#include "test.h" #include #include "ec_point.h" #include "decaf.h" #include "scalarmul.h" #include "magic.h" #include "field.h" #include "crandom.h" static void failprint_ext ( const struct extensible_t *a ) { field_a_t zi, scaled; field_print(" x", a->x); field_print(" y", a->y); field_print(" z", a->z); field_inverse(zi, a->z); field_mul(scaled, zi, a->x); field_print(" X", scaled); field_mul(scaled, zi, a->y); field_print(" Y", scaled); printf("\n"); } static void failprint_tw_ext ( const struct tw_extensible_t *a ) { failprint_ext((const struct extensible_t *)a); } static mask_t fail_if_different ( const struct extensible_t *a, const struct extensible_t *b, const char *faildescr, const char *adescr, const char *bdescr ) { mask_t succ = eq_extensible(a, b); if (!succ) { youfail(); printf(" %s\n", faildescr); printf("\n %s:\n", adescr); failprint_ext(a); printf("\n %s:\n", bdescr); failprint_ext(b); } return succ; } static mask_t validate_ext( const struct extensible_t *ext, int evenness, const char *description ) { mask_t succ = validate_extensible(ext), succ2; const char *error = "Point isn't on the curve."; if (evenness > 0) { succ2 = is_even_pt(ext); if (succ &~ succ2) error = "Point isn't even."; succ &= succ2; } else if (evenness < 0) { succ2 = is_even_pt(ext); if (succ &~ succ2) error = "Point is even but shouldn't be."; succ &= succ2; } /* FUTURE: quadness */ if (~succ) { youfail(); printf(" %s\n", error); printf(" %s\n", description); failprint_ext(ext); } return succ; } static mask_t validate_tw_ext( const struct tw_extensible_t *ext, int evenness, const char *description ) { mask_t succ = validate_tw_extensible(ext), succ2; const char *error = "Point isn't on the twisted curve."; if (evenness > 0) { succ2 = is_even_tw(ext); if (succ &~ succ2) error = "Point isn't even."; succ &= succ2; } else if (evenness < 0) { succ2 = is_even_tw(ext); if (succ &~ succ2) error = "Point is even but shouldn't be."; succ &= succ2; } /* FUTURE: quadness */ if (~succ) { youfail(); printf(" %s\n", error); printf(" %s\n", description); failprint_tw_ext(ext); } return succ; } static mask_t fail_if_different_tw ( const struct tw_extensible_t *a, const struct tw_extensible_t *b, const char *faildescr, const char *adescr, const char *bdescr ) { return fail_if_different( (const struct extensible_t *)a, (const struct extensible_t *)b, faildescr,adescr,bdescr ); } static int add_double_test ( const struct affine_t *base1, const struct affine_t *base2 ) { mask_t succ = MASK_SUCCESS; struct extensible_t exb; struct tw_extensible_t text1, text2, texta, textb; struct tw_extended_t ted1, ted2; struct tw_pniels_t pn; /* Convert to ext */ convert_affine_to_extensible(&exb, base1); succ &= validate_ext(&exb,0,"base1"); twist_and_double(&text1, &exb); succ &= validate_tw_ext(&text1,2,"iso1"); convert_affine_to_extensible(&exb, base2); succ &= validate_ext(&exb,0,"base2"); twist_and_double(&text2, &exb); succ &= validate_tw_ext(&text2,2,"iso2"); /* a + b == b + a? */ convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&pn, &text1); copy_tw_extensible(&texta, &text2); add_tw_pniels_to_tw_extensible(&texta, &pn); convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&pn, &text2); copy_tw_extensible(&textb, &text1); add_tw_pniels_to_tw_extensible(&textb, &pn); decaf_point_t ted3; convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_extended(&ted1, &text1); convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_extended(&ted2, &text2); decaf_add(ted3, (struct decaf_point_s*)&ted1, (struct decaf_point_s*)&ted2); add_tw_extended(&ted1, &ted2); convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_extended(&ted2, &textb); if (~decaf_eq_tw_extended(&ted1, &ted2) | ~decaf_eq((struct decaf_point_s*)&ted1, ted3)) { youfail(); succ = 0; printf(" Tw extended simple compat:\n"); field_print(" x1",ted1.x); field_print(" y1",ted1.y); field_print(" z1",ted1.z); field_print(" t1",ted1.t); field_print(" x2",ted2.x); field_print(" y2",ted2.y); field_print(" z2",ted2.z); field_print(" t2",ted2.t); struct tw_extended_t *t3 = (struct tw_extended_t *)&ted3; field_print(" x3",t3->x); field_print(" y3",t3->y); field_print(" z3",t3->z); field_print(" t3",t3->t); } succ &= fail_if_different_tw(&texta,&textb,"Addition commutativity","a+b","b+a"); copy_tw_extensible(&textb, &text2); add_tw_pniels_to_tw_extensible(&textb, &pn); copy_tw_extensible(&texta, &text2); double_tw_extensible(&texta); succ &= fail_if_different_tw(&texta,&textb,"Doubling test","2b","b+b"); if (~succ) { printf(" Bases were:\n"); field_print(" x1", base1->x); field_print(" y1", base1->y); field_print(" x2", base2->x); field_print(" y2", base2->y); } return succ ? 0 : -1; } static int single_twisting_test ( const struct affine_t *base ) { struct extensible_t exb, ext, tmpext; struct tw_extensible_t text, text2; mask_t succ = MASK_SUCCESS; convert_affine_to_extensible(&exb, base); succ &= validate_ext(&exb,0,"base"); /* check: dual . iso = 4 */ twist_and_double(&text, &exb); succ &= validate_tw_ext(&text,2,"iso"); untwist_and_double(&ext, &text); succ &= validate_ext(&ext,2,"dual.iso"); copy_extensible(&tmpext,&exb); double_extensible(&tmpext); succ &= validate_ext(&tmpext,1,"2*base"); double_extensible(&tmpext); succ &= validate_ext(&tmpext,2,"4*base"); succ &= fail_if_different(&ext,&tmpext,"Isogeny and dual","Dual . iso","4*base"); /* check: twist and serialize */ test_only_twist(&text, &exb); succ &= validate_tw_ext(&text,0,"tot"); mask_t evt = is_even_tw(&text), evb = is_even_pt(&exb); if (evt != evb) { youfail(); printf(" Different evenness from twist base: %d, twist: %d\n", (int)-evt, (int)-evb); succ = 0; } /* FUTURE: quadness */ field_a_t sera,serb; untwist_and_double_and_serialize(sera,&text); copy_extensible(&tmpext,&exb); double_extensible(&tmpext); serialize_extensible(serb,&tmpext); /* check that their (doubled; FUTURE?) serializations are equal */ if (~field_eq(sera,serb)) { youfail(); printf(" Different serialization from twist + double ()\n"); field_print(" t", sera); field_print(" b", serb); succ = 0; } untwist_and_double(&ext, &text); succ &= validate_ext(&tmpext,1,"dual.tot"); twist_and_double(&text2, &ext); succ &= validate_tw_ext(&text2,2,"iso.dual.tot"); double_tw_extensible(&text); succ &= validate_tw_ext(&text,1,"2*tot"); double_tw_extensible(&text); succ &= validate_tw_ext(&text,2,"4*tot"); succ &= fail_if_different_tw(&text,&text2,"Dual and isogeny","4*tot","iso.dual.tot"); if (~succ) { printf(" Base was:\n"); field_print(" x", base->x); field_print(" y", base->y); } return succ ? 0 : -1; } int test_decaf_evil (void) { #if FIELD_BITS != 448 || WORD_BITS != 64 printf(" [ UNIMP ] "); return 0; #else word_t evil_scalars[5][7] = { {0}, {0x2378c292ab5844f3,0x216cc2728dc58f55,0xc44edb49aed63690,0xffffffff7cca23e9, 0xffffffffffffffff,0xffffffffffffffff,0x3fffffffffffffff}, /* q */ {0xdc873d6d54a7bb0d,0xde933d8d723a70aa,0x3bb124b65129c96f, 0x335dc16,0x0,0x0,0x4000000000000000}, /* qtwist */ {0x46f1852556b089e6,0x42d984e51b8b1eaa,0x889db6935dac6d20,0xfffffffef99447d3, 0xffffffffffffffff,0xffffffffffffffff,0x7fffffffffffffff}, /* 2q */ {0xb90e7adaa94f761a,0xbd267b1ae474e155,0x7762496ca25392df,0x66bb82c, 0x0,0x0,0x8000000000000000} /* 2*qtwist */ }; word_t random_scalar[7]; unsigned char