
need an include/arch_*/arch_intrinsics.h for other arches

Michael Hamburg 8 年之前
共有 16 個檔案被更改,包括 453 行新增1315 行删除
  1. +9
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+ 9
- 5
Makefile 查看文件

@@ -146,10 +146,14 @@ COMPONENTS_OF_$(1) = $$(BUILD_OBJ)/$(1)_impl.o $$(BUILD_OBJ)/$(1)_arithmetic.o

$$(BUILD_ASM)/$(1)_arithmetic.s: src/$(1)/f_arithmetic.c $$(HEADERS)
$$(CC) $$(CFLAGS) -I src/$(1) -I src/$(1)/$(2) -I $(BUILD_H)/$(1) -I $(BUILD_H)/$(1)/$(2) -S -c -o $$@ $$<
$$(CC) $$(CFLAGS) -I src/$(1) -I src/$(1)/$(2) -I $(BUILD_H)/$(1) \
-I $(BUILD_H)/$(1)/$(2) -I src/include/$(2) \
-S -c -o $$@ $$<

$$(BUILD_ASM)/$(1)_impl.s: src/$(1)/$(2)/f_impl.c $$(HEADERS)
$$(CC) $$(CFLAGS) -I src/$(1) -I src/$(1)/$(2) -I $(BUILD_H)/$(1) -I $(BUILD_H)/$(1)/$(2) -S -c -o $$@ $$<
$$(CC) $$(CFLAGS) -I src/$(1) -I src/$(1)/$(2) -I $(BUILD_H)/$(1) \
-I $(BUILD_H)/$(1)/$(2) -I src/include/$(2) \
-S -c -o $$@ $$<

@@ -166,18 +170,18 @@ $$(BUILD_C)/decaf_tables_$(1).c: $$(BUILD_IBIN)/decaf_gen_tables_$(1)

$$(BUILD_ASM)/decaf_tables_$(1).s: $$(BUILD_C)/decaf_tables_$(1).c $$(HEADERS)
$$(CC) $$(CFLAGS) -S -c -o $$@ $$< \
-I src/curve_$(1)/ -I src/$(2) -I src/$(2)/$$(ARCH_FOR_$(2)) \
-I src/curve_$(1)/ -I src/$(2) -I src/$(2)/$$(ARCH_FOR_$(2)) -I src/include/$$(ARCH_FOR_$(2)) \
-I $(BUILD_H)/curve_$(1) -I $(BUILD_H)/$(2) -I $(BUILD_H)/$(2)/$$(ARCH_FOR_$(2))

$$(BUILD_ASM)/decaf_gen_tables_$(1).s: src/decaf_gen_tables.c $$(HEADERS)
$$(CC) $$(CFLAGS) \
-I src/curve_$(1) -I src/$(2) -I src/$(2)/$$(ARCH_FOR_$(2)) \
-I src/curve_$(1) -I src/$(2) -I src/$(2)/$$(ARCH_FOR_$(2)) -I src/include/$$(ARCH_FOR_$(2)) \
-I $(BUILD_H)/curve_$(1) -I $(BUILD_H)/$(2) -I $(BUILD_H)/$(2)/$$(ARCH_FOR_$(2)) \
-S -c -o $$@ $$<

$$(BUILD_ASM)/decaf_$(1).s: src/decaf.c $$(HEADERS)
$$(CC) $$(CFLAGS) \
-I src/curve_$(1)/ -I src/$(2) -I src/$(2)/$$(ARCH_FOR_$(2)) \
-I src/curve_$(1)/ -I src/$(2) -I src/$(2)/$$(ARCH_FOR_$(2)) -I src/include/$$(ARCH_FOR_$(2)) \
-I $(BUILD_H)/curve_$(1) -I $(BUILD_H)/$(2) -I $(BUILD_H)/$(2)/$$(ARCH_FOR_$(2)) \
-S -c -o $$@ $$<

+ 306
- 0
src/include/arch_x86_64/arch_intrinsics.h 查看文件

@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Cryptography Research, Inc.
* Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for license information.

