/** * @file test_decaf.cxx * @author Mike Hamburg * * @copyright * Copyright (c) 2015 Cryptography Research, Inc. \n * Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for license information. * * @brief C++ benchmarks, because that's easier. */ #include <decaf.hxx> #include <decaf/shake.hxx> #include <decaf/sha512.hxx> #include <decaf/strobe.hxx> #include <decaf/spongerng.hxx> #include <decaf/crypto_255.h> #include <decaf/crypto_448.h> #include <decaf/crypto.hxx> #include <decaf/eddsa.hxx> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> using namespace decaf; static __inline__ void __attribute__((unused)) ignore_result ( int result ) { (void)result; } static double now(void) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); return tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec/1000000.0; } // RDTSC from the chacha code #ifndef __has_builtin #define __has_builtin(X) 0 #endif #if defined(__clang__) && __has_builtin(__builtin_readcyclecounter) #define rdtsc __builtin_readcyclecounter #else static inline uint64_t rdtsc(void) { # if defined(__x86_64__) uint32_t lobits, hibits; __asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc" : "=a"(lobits), "=d"(hibits)); return (lobits | ((uint64_t)(hibits) << 32)); # elif defined(__i386__) uint64_t __value; __asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc" : "=A"(__value)); return __value; # else return 0; # endif } #endif static void printSI(double x, const char *unit, const char *spacer = " ") { const char *small[] = {" ","m","ยต","n","p"}; const char *big[] = {" ","k","M","G","T"}; if (x < 1) { unsigned di=0; for (di=0; di<sizeof(small)/sizeof(*small)-1 && x && x < 1; di++) { x *= 1000.0; } printf("%6.2f%s%s%s", x, spacer, small[di], unit); } else { unsigned di=0; for (di=0; di<sizeof(big)/sizeof(*big)-1 && x && x >= 1000; di++) { x /= 1000.0; } printf("%6.2f%s%s%s", x, spacer, big[di], unit); } } class Benchmark { static const int NTESTS = 20, NSAMPLES=50, DISCARD=2; static double totalCy, totalS; public: int i, j, ntests, nsamples; double begin; uint64_t tsc_begin; std::vector<double> times; std::vector<uint64_t> cycles; Benchmark(const char *s, double factor = 1) { printf("%s:", s); if (strlen(s) < 25) printf("%*s",int(25-strlen(s)),""); fflush(stdout); i = j = 0; ntests = NTESTS * factor; nsamples = NSAMPLES; begin = now(); tsc_begin = rdtsc(); times = std::vector<double>(NSAMPLES); cycles = std::vector<uint64_t>(NSAMPLES); } ~Benchmark() { double tsc = 0; double t = 0; std::sort(times.begin(), times.end()); std::sort(cycles.begin(), cycles.end()); for (int k=DISCARD; k<nsamples-DISCARD; k++) { tsc += cycles[k]; t += times[k]; } totalCy += tsc; totalS += t; t /= ntests*(nsamples-2*DISCARD); tsc /= ntests*(nsamples-2*DISCARD); printSI(t,"s"); printf(" "); printSI(1/t,"/s"); if (tsc) { printf(" "); printSI(tsc, "cy"); } printf("\n"); } inline bool iter() { i++; if (i >= ntests) { uint64_t tsc = rdtsc() - tsc_begin; double t = now() - begin; begin += t; tsc_begin += tsc; assert(j >= 0 && j < nsamples); cycles[j] = tsc; times[j] = t; j++; i = 0; } return j < nsamples; } static void calib() { if (totalS && totalCy) { const char *s = "Cycle calibration"; printf("%s:", s); if (strlen(s) < 25) printf("%*s",int(25-strlen(s)),""); printSI(totalCy / totalS, "Hz"); printf("\n"); } } }; double