evil_inputs[3][56]; memset(evil_inputs[0],0,56); memset(evil_inputs[1],0,56); memset(evil_inputs[2],0xff,56); evil_inputs[1][0] = 1; evil_inputs[2][0] = evil_inputs[2][28] = 0xFE; unsigned char random_input[56]; crandom_state_a_t crand; crandom_init_from_buffer(crand, "my evil_decaf random initializer"); int i,j,fails=0; int ret = 0; for (i=0; i<100; i++) { crandom_generate(crand, (unsigned char *)random_scalar, sizeof(random_scalar)); if (i<15) { memcpy(random_scalar, evil_scalars[i%5], sizeof(random_scalar)); if (i%3 == 1) random_scalar[0] ++; if (i%3 == 2) random_scalar[0] --; } for (j=0; j<100; j++) { crandom_generate(crand, random_input, sizeof(random_input)); mask_t should = 0, care_should = 0; if (j<3) { memcpy(random_input, evil_inputs[j], sizeof(random_input)); care_should = -1; should = (j==0) ? -1 : 0; } else { random_input[55] &= 0x7F; } field_a_t base, out_m, out_e, out_ed; mask_t s_base = field_deserialize(base,random_input); affine_a_t pt_e; tw_affine_a_t pt_te; tw_extended_a_t pt_ed; // TODO: test don't allow identity mask_t s_e = decaf_deserialize_affine(pt_e,base,-1); mask_t s_te = decaf_deserialize_tw_affine(pt_te,base,-1); mask_t s_ed = decaf_deserialize_tw_extended(pt_ed,base,-1); mask_t s_m = decaf_montgomery_ladder(out_m, base, random_scalar, 448); tw_extensible_a_t work; convert_tw_affine_to_tw_extensible(work,pt_te); scalarmul(work, random_scalar); decaf_serialize_tw_extensible(out_e, work); scalarmul_ed(pt_ed, random_scalar); decaf_serialize_tw_extended(out_ed, pt_ed); uint8_t ser_de[56], ser_ed[56]; decaf_point_t pt_dec, pt_dec2; memcpy(pt_dec, pt_ed, sizeof(pt_dec)); decaf_encode(ser_de, pt_dec); mask_t succ_dec = decaf_decode(pt_dec2, ser_de, -1); field_serialize(ser_ed, out_ed); decaf_point_t p; decaf_nonuniform_map_to_curve (p,random_input); mask_t succ_nur = decaf_valid(p); if ((care_should && should != s_m) || ~s_base || s_e != s_te || s_m != s_te || s_ed != s_te || (s_te && ~field_eq(out_e,out_m)) || (s_ed && ~field_eq(out_e,out_ed)) || memcmp(ser_de, ser_ed, 56) || (s_e & ~succ_dec) || (s_e & ~decaf_eq(pt_dec, pt_dec2) || (s_e & ~decaf_valid(pt_dec)) || ~succ_nur) ) { youfail(); field_print(" base", base); scalar_print(" scal", random_scalar, (448+WORD_BITS-1)/WORD_BITS); field_print(" oute", out_e); field_print(" outE", out_ed); field_print(" outm", out_m); printf(" succ: m=%d, e=%d, t=%d, b=%d, T=%d, D=%d, nur=%d, should=%d[%d]\n", -(int)s_m,-(int)s_e,-(int)s_te,-(int)s_base,-(int)s_ed,-(int)succ_dec, -(int)succ_nur, -(int)should,-(int)care_should ); ret = -1; fails++; } } } if (fails) { printf(" Failed %d trials\n", fails); } return ret; #endif } int test_decaf (void) { struct affine_t base; struct tw_affine_t tw_base; field_a_t serf; struct crandom_state_t crand; crandom_init_from_buffer(&crand, "my test_decaf random initializer"); int i, hits = 0, fails = 0; for (i=0; i<1000; i++) { uint8_t ser[FIELD_BYTES]; int j; mask_t succ = 0; for (j=0; j<128 && !succ; j++) { crandom_generate(&crand, ser, sizeof(ser)); ser[FIELD_BYTES-1] &= (1<<((FIELD_BITS-1)%8)) - 1; succ = field_deserialize(serf, ser); if (!succ) { youfail(); printf(" Unlikely: fail at field_deserialize\n"); return -1; } succ &= decaf_deserialize_affine(&base, serf, 0); } if (!succ) { youfail(); printf("Unlikely: fail 128 desers\n"); return -1; } hits++; field_a_t serf2; struct extensible_t ext; convert_affine_to_extensible(&ext, &base); decaf_serialize_extensible(serf2, &ext); if (~validate_affine(&base)) { youfail(); printf("Invalid decaf deser:\n"); field_print(" s", serf); field_print(" x", base.x); field_print(" y", base.y); fails ++; } else if (~field_eq(serf, serf2)) { youfail(); printf("Fail round-trip