalar_one);
- decaf_448_scalar_destroy(b);
- decaf_448_scalar_destroy(ma);
- return ~decaf_448_scalar_eq(out,decaf_448_scalar_zero);
- }
- void decaf_448_scalar_sub (
- decaf_448_scalar_t out,
- const decaf_448_scalar_t a,
- const decaf_448_scalar_t b
- ) {
- decaf_448_subx(out, a->limb, b, decaf_448_scalar_p, 0);
- }
- void decaf_448_scalar_add (
- decaf_448_scalar_t out,
- const decaf_448_scalar_t a,
- const decaf_448_scalar_t b
- ) {
- decaf_dword_t chain = 0;
- unsigned int i;
- for (i=0; i<DECAF_448_SCALAR_LIMBS; i++) {
- chain = (chain + a->limb[i]) + b->limb[i];
- out->limb[i] = chain;
- chain >>= WBITS;
- }
- decaf_448_subx(out, out->limb, decaf_448_scalar_p, decaf_448_scalar_p, chain);
- }
- void decaf_448_scalar_set (
- decaf_448_scalar_t out,
- decaf_word_t w
- ) {
- memset(out,0,sizeof(decaf_448_scalar_t));
- out->limb[0] = w;
- }
- decaf_bool_t decaf_448_scalar_eq (
- const decaf_448_scalar_t a,
- const decaf_448_scalar_t b
- ) {
- int i;
- decaf_word_t diff = 0;
- for(i=0; i<DECAF_448_SCALAR_LIMBS; i++) {
- diff |= a->limb[i] ^ b->limb[i];
- }
- return (((decaf_dword_t)diff)-1)>>WBITS;
- }
- /* *** API begins here *** */
- /** identity = (0,1) */
- const decaf_448_point_t decaf_448_point_identity = {{{{{0}}},{{{1}}},{{{1}}},{{{0}}}}};
- void decaf_448_point_encode( unsigned char ser[DECAF_448_SER_BYTES], const decaf_448_point_t p ) {
- /* Can shave off one mul here; not important but makes consistent with paper */
- gf a, b, c, d;
- gf_mlw ( a, p->y, 1-EDWARDS_D );
- gf_mul ( c, a, p->t );
- gf_mul ( a, p->x, p->z );
- gf_sub ( d, c, a );
- gf_add ( a, p->z, p->y );
- gf_sub ( b, p->z, p->y );
- gf_mul ( c, b, a );
- gf_mlw ( b, c, -EDWARDS_D );
- gf_isqrt ( a, b );
- gf_mlw ( b, a, -EDWARDS_D );
- gf_mul ( c, b, a );
- gf_mul ( a, c, d );
- gf_add ( d, b, b );
- gf_mul ( c, d, p->z );
- cond_neg ( b, ~hibit(c) );
- gf_mul ( c, b, p->y );
- gf_add ( a, a, c );
- cond_neg ( a, hibit(a) );
- gf_canon(a);
- int k=0, bits=0;
- decaf_dword_t buf=0;
- FOR_LIMB(i, {
- buf |= (decaf_dword_t)a->limb[i]<<bits;
- for (bits += LBITS; (bits>=8 || i==DECAF_448_LIMBS-1) && k<DECAF_448_SER_BYTES; bits-=8, buf>>=8) {
- ser[k++]=buf;
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * Deserialize a bool, return TRUE if < p.