Benchmark::totalCy = 0, Benchmark::totalS = 0; template<typename Group> struct Benches { typedef typename Group::Scalar Scalar; typedef typename Group::Point Point; typedef typename Group::Precomputed Precomputed; static void tdh ( SpongeRng &clientRng, SpongeRng &serverRng, Scalar x, const Block &gx, Scalar y, const Block &gy ) { /* "TripleDH". A bit of a hack, really: the real TripleDH * sends gx and gy and certs over the channel, but its goal * is actually the opposite of STROBE in this case: it doesn't * hash gx and gy into the session secret (only into the MAC * and AD) because of IPR concerns. */ Strobe client("example::tripleDH",Strobe::CLIENT), server("example::tripleDH",Strobe::SERVER); Scalar xe(clientRng); SecureBuffer gxe((Precomputed::base() * xe).serialize()); client.send_plaintext(gxe); server.recv_plaintext(gxe); Scalar ye(serverRng); SecureBuffer gye((Precomputed::base() * ye).serialize()); server.send_plaintext(gye); client.recv_plaintext(gye); Point pgxe(gxe); server.dh_key(pgxe*ye); SecureBuffer tag1 = server.produce_auth(); //SecureBuffer ct = server.encrypt(gy); server.dh_key(pgxe*y); SecureBuffer tag2 = server.produce_auth(); Point pgye(gye); client.dh_key(pgye*xe); client.verify_auth(tag1); client.dh_key(Point(gy) * xe); client.verify_auth(tag2); // ct = client.encrypt(gx); client.dh_key(pgye * x); tag1 = client.produce_auth(); client.respec(STROBE_KEYED_128); server.dh_key(Point(gx) * ye); server.verify_auth(tag1); server.respec(STROBE_KEYED_128); } static void fhmqv ( SpongeRng &clientRng, SpongeRng &serverRng, Scalar x, const Block &gx, Scalar y, const Block &gy ) { /* Don't use this, it's probably patented */ Strobe client("example::fhmqv",Strobe::CLIENT), server("example::fhmqv",Strobe::SERVER); Scalar xe(clientRng); client.send_plaintext(gx); server.recv_plaintext(gx); SecureBuffer gxe((Precomputed::base() * xe).serialize()); server.send_plaintext(gxe); client.recv_plaintext(gxe); Scalar ye(serverRng); server.send_plaintext(gy); client.recv_plaintext(gy); SecureBuffer gye((Precomputed::base() * ye).serialize()); server.send_plaintext(gye); Scalar schx(server.prng(Scalar::SER_BYTES)); Scalar schy(server.prng(Scalar::SER_BYTES)); Scalar yec = y + ye*schy; server.dh_key(Point::double_scalarmul(Point(gx),yec,Point(gxe),yec*schx)); SecureBuffer as = server.produce_auth(); client.recv_plaintext(gye); Scalar cchx(client.prng(Scalar::SER_BYTES)); Scalar cchy(client.prng(Scalar::SER_BYTES)); Scalar xec = x + xe*schx; client.dh_key(Point::double_scalarmul(Point(gy),xec,Point(gye),xec*schy)); client.verify_auth(as); SecureBuffer ac = client.produce_auth(); client.respec(STROBE_KEYED_128); server.verify_auth(ac); server.respec(STROBE_KEYED_128); } static void spake2ee( SpongeRng &clientRng, SpongeRng &serverRng, const Block &hashed_password, bool aug ) { Strobe client("example::spake2ee",Strobe::CLIENT), server("example::spake2ee",Strobe::SERVER); Scalar x(clientRng); SHAKE<256> shake; shake.update(hashed_password); SecureBuffer h0 = shake.output(Point::HASH_BYTES); SecureBuffer h1 = shake.output(Point::HASH_BYTES); SecureBuffer h2 = shake.output(Scalar::SER_BYTES); Scalar gs(h2); Point hc = Point::from_hash(h0); hc = Point::from_hash(h0); // double-count Point hs = Point::from_hash(h1); hs = Point::from_hash(h1); // double-count SecureBuffer gx((Precomputed::base() * x + hc).serialize()); client.send_plaintext(gx); server.recv_plaintext(gx); Scalar y(serverRng); SecureBuffer gy((Precomputed::base() * y + hs).serialize()); server.send_plaintext(gy); client.recv_plaintext(gy); server.dh_key(h1); server.dh_key((Point(gx) - hc)*y); if(aug) { /* This step isn't actually online but whatever, it's fastish */ SecureBuffer serverAug((Precomputed::base() * gs).serialize()); server.dh_key(Point(serverAug)*y); } SecureBuffer tag = server.produce_auth(); client.dh_key(h1); Point pgy(gy); pgy -= hs; client.dh_key(pgy*x); if (aug) client.dh_key(pgy * gs); client.verify_auth(tag); tag = client.produce_auth(); client.respec(STROBE_KEYED_128); /* A real protocol would continue with fork etc here... */ server.verify_auth(tag); server.respec(STROBE_KEYED_128); } static void cfrg() { SpongeRng rng(Block("bench_cfrg_crypto"),SpongeRng::DETERMINISTIC); FixedArrayBuffer<Group::DhLadder::PUBLIC_BYTES> base(rng); FixedArrayBuffer<Group::DhLadder::PRIVATE_BYTES> s1(rng); for (Benchmark b("RFC 7748 keygen"); b.iter(); ) { Group::DhLadder::generate_key(s1); } for (Benchmark b("RFC 7748 shared secret"); b.iter(); ) { Group::DhLadder::shared_secret(base,s1); } FixedArrayBuffer<EdDSA<Group>::PrivateKey::SER_BYTES> e1(rng); typename EdDSA<Group>::PublicKey pub((NOINIT())); typename EdDSA<Group>::PrivateKey priv((NOINIT())); SecureBuffer sig; for (Benchmark b("EdDSA keygen"); b.iter(); ) { priv = e1; } for (Benchmark b("EdDSA sign"); b.iter(); ) { sig = priv.sign(Block(NULL,0)); } pub = priv; for (Benchmark b("EdDSA verify"); b.iter(); ) { pub.verify(sig,Block(NULL,0)); } } static void macro() { printf("\nMacro-benchmarks for %s:\n", Group::name()); printf("CFRG crypto benchmarks:\n"); cfrg(); printf("\nSample crypto benchmarks:\n"); SpongeRng rng(Block("macro rng seed"),SpongeRng::DETERMINISTIC); PrivateKey<Group> s1((NOINIT())), s2(rng); PublicKey<Group> p1((NOINIT())), p2(s2); SecureBuffer message = rng.read(5), sig, ss; for (Benchmark b("Create private key",1); b.iter(); ) { s1 = PrivateKey<Group>(rng); SecureBuffer bb = s1.serialize(); } for (Benchmark b("Sign",1); b.iter(); ) { sig = s1.sign(message); } p1 = s1.pub(); for (Benchmark b("Verify",1); b.iter(); ) { rng.read(Buffer(message)); try { p1.verify(message, sig); } catch (CryptoException) {} } for (Benchmark b("SharedSecret",1); b.iter(); ) { ss = s1.shared_secret(p2,32,true); } printf("\nProtocol benchmarks:\n"); SpongeRng clientRng(Block("client rng seed"),SpongeRng::DETERMINISTIC); SpongeRng serverRng(Block("server rng seed"),SpongeRng::DETERMINISTIC); SecureBuffer hashedPassword(Block("hello world")); for (Benchmark b("Spake2ee c+s",0.1); b.iter(); ) { spake2ee(clientRng, serverRng, hashedPassword,false); } for (Benchmark b("Spake2ee c+s aug",0.1); b.iter(); ) { spake2ee(clientRng, serverRng, hashedPassword,true); } Scalar x(clientRng); SecureBuffer gx((Precomputed::base() * x).serialize()); Scalar y(serverRng); SecureBuffer gy((Precomputed::base() * y).serialize()); for (Benchmark b("FHMQV c+s",0.1); b.iter(); ) { fhmqv(clientRng, serverRng,x,gx,y,gy); } for (Benchmark b("TripleDH anon c+s",0.1); b.iter(); ) { tdh(clientRng, serverRng, x,gx,y,gy); } } static void micro() { SpongeRng