#ifndef __ARCH_X86_64_ARCH_INTRINSICS_H__
#define __ARCH_X86_64_ARCH_INTRINSICS_H__

#include <stdint.h>

/* FUTURE: non x86-64 versions of these.
* FUTURE: autogenerate

static __inline__ __uint128_t widemul(const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t c,d;
#ifndef __BMI2__
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax;"
"mulq %[b];"
: [c]"=a"(c), [d]"=d"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx;"
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d];"
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx");
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;

static __inline__ __uint128_t widemul_rm(uint64_t a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t c,d;
#ifndef __BMI2__
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax;"
"mulq %[b];"
: [c]"=a"(c), [d]"=d"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"r"(a)
: "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("mulx %[b], %[c], %[d];"
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"d"(a));
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;

static __inline__ __uint128_t widemul_rr(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
uint64_t c,d;
#ifndef __BMI2__
__asm__ volatile
("mulq %[b];"
: [c]"=a"(c), [d]"=d"(d)
: [b]"r"(b), "a"(a)
: "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("mulx %[b], %[c], %[d];"
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d)
: [b]"r"(b), [a]"d"(a));
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;

static __inline__ __uint128_t widemul2(const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t c,d;
#ifndef __BMI2__
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"addq %%rax, %%rax; "
"mulq %[b];"
: [c]"=a"(c), [d]"=d"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx;"
"leaq (,%%rdx,2), %%rdx;"
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d];"
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx");
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;

static __inline__ void mac(__uint128_t *acc, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void macac(__uint128_t *acc, __uint128_t *acc2, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
uint64_t lo2 = *acc2, hi2 = *acc2>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo2]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi2]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi), [lo2]"+r"(lo2), [hi2]"+r"(hi2)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo2]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi2]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi), [lo2]"+r"(lo2), [hi2]"+r"(hi2)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;
*acc2 = (((__uint128_t)(hi2))<<64) | lo2;

static __inline__ void mac_rm(__uint128_t *acc, uint64_t a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"d"(a)
: "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"r"(a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void mac_rr(__uint128_t *acc, uint64_t a, const uint64_t b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"r"(b), [a]"d"(a)
: "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("mulq %[b]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"r"(b), "a"(a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void mac2(__uint128_t *acc, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"addq %%rdx, %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"addq %%rax, %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void msb(__uint128_t *acc, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"subq %[c], %[lo]; "
"sbbq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"subq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"sbbq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void msb2(__uint128_t *acc, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"addq %%rdx, %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"subq %[c], %[lo]; "
"sbbq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"addq %%rax, %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"subq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"sbbq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void mrs(__uint128_t *acc, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t c,d, lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"subq %[lo], %[c]; "
"sbbq %[hi], %[d]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;

static __inline__ uint64_t is_zero(uint64_t x) {
__asm__ volatile("neg %0; sbb %0, %0;" : "+r"(x));
return ~x;

static inline uint64_t shrld(__uint128_t x, int n) {
return x>>n;

#endif /* __ARCH_X86_64_ARCH_INTRINSICS_H__ */

+ 1
- 2
src/include/word.h 查看文件

@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600

#include "arch_config.h"
#include "arch_intrinsics.h"

#include <decaf/common.h>

@@ -32,7 +33,6 @@

#if (WORD_BITS == 64)
typedef uint32_t hword_t;
typedef uint64_t word_t, mask_t;
typedef __uint128_t dword_t;
typedef int32_t hsword_t;
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
#define letohWORD letoh64
#define SC_LIMB(x) (x##ull)
#elif (WORD_BITS == 32)
typedef uint16_t hword_t;
typedef uint32_t word_t, mask_t;
typedef uint64_t dword_t;
typedef int16_t hsword_t;