- */
- static decaf_bool_t gf_deser(gf s, const unsigned char ser[DECAF_448_SER_BYTES]) {
- unsigned int i, k=0, bits=0;
- decaf_dword_t buf=0;
- for (i=0; i<DECAF_448_SER_BYTES; i++) {
- buf |= (decaf_dword_t)ser[i]<<bits;
- for (bits += 8; (bits>=LBITS || i==DECAF_448_SER_BYTES-1) && k<DECAF_448_LIMBS; bits-=LBITS, buf>>=LBITS) {
- s->limb[k++] = buf & LMASK;
- }
- }
- decaf_sdword_t accum = 0;
- FOR_LIMB(i, accum = (accum + s->limb[i] - P->limb[i]) >> WBITS );
- return accum;
- }
- /* Constant-time add or subtract */
- snv decaf_448_point_add_sub (
- decaf_448_point_t p,
- const decaf_448_point_t q,
- const decaf_448_point_t r,
- decaf_bool_t do_sub
- ) {
- /* Twisted Edward formulas, complete when 4-torsion isn't involved */
- gf a, b, c, d;
- gf_sub ( b, q->y, q->x );
- gf_sub ( c, r->y, r->x );
- gf_add ( d, r->y, r->x );
- cond_swap(c,d,do_sub);
- gf_mul ( a, c, b );
- gf_add ( b, q->y, q->x );
- gf_mul ( p->y, d, b );
- gf_mul ( b, r->t, q->t );
- gf_mlw ( p->x, b, 2-2*EDWARDS_D );
- gf_add ( b, a, p->y );
- gf_sub ( c, p->y, a );
- gf_mul ( a, q->z, r->z );
- gf_add ( a, a, a );
- gf_add ( p->y, a, p->x );
- gf_sub ( a, a, p->x );
- cond_swap(a,p->y,do_sub);
- gf_mul ( p->z, a, p->y );
- gf_mul ( p->x, p->y, c );
- gf_mul ( p->y, a, b );
- gf_mul ( p->t, b, c );
- }
- decaf_bool_t decaf_448_point_decode (
- decaf_448_point_t p,
- const unsigned char ser[DECAF_448_SER_BYTES],
- decaf_bool_t allow_identity
- ) {
- gf s, a, b, c, d, e;
- decaf_bool_t succ = gf_deser(s, ser), zero = gf_eq(s, ZERO);
- succ &= allow_identity | ~zero;
- succ &= ~hibit(s);
- gf_sqr ( a, s );
- gf_sub ( p->z, ONE, a );
- gf_sqr ( b, p->z );
- gf_mlw ( c, a, 4-4*EDWARDS_D );
- gf_add ( c, c, b );
- gf_mul ( b, c, a );
- gf_isqrt ( d, b );
- gf_sqr ( e, d );
- gf_mul ( a, e, b );
- gf_add ( a, a, ONE );
- succ &= ~gf_eq ( a, ZERO );
- gf_mul ( b, c, d );
- cond_neg ( d, hibit(b) );
- gf_add ( p->x, s, s );
- gf_mul ( c, d, s );
- gf_sub ( b, TWO, p->z );
- gf_mul ( a, b, c );
- gf_mul ( p->y,a,p->z );
- gf_mul ( p->t,p->x,a );
- p->y->limb[0] -= zero;
- /* TODO: do something safe if ~succ? */
- return succ;
- }
- void decaf_448_point_sub(decaf_448_point_t a, const decaf_448_point_t b, const decaf_448_point_t c) {
- decaf_448_point_add_sub(a,b,c,-1);
- }
- void decaf_448_point_add(decaf_448_point_t a, const decaf_448_point_t b, const decaf_448_point_t c) {
- decaf_448_point_add_sub(a,b,c,0);
- }
- /* No dedicated point double yet (PERF) */
- void decaf_448_point_double(decaf_448_point_t a, const decaf_448_point_t b) {
- decaf_448_point_add(a,b,b);
- }
- void decaf_448_point_negate (
- decaf_448_point_t nega,
- const decaf_448_point_t a
- ) {
- gf_sub(nega->x, ZERO, a->x);
- gf_cpy(nega->y, a->y);
- gf_cpy(nega->z, a->z);
- gf_sub(nega->t, ZERO, a->t);
- }
- decaf_bool_t decaf_448_scalar_decode(
- decaf_448_scalar_t s,
- const unsigned char ser[DECAF_448_SER_BYTES]
- ) {
- unsigned int i,j,k=0;
- for (i=0; i<DECAF_448_SCALAR_LIMBS; i++) {
- decaf_word_t out = 0;
- for (j=0; j<sizeof(decaf_word_t); j++,k++) {
- out |= ((decaf_word_t)ser[k])<<(8*j);
- }
- s->limb[i] = out;
- }
- decaf_sdword_t accum = 0;
- for (i=0; i<DECAF_448_SCALAR_LIMBS; i++) {
- accum = (accum + s->limb[i] - decaf_448_scalar_p->limb[i]) >> WBITS;
- }
- decaf_448_scalar_mul(s,s,decaf_448_scalar_one); /* ham-handed reduce */
- return accum;
- }
- void decaf_bzero (
- void *s,
- size_t size
- ) {
- #ifdef __STDC_LIB_EXT1__
- memset_s(s, size, 0, size);
- #else
- volatile uint8_t *destroy = (volatile uint8_t *)s;
- unsigned i;
- for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
- destroy[i] = 0;
- }
- #endif
- }
- void decaf_448_scalar_destroy (
- decaf_448_scalar_t scalar
- ) {
- decaf_bzero(scalar, sizeof(decaf_448_scalar_t));
- }
- static inline void ignore_result ( decaf_bool_t boo ) {
- (void)boo;
- }
- void decaf_448_scalar_decode_long(
- decaf_448_scalar_t s,
- const unsigned char *ser,
- size_t ser_len
- ) {
- if (ser_len == 0) {
- decaf_448_scalar_copy(s, decaf_448_scalar_zero);
- return;
- }
- size_t i;
- unsigned char tmp[DECAF_448_SER_BYTES] = {0};
- decaf_448_scalar_t t1, t2;
- i = ser_len - (ser_len%DECAF_448_SER_BYTES);
- if (i==ser_len) i -= DECAF_448_SER_BYTES;
- memcpy(tmp, ser+i, ser_len - i);
- ignore_result( decaf_448_scalar_decode(t1, tmp) );
- decaf_bzero(tmp, sizeof(tmp));
- while (i) {
- i -= DECAF_448_SER_BYTES;
- decaf_448_montmul(t1,t1,decaf_448_scalar_r2);
- ignore_result( decaf_448_scalar_decode(t2, ser+i) );
- decaf_448_scalar_add(t1, t1, t2);
- }
- decaf_448_scalar_copy(s, t1);
- decaf_448_scalar_destroy(t1);
- decaf_448_scalar_destroy(t2);
- }
- void decaf_448_scalar_encode(
- unsigned char ser[DECAF_448_SER_BYTES],
- const decaf_448_scalar_t s
- ) {
- unsigned int i,j,k=0;
- for (i=0; i<DECAF_448_SCALAR_LIMBS; i++) {
- for (j=0; j<sizeof(decaf_word_t); j++,k++) {
- ser[k] = s->limb[i] >> (8*j);
- }
- }
- }
- void decaf_448_point_scalarmul (
- decaf_448_point_t a,
- const decaf_448_point_t b,
- const decaf_448_scalar_t scalar
- ) {
- /* w=2 signed window uses about 1.5 adds per bit.