rng(Block("per-curve-benchmarks"),SpongeRng::DETERMINISTIC); Precomputed pBase; Point p,q; Scalar s(1),t(2); SecureBuffer ep, ep2(Point::SER_BYTES*2); printf("\nMicro-benchmarks for %s:\n", Group::name()); for (Benchmark b("Scalar add", 1000); b.iter(); ) { s+=t; } for (Benchmark b("Scalar times", 100); b.iter(); ) { s*=t; } for (Benchmark b("Scalar inv", 1); b.iter(); ) { s.inverse(); } for (Benchmark b("Point add", 100); b.iter(); ) { p += q; } for (Benchmark b("Point double", 100); b.iter(); ) { p.double_in_place(); } for (Benchmark b("Point scalarmul"); b.iter(); ) { p * s; } for (Benchmark b("Point encode"); b.iter(); ) { ep = p.serialize(); } for (Benchmark b("Point decode"); b.iter(); ) { p = Point(ep); } for (Benchmark b("Point create/destroy"); b.iter(); ) { Point r; } for (Benchmark b("Point hash nonuniform"); b.iter(); ) { Point::from_hash(ep); } for (Benchmark b("Point hash uniform"); b.iter(); ) { Point::from_hash(ep2); } for (Benchmark b("Point unhash nonuniform"); b.iter(); ) { ignore_result(p.invert_elligator(ep,0)); } for (Benchmark b("Point unhash uniform"); b.iter(); ) { ignore_result(p.invert_elligator(ep2,0)); } for (Benchmark b("Point steg"); b.iter(); ) { p.steg_encode(rng); } for (Benchmark b("Point double scalarmul"); b.iter(); ) { Point::double_scalarmul(p,s,q,t); } for (Benchmark b("Point dual scalarmul"); b.iter(); ) { p.dual_scalarmul(p,q,s,t); } for (Benchmark b("Point precmp scalarmul"); b.iter(); ) { pBase * s; } for (Benchmark b("Point double scalarmul_v"); b.iter(); ) { s = Scalar(rng); t = Scalar(rng); p.non_secret_combo_with_base(s,t); } } }; /* template <typename group> struct Benches */ template <typename Group> struct Macro { static void run() { Benches<Group>::macro(); } }; template <typename Group> struct Micro { static void run() { Benches<Group>::micro(); } }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool micro = false; if (argc >= 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "--micro")) micro = true; SpongeRng rng(Block("micro-benchmarks"),SpongeRng::DETERMINISTIC); if (micro) { printf("\nMicro-benchmarks:\n"); SHAKE<128> shake1; SHAKE<256> shake2; SHA3<512> sha5; SHA512 sha2; Strobe strobe("example::bench",Strobe::CLIENT); unsigned char b1024[1024] = {1}; for (Benchmark b("SHAKE128 1kiB", 30); b.iter(); ) { shake1 += Buffer(b1024,1024); } for (Benchmark b("SHAKE256 1kiB", 30); b.iter(); ) { shake2 += Buffer(b1024,1024); } for (Benchmark b("SHA3-512 1kiB", 30); b.iter(); ) { sha5 += Buffer(b1024,1024); } for (Benchmark b("SHA512 1kiB", 30); b.iter(); ) { sha2 += Buffer(b1024,1024); } strobe.dh_key(Buffer(b1024,1024)); strobe.respec(STROBE_128); for (Benchmark b("STROBE128 1kiB", 10); b.iter(); ) { strobe.encrypt_no_auth(Buffer(b1024,1024),Buffer(b1024,1024)); } strobe.respec(STROBE_256); for (Benchmark b("STROBE256 1kiB", 10); b.iter(); ) { strobe.encrypt_no_auth(Buffer(b1024,1024),Buffer(b1024,1024)); } strobe.respec(STROBE_KEYED_128); for (Benchmark b("STROBEk128 1kiB", 10); b.iter(); ) { strobe.encrypt_no_auth(Buffer(b1024,1024),Buffer(b1024,1024)); } strobe.respec(STROBE_KEYED_256); for (Benchmark b("STROBEk256 1kiB", 10); b.iter(); ) { strobe.encrypt_no_auth(Buffer(b1024,1024),Buffer(b1024,1024)); } run_for_all_curves<Micro>(); } run_for_all_curves<Macro>(); printf("\n"); Benchmark::calib(); printf("\n"); return 0; }