+ 10
- 35
src/p25519/arch_ref64/f_impl.c 查看文件

@@ -16,12 +16,7 @@ static __inline__ uint64_t is_zero(uint64_t a) {
return (((__uint128_t)a)-1)>>64;

gf_25519_mul (
gf_25519_t __restrict__ cs,
const gf_25519_t as,
const gf_25519_t bs
) {
void gf_mul (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as, const gf bs) {
const uint64_t *a = as->limb, *b = bs->limb, mask = ((1ull<<51)-1);
uint64_t bh[4];
@@ -51,12 +46,7 @@ gf_25519_mul (
c[1] += accum;

gf_25519_mulw (
gf_25519_t __restrict__ cs,
const gf_25519_t as,
uint64_t b
) {
void gf_mulw (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as, uint64_t b) {
const uint64_t *a = as->limb, mask = ((1ull<<51)-1);
int i;
@@ -78,18 +68,11 @@ gf_25519_mulw (
c[1] += accum;

gf_25519_sqr (
gf_25519_t __restrict__ cs,
const gf_25519_t as
) {
gf_25519_mul(cs,as,as); // PERF
void gf_sqr (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as) {
gf_mul(cs,as,as); // PERF

gf_25519_strong_reduce (
gf_25519_t a
) {
void gf_strong_reduce (gf a) {
uint64_t mask = (1ull<<51)-1;

/* first, clear high */
@@ -127,15 +110,11 @@ gf_25519_strong_reduce (
assert(is_zero(carry + scarry));

gf_25519_serialize (
uint8_t serial[32],
const struct gf_25519_t x
) {
void gf_serialize (uint8_t serial[32], const struct gf x) {
int i,j;
gf_25519_t red;
gf_25519_copy(&red, x);
gf_25519_t trong_reduce(&red);
gf red;
gf_copy(&red, x);
uint64_t *r = red.limb;
uint64_t ser64[4] = {r[0] | r[1]<<51, r[1]>>13|r[2]<<38, r[2]>>26|r[3]<<25, r[3]>>39|r[4]<<12};
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
@@ -146,11 +125,7 @@ gf_25519_serialize (

gf_25519_deserialize (
gf_25519_t x,
const uint8_t serial[32]
) {
mask_t gf_deserialize (gf x, const uint8_t serial[32]) {
int i,j;
uint64_t ser64[4], mask = ((1ull<<51)-1);
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {

+ 26
- 56
src/p25519/arch_x86_64/f_impl.c 查看文件

@@ -3,18 +3,8 @@

#include "f_field.h"
#include "x86-64-arith.h"

static inline uint64_t shr(__uint128_t x, int n) {
return x>>n;

gf_25519_mul (
gf_25519_s *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_25519_t as,
const gf_25519_t bs
) {
void gf_mul (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as, const gf bs) {
const uint64_t *a = as->limb, *b = bs->limb, mask = ((1ull<<51)-1);
uint64_t *c = cs->limb;
@@ -48,12 +38,12 @@ gf_25519_mul (
mac_rm(&accum2, ai, &b[3]);
uint64_t c0 = accum0 & mask;
accum1 += shr(accum0, 51);
accum1 += shrld(accum0, 51);
uint64_t c1 = accum1 & mask;
accum2 += shr(accum1, 51);
accum2 += shrld(accum1, 51);
c[2] = accum2 & mask;
accum0 = shr(accum2, 51);
accum0 = shrld(accum2, 51);

mac_rm(&accum0, ai, &b[4]);
@@ -77,7 +67,7 @@ gf_25519_mul (
mac_rm(&accum1, ai, &b[0]);
c[3] = accum0 & mask;
accum1 += shr(accum0, 51);
accum1 += shrld(accum0, 51);
c[4] = accum1 & mask;
/* 2^102 * 16 * 5 * 19 * (1+ep) >> 64
@@ -85,17 +75,13 @@ gf_25519_mul (
* PERF: good enough to fit into uint64_t?
uint64_t a1 = shr(accum1,51);
uint64_t a1 = shrld(accum1,51);
accum1 = (__uint128_t)a1 * 19 + c0;
c[0] = accum1 & mask;
c[1] = c1 + shr(accum1,51);
c[1] = c1 + shrld(accum1,51);