- * I figured a few extra lines was worth the 25% speedup.
- */
- decaf_448_point_t w,b3,tmp;
- decaf_448_point_double(w,b);
- /* b3 = b*3 */
- decaf_448_point_add(b3,w,b);
- int i;
- for (i=DECAF_448_SCALAR_BITS &~ 1; i>0; i-=2) {
- decaf_word_t bits = scalar->limb[i/WBITS]>>(i%WBITS);
- decaf_448_cond_sel(tmp,b,b3,((bits^(bits>>1))&1)-1);
- decaf_448_point_double(w,w);
- decaf_448_point_add_sub(w,w,tmp,((bits>>1)&1)-1);
- decaf_448_point_double(w,w);
- }
- decaf_448_point_add_sub(w,w,b,((scalar->limb[0]>>1)&1)-1);
- /* low bit is special because fo signed window */
- decaf_448_cond_sel(tmp,b,decaf_448_point_identity,-(scalar->limb[0]&1));
- decaf_448_point_sub(a,w,tmp);
- }
- void decaf_448_point_double_scalarmul (
- decaf_448_point_t a,
- const decaf_448_point_t b,
- const decaf_448_scalar_t scalarb,
- const decaf_448_point_t c,
- const decaf_448_scalar_t scalarc
- ) {
- /* w=2 signed window uses about 1.5 adds per bit.
- * I figured a few extra lines was worth the 25% speedup.
- * NB: if adapting this function to scalarmul by a
- * possibly-odd number of unmasked bits, may need to mask.
- */
- decaf_448_point_t w,b3,c3,tmp;
- decaf_448_point_double(w,b);
- decaf_448_point_double(tmp,c);
- /* b3 = b*3 */
- decaf_448_point_add(b3,w,b);
- decaf_448_point_add(c3,tmp,c);
- decaf_448_point_add(w,w,tmp);
- int i;
- for (i=DECAF_448_SCALAR_BITS &~ 1; i>0; i-=2) {
- decaf_448_point_double(w,w);
- decaf_word_t bits = scalarb->limb[i/WBITS]>>(i%WBITS);
- decaf_448_cond_sel(tmp,b,b3,((bits^(bits>>1))&1)-1);
- decaf_448_point_add_sub(w,w,tmp,((bits>>1)&1)-1);
- bits = scalarc->limb[i/WBITS]>>(i%WBITS);
- decaf_448_cond_sel(tmp,c,c3,((bits^(bits>>1))&1)-1);
- decaf_448_point_add_sub(w,w,tmp,((bits>>1)&1)-1);
- decaf_448_point_double(w,w);
- }
- decaf_448_point_add_sub(w,w,b,((scalarb->limb[0]>>1)&1)-1);
- decaf_448_point_add_sub(w,w,c,((scalarc->limb[0]>>1)&1)-1);
- /* low bit is special because of signed window */
- decaf_448_cond_sel(tmp,b,decaf_448_point_identity,-(scalarb->limb[0]&1));
- decaf_448_point_sub(w,w,tmp);
- decaf_448_cond_sel(tmp,c,decaf_448_point_identity,-(scalarc->limb[0]&1));
- decaf_448_point_sub(a,w,tmp);
- }
- decaf_bool_t decaf_448_point_eq ( const decaf_448_point_t p, const decaf_448_point_t q ) {
- /* equality mod 2-torsion compares x/y */
- gf a, b;
- gf_mul ( a, p->y, q->x );
- gf_mul ( b, q->y, p->x );
- return gf_eq(a,b);
- }
- void decaf_448_point_from_hash_nonuniform (
- decaf_448_point_t p,
- const unsigned char ser[DECAF_448_SER_BYTES]
- ) {
- gf r,urr,a,b,c,dee,e,ur2_d,udr2_1;
- (void)gf_deser(r,ser);
- gf_canon(r);
- gf_sqr(a,r);
- gf_mlw(dee,ONE,EDWARDS_D);
- gf_add(a,urr,ONE);
- gf_sub(ur2_d,dee,urr);