through decaf ser:\n"); field_print(" s", serf); field_print(" x", base.x); field_print(" y", base.y); printf(" deser is %s\n", validate_affine(&base) ? "valid" : "invalid"); field_print(" S", serf2); fails ++; } else if (~is_even_pt(&ext)) { youfail(); printf("Decaf deser isn't even:\n"); field_print(" s", serf); field_print(" x", base.x); field_print(" y", base.y); fails ++; } succ = decaf_deserialize_tw_affine(&tw_base, serf, 0); struct tw_extensible_t tw_ext, tw_ext2; convert_tw_affine_to_tw_extensible(&tw_ext, &tw_base); decaf_serialize_tw_extensible(serf2, &tw_ext); twist_even(&tw_ext2, &ext); if (~succ | ~validate_tw_extensible(&tw_ext)) { youfail(); printf("Invalid decaf tw deser:\n"); field_print(" s", serf); field_print(" x", tw_base.x); field_print(" y", tw_base.y); fails ++; } else if (~field_eq(serf, serf2)) { youfail(); printf("Fail round-trip through decaf ser:\n"); field_print(" s", serf); field_print(" x", tw_base.x); field_print(" y", tw_base.y); printf(" tw deser is %s\n", validate_tw_extensible(&tw_ext) ? "valid" : "invalid"); field_print(" S", serf2); fails ++; } else if (~is_even_tw(&tw_ext)) { youfail(); printf("Decaf tw deser isn't even:\n"); field_print(" s", serf); field_print(" x", tw_base.x); field_print(" y", tw_base.y); fails ++; } else if (~decaf_eq_tw_extensible(&tw_ext,&tw_ext2)) { youfail(); printf("Decaf tw doesn't equal ext:\n"); field_print(" s", serf); field_print(" x1", base.x); field_print(" y1", base.y); field_print(" x2", tw_base.x); field_print(" y2", tw_base.y); field_print(" X2", tw_ext2.x); field_print(" Y2", tw_ext2.y); fails ++; } tw_extended_a_t ed; succ = decaf_deserialize_tw_extended(ed, serf, 0); decaf_serialize_tw_extended(serf2, ed); if (~succ) { youfail(); printf("Invalid decaf ed deser:\n"); field_print(" s", serf); fails ++; } else if (~field_eq(serf, serf2)) { youfail(); printf("Fail round-trip through decaf ser:\n"); field_print(" s", serf); field_print(" x", ed->x); field_print(" y", ed->y); field_print(" z", ed->z); field_print(" t", ed->t); printf(" tw deser is %s\n", validate_tw_extensible(&tw_ext) ? "valid" : "invalid"); field_print(" S", serf2); fails ++; } word_t scalar = 1; mask_t res = decaf_montgomery_ladder(serf2,serf,&scalar,1+(i%31)); if (~res | ~field_eq(serf2,serf)) { youfail(); printf("Decaf Montgomery ladder i=%d res=%d\n", 1+(i%31), (int)res); field_print(" s", serf); field_print(" o", serf2); printf("\n"); } } if (hits < 1000) { youfail(); printf(" Fail: only %d successes in decaf_deser\n", hits); return -1; } else if (fails) { printf(" %d fails\n", fails); return -1; } else { return 0; } } int test_pointops (void) { struct affine_t base, pbase; field_a_t serf; struct crandom_state_t crand; crandom_init_from_buffer(&crand, "test_pointops random initializer"); struct extensible_t ext_base; if (!validate_affine(goldilocks_base_point)) { youfail(); printf(" Base point isn't on the curve.\n"); return -1; } convert_affine_to_extensible(&ext_base, goldilocks_base_point); if (!validate_ext(&ext_base, 2, "base")) return -1; int i, ret; for (i=0; i<1000; i++) { uint8_t ser[FIELD_BYTES]; crandom_generate(&crand, ser, sizeof(ser)); #if (FIELD_BITS % 8) ser[FIELD_BYTES-1] &= (1<<(FIELD_BITS%8)) - 1; #endif /* TODO: we need a field generate, which can return random or pathological. */ mask_t succ = field_deserialize(serf, ser); if (!succ) { youfail(); printf(" Unlikely: fail at field_deserialize\n"); return -1; } if (i) { copy_affine(&pbase, &base); } elligator_2s_inject(&base, serf); if (i) { ret = add_double_test(&base, &pbase); if (ret) return ret; } ret = single_twisting_test(&base); if (ret) return ret; } return 0; }