gf_25519_sqr (
gf_25519_s *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_25519_t as
) {
void gf_sqr (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as) {
const uint64_t *a = as->limb, mask = ((1ull<<51)-1);
uint64_t *c = cs->limb;
@@ -122,9 +108,9 @@ gf_25519_sqr (
mac_rm(&accum2, ai, &a[4]);
uint64_t c0 = accum0 & mask;
accum1 += shr(accum0, 51);
accum1 += shrld(accum0, 51);
uint64_t c1 = accum1 & mask;
accum2 += shr(accum1, 51);
accum2 += shrld(accum1, 51);
c[2] = accum2 & mask;
accum0 = accum2 >> 51;
@@ -141,7 +127,7 @@ gf_25519_sqr (
mac_rr(&accum1, a[2], a[2]);
c[3] = accum0 & mask;
accum1 += shr(accum0, 51);
accum1 += shrld(accum0, 51);
c[4] = accum1 & mask;
/* 2^102 * 16 * 5 * 19 * (1+ep) >> 64
@@ -149,51 +135,43 @@ gf_25519_sqr (
* PERF: good enough to fit into uint64_t?
uint64_t a1 = shr(accum1,51);
uint64_t a1 = shrld(accum1,51);
accum1 = (__uint128_t)a1 * 19 + c0;
c[0] = accum1 & mask;
c[1] = c1 + shr(accum1,51);
c[1] = c1 + shrld(accum1,51);

gf_25519_mulw (
gf_25519_s *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_25519_t as,
uint64_t b
) {
void gf_mulw (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as, uint64_t b) {
const uint64_t *a = as->limb, mask = ((1ull<<51)-1);
uint64_t *c = cs->limb;

__uint128_t accum = widemul_rm(b, &a[0]);
uint64_t c0 = accum & mask;
accum = shr(accum,51);
accum = shrld(accum,51);
mac_rm(&accum, b, &a[1]);
uint64_t c1 = accum & mask;
accum = shr(accum,51);
accum = shrld(accum,51);
mac_rm(&accum, b, &a[2]);
c[2] = accum & mask;
accum = shr(accum,51);
accum = shrld(accum,51);
mac_rm(&accum, b, &a[3]);
c[3] = accum & mask;
accum = shr(accum,51);
accum = shrld(accum,51);
mac_rm(&accum, b, &a[4]);
c[4] = accum & mask;

accum = shr(accum,51);
accum = shrld(accum,51);
accum = accum * 19 + c0;
c[0] = accum & mask;
c[1] = c1 + shr(accum,51);
c[1] = c1 + shrld(accum,51);

gf_25519_strong_reduce (
gf_25519_t a
) {
void gf_strong_reduce (gf a) {
uint64_t mask = (1ull<<51)-1;

/* first, clear high */
@@ -231,15 +209,11 @@ gf_25519_strong_reduce (
assert(is_zero(carry + scarry));

gf_25519_serialize (
uint8_t serial[32],
const gf_25519_t x
) {
void gf_serialize (uint8_t serial[32], const gf x) {
int i,j;
gf_25519_t red;
gf_25519_copy(red, x);
gf red;
gf_copy(red, x);
uint64_t *r = red->limb;
uint64_t ser64[4] = {r[0] | r[1]<<51, r[1]>>13|r[2]<<38, r[2]>>26|r[3]<<25, r[3]>>39|r[4]<<12};
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
@@ -250,11 +224,7 @@ gf_25519_serialize (

gf_25519_deserialize (
gf_25519_t x,
const uint8_t serial[32]
) {
mask_t gf_deserialize (gf x, const uint8_t serial[32]) {
int i,j;
uint64_t ser64[4], mask = ((1ull<<51)-1);
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {

+ 0
- 323
src/p25519/arch_x86_64/x86-64-arith.h 查看文件

@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2014 Cryptography Research, Inc.
* Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for license information.

#ifndef __X86_64_ARITH_H__
#define __X86_64_ARITH_H__

#include <stdint.h>

/* TODO: non x86-64 versions of these.
* FUTURE: autogenerate

static __inline__ __uint128_t widemul(const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
#ifndef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax;"
"mulq %[b];"
: [c]"=a"(c), [d]"=d"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "cc");
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx;"
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d];"
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx");
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;

static __inline__ __uint128_t widemul_rm(uint64_t a, const uint64_t *b) {
#ifndef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax;"
"mulq %[b];"
: [c]"=a"(c), [d]"=d"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"r"(a)
: "cc");
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("mulx %[b], %[c], %[d];"
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"d"(a));
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;