- gf_mul(c,a,ur2_d);
- gf_mlw(b,urr,-EDWARDS_D);
- gf_add(udr2_1,b,ONE);
- gf_mul(a,c,udr2_1);
- gf_mlw(c,a,EDWARDS_D+1);
- gf_isqrt(b,c); /* FIELD: if 5 mod 8, multiply result by u. */
- gf_sqr(a,b);
- gf_mul(e,a,c);
- decaf_bool_t square = gf_eq(e,ONE);
- gf_mul(a,b,r);
- cond_sel(b,a,b,square);
- gf_mlw(a,b,EDWARDS_D+1);
- cond_swap(ur2_d,udr2_1,~square);
- gf_mul(e,ur2_d,a);
- cond_neg(e,hibit(e)^square);
- gf_mul(b,udr2_1,a);
- gf_sqr(c,b);
- gf_sqr(a,e);
- gf_sub(a,ONE,a);
- gf_add(e,e,e);
- gf_add(b,dee,c);
- gf_sub(c,dee,c);
- gf_mul(p->x,e,c);
- gf_mul(p->z,a,c);
- gf_mul(p->y,b,a);
- gf_mul(p->t,b,e);
- }
- void decaf_448_point_from_hash_uniform (
- decaf_448_point_t pt,
- const unsigned char hashed_data[2*DECAF_448_SER_BYTES]
- ) {
- decaf_448_point_t pt2;
- decaf_448_point_from_hash_nonuniform(pt,hashed_data);
- decaf_448_point_from_hash_nonuniform(pt2,&hashed_data[DECAF_448_SER_BYTES]);
- decaf_448_point_add(pt,pt,pt2);
- }
- decaf_bool_t decaf_448_point_valid (
- const decaf_448_point_t p
- ) {
- gf a,b,c;
- gf_mul(a,p->x,p->y);
- gf_mul(b,p->z,p->t);
- decaf_bool_t out = gf_eq(a,b);
- gf_sqr(a,p->x);
- gf_sqr(b,p->y);
- gf_sub(a,b,a);
- gf_sqr(b,p->t);
- gf_mlw(c,b,1-EDWARDS_D);
- gf_sqr(b,p->z);
- gf_sub(b,b,c);
- out &= gf_eq(a,b);
- out &= ~gf_eq(p->z,ZERO);
- return out;
- }
- void decaf_448_precompute (
- decaf_448_precomputed_s *a,
- const decaf_448_point_t b
- ) {
- decaf_448_point_copy(a->p[0],b);
- }
- decaf_bool_t decaf_448_direct_scalarmul (
- uint8_t scaled[DECAF_448_SER_BYTES],
- const uint8_t base[DECAF_448_SER_BYTES],
- const decaf_448_scalar_t scalar,
- decaf_bool_t allow_identity,
- decaf_bool_t short_circuit
- ) {
- decaf_448_point_t basep;
- decaf_bool_t succ = decaf_448_point_decode(basep, base, allow_identity);
- if (short_circuit & ~succ) return succ;
- decaf_448_point_scalarmul(basep, basep, scalar);
- decaf_448_point_encode(scaled, basep);
- return succ;
- }
- void decaf_448_precomputed_scalarmul (
- decaf_448_point_t a,
- const decaf_448_precomputed_s *b,
- const decaf_448_scalar_t scalar
- ) {
- decaf_448_point_scalarmul(a,b->p[0],scalar);
- }
- void decaf_448_base_double_scalarmul_non_secret (
- decaf_448_point_t combo,
- const decaf_448_scalar_t scalar1,
- const decaf_448_point_t base2,
- const decaf_448_scalar_t scalar2
- ) {
- decaf_448_point_double_scalarmul(combo, decaf_448_point_base, scalar1, base2, scalar2);
- }
- void decaf_448_point_destroy (
- decaf_448_point_t point
- ) {
- decaf_bzero(point, sizeof(decaf_448_point_t));
- }
- void decaf_448_precomputed_destroy (
- decaf_448_precomputed_s *pre
- ) {
- decaf_bzero(pre, sizeof_decaf_448_precomputed_s);
- }