static __inline__ __uint128_t widemul_rr(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
#ifndef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("mulq %[b];"
: [c]"=a"(c), [d]"=d"(d)
: [b]"r"(b), "a"(a)
: "cc");
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("mulx %[b], %[c], %[d];"
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d)
: [b]"r"(b), [a]"d"(a));
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;

static __inline__ __uint128_t widemul2(const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
#ifndef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"addq %%rax, %%rax; "
"mulq %[b];"
: [c]"=a"(c), [d]"=d"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "cc");
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx;"
"leaq (,%%rdx,2), %%rdx;"
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d];"
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx");
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;

static __inline__ void mac(__uint128_t *acc, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void macac(__uint128_t *acc, __uint128_t *acc2, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
uint64_t lo2 = *acc2, hi2 = *acc2>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo2]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi2]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi), [lo2]"+r"(lo2), [hi2]"+r"(hi2)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo2]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi2]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi), [lo2]"+r"(lo2), [hi2]"+r"(hi2)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;
*acc2 = (((__uint128_t)(hi2))<<64) | lo2;

static __inline__ void mac_rm(__uint128_t *acc, uint64_t a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"d"(a)
: "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"r"(a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void mac_rr(__uint128_t *acc, uint64_t a, const uint64_t b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"r"(b), [a]"d"(a)
: "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("mulq %[b]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"r"(b), "a"(a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void mac2(__uint128_t *acc, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"addq %%rdx, %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"addq %%rax, %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void msb(__uint128_t *acc, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"subq %[c], %[lo]; "
"sbbq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"subq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"sbbq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void msb2(__uint128_t *acc, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"addq %%rdx, %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"subq %[c], %[lo]; "
"sbbq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"addq %%rax, %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"subq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"sbbq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void mrs(__uint128_t *acc, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t c,d, lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"subq %[lo], %[c]; "
"sbbq %[hi], %[d]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;

static __inline__ __uint128_t widemulu(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
return ((__uint128_t)(a)) * b;

static __inline__ __int128_t widemuls(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
return ((__int128_t)(a)) * b;
static __inline__ uint64_t opacify(uint64_t x) {
__asm__ volatile("" : "+r"(x));
return x;

static __inline__ mask_t is_zero(uint64_t x) {
__asm__ volatile("neg %0; sbb %0, %0;" : "+r"(x));
return ~x;

#endif /* __X86_64_ARITH_H__ */

+ 26
- 54
src/p448/arch_32/f_impl.c 查看文件

@@ -4,28 +4,20 @@

#include "f_field.h"

static inline mask_t __attribute__((always_inline))
is_zero (
word_t x
) {
static inline mask_t is_zero (word_t x) {
dword_t xx = x;
return xx >> WORD_BITS;

static uint64_t widemul_32 (
static uint64_t widemul (
const uint32_t a,
const uint32_t b
) {
return ((uint64_t)a)* b;

gf_448_mul (
gf_448_s *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_448_t as,
const gf_448_t bs
) {
void gf_mul (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as, const gf bs) {
const uint32_t *a = as->limb, *b = bs->limb;
uint32_t *c = cs->limb;

@@ -44,9 +36,9 @@ gf_448_mul (
accum2 = 0;
for (i=0; i<=j; i++) {
accum2 += widemul_32(a[j-i],b[i]);
accum1 += widemul_32(aa[j-i],bb[i]);
accum0 += widemul_32(a[8+j-i], b[8+i]);
accum2 += widemul(a[j-i],b[i]);
accum1 += widemul(aa[j-i],bb[i]);
accum0 += widemul(a[8+j-i], b[8+i]);
accum1 -= accum2;
@@ -54,9 +46,9 @@ gf_448_mul (
accum2 = 0;
for (; i<8; i++) {
accum0 -= widemul_32(a[8+j-i], b[i]);
accum2 += widemul_32(aa[8+j-i], bb[i]);
accum1 += widemul_32(a[16+j-i], b[8+i]);
accum0 -= widemul(a[8+j-i], b[i]);
accum2 += widemul(aa[8+j-i], bb[i]);
accum1 += widemul(a[16+j-i], b[8+i]);

accum1 += accum2;
@@ -81,12 +73,7 @@ gf_448_mul (
c[1] += ((uint32_t)(accum1));

gf_448_mulw (
gf_448_s *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_448_t as,
uint64_t b
) {
void gf_mulw (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as, uint64_t b) {
const uint32_t bhi = b>>28, blo = b & ((1<<28)-1);
const uint32_t *a = as->limb;
@@ -97,20 +84,20 @@ gf_448_mulw (

int i;

accum0 = widemul_32(blo, a[0]);
accum8 = widemul_32(blo, a[8]);
accum0 += widemul_32(bhi, a[15]);
accum8 += widemul_32(bhi, a[15] + a[7]);
accum0 = widemul(blo, a[0]);
accum8 = widemul(blo, a[8]);
accum0 += widemul(bhi, a[15]);
accum8 += widemul(bhi, a[15] + a[7]);

c[0] = accum0 & mask; accum0 >>= 28;
c[8] = accum8 & mask; accum8 >>= 28;
for (i=1; i<8; i++) {
accum0 += widemul_32(blo, a[i]);
accum8 += widemul_32(blo, a[i+8]);
accum0 += widemul(blo, a[i]);
accum8 += widemul(blo, a[i+8]);
accum0 += widemul_32(bhi, a[i-1]);
accum8 += widemul_32(bhi, a[i+7]);
accum0 += widemul(bhi, a[i-1]);
accum8 += widemul(bhi, a[i+7]);

c[i] = accum0 & mask; accum0 >>= 28;
c[i+8] = accum8 & mask; accum8 >>= 28;
@@ -125,18 +112,11 @@ gf_448_mulw (
c[1] += accum8 >> 28;

gf_448_sqr (
gf_448_s *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_448_t as
) {
gf_448_mul(cs,as,as); /* PERF */
void gf_sqr (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as) {
gf_mul(cs,as,as); /* PERF */

gf_448_strong_reduce (
gf_448_t a
) {
void gf_strong_reduce (gf a) {
word_t mask = (1ull<<28)-1;

/* first, clear high */
@@ -176,15 +156,11 @@ gf_448_strong_reduce (
assert(is_zero(carry + scarry));

gf_448_serialize (
uint8_t *serial,
const gf_448_t x
) {
void gf_serialize (uint8_t *serial, const gf x) {
int i,j;
gf_448_t red;
gf_448_copy(red, x);
gf red;
gf_copy(red, x);
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
uint64_t limb = red->limb[2*i] + (((uint64_t)red->limb[2*i+1])<<28);
for (j=0; j<7; j++) {
@@ -195,11 +171,7 @@ gf_448_serialize (

gf_448_deserialize (
gf_448_t x,
const uint8_t serial[56]
) {
mask_t gf_deserialize (gf x, const uint8_t serial[56]) {
int i,j;
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
uint64_t out = 0;

+ 18
- 33
src/p448/arch_arm_32/f_impl.c 查看文件

@@ -4,16 +4,13 @@

#include "f_field.h"

static inline mask_t __attribute__((always_inline))
is_zero (
word_t x
) {
static inline mask_t is_zero (word_t x) {
dword_t xx = x;
return xx >> WORD_BITS;

static uint64_t widemul_32 (
static uint64_t widemul (
const uint32_t a,
const uint32_t b
) {
@@ -97,12 +94,7 @@ smull2 (

gf_448_mul (
gf_448_s *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_448_t as,
const gf_448_t bs
) {
void gf_mul (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as, const gf bs) {
const uint32_t *a = as->limb, *b = bs->limb;
uint32_t *c = cs->limb;
@@ -448,11 +440,7 @@ gf_448_mul (
c[1] += ((uint32_t)(accum1));

gf_448_sqr (
gf_448_s *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_448_t as
) {
void gf_sqr (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as) {
const uint32_t *a = as->limb;
uint32_t *c = cs->limb;

@@ -746,10 +734,9 @@ gf_448_sqr (
c[1] += ((uint32_t)(accum1));

gf_448_mulw (
gf_448_s *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_448_t as,
void gf_mulw (
gf_s *__restrict__ cs,
const gf as,
uint64_t b
) {
uint32_t mask = (1ull<<28)-1;
@@ -763,8 +750,8 @@ gf_448_mulw (
int i;

uint32_t c0, c8, n0, n8;
accum0 = widemul_32(bhi, a[15]);
accum8 = widemul_32(bhi, a[15] + a[7]);
accum0 = widemul(bhi, a[15]);
accum8 = widemul(bhi, a[15] + a[7]);
c0 = a[0]; c8 = a[8];
smlal(&accum0, blo, c0);
smlal(&accum8, blo, c8);
@@ -860,9 +847,8 @@ gf_448_mulw (
c[1] += accum8 >> 28;

gf_448_strong_reduce (
gf_448_t a
void gf_strong_reduce (
gf a
) {
word_t mask = (1ull<<28)-1;

@@ -903,15 +889,14 @@ gf_448_strong_reduce (
assert(is_zero(carry + scarry));

gf_448_serialize (
void gf_serialize (
uint8_t *serial,
const gf_448_t x
const gf x
) {
int i,j;
gf_448_t red;
gf_448_copy(red, x);
gf red;
gf_copy(red, x);
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
uint64_t limb = red->limb[2*i] + (((uint64_t)red->limb[2*i+1])<<28);
for (j=0; j<7; j++) {
@@ -923,8 +908,8 @@ gf_448_serialize (

gf_448_deserialize (
gf_448_t x,
gf_deserialize (
gf x,
const uint8_t serial[56]
) {
int i,j;

+ 9
- 34
src/p448/arch_neon_experimental/f_impl.c 查看文件

@@ -67,12 +67,7 @@ smull2 (
*acc = (int64_t)(int32_t)a * (int64_t)(int32_t)b * 2;

gf_448_mul (
gf_448_s *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_448_t as,
const gf_448_t bs
) {
void gf_mul (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as, const gf bs) {
#define _bl0 "q0"
#define _bl0_0 "d0"
#define _bl0_1 "d1"
@@ -366,11 +361,7 @@ gf_448_mul (

gf_448_sqr (
gf_448_s *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_448_t bs
) {
void gf_sqr (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf bs) {
int32x2_t *vc = (int32x2_t*) cs->limb;

__asm__ __volatile__ (
@@ -567,12 +558,7 @@ gf_448_sqr (

gf_448_mulw (
gf_448_s *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_448_t as,
uint64_t b
) {
void gf_mulw (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as, uint64_t b) {
uint32x2_t vmask = {(1<<28) - 1, (1<<28)-1};
uint64x2_t accum;
@@ -618,10 +604,7 @@ gf_448_mulw (

/* PERF: vectorize? */
gf_448_strong_reduce (
gf_448_t a
) {
void gf_strong_reduce (gf a) {
word_t mask = (1ull<<28)-1;

/* first, clear high */
@@ -661,15 +644,11 @@ gf_448_strong_reduce (
assert(is_zero(carry + scarry));

gf_448_serialize (
uint8_t *serial,
const gf_448_t x
) {
void gf_serialize (uint8_t *serial, const gf x) {
int i,j;
gf_448_t red;
gf_448_copy(red, x);
gf red;
gf_copy(red, x);
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
uint64_t limb = red->limb[LIMBPERM(2*i)] + (((uint64_t)red->limb[LIMBPERM(2*i+1)])<<28);
@@ -681,11 +660,7 @@ gf_448_serialize (

gf_448_deserialize (
gf_448_t x,
const uint8_t serial[56]
) {
mask_t gf_deserialize (gf x, const uint8_t serial[56]) {
int i,j;
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
uint64_t out = 0;

+ 9
- 34
src/p448/arch_ref64/f_impl.c 查看文件

@@ -16,12 +16,7 @@ static __inline__ uint64_t is_zero(uint64_t a) {
return (((__uint128_t)a)-1)>>64;

gf_448_mul (
gf_448_s *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_448_t as,
const gf_448_t bs
) {
void gf_mul (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as, const gf bs) {
const uint64_t *a = as->limb, *b = bs->limb;
uint64_t *c = cs->limb;

@@ -182,12 +177,7 @@ gf_448_mul (
c[1] += ((uint64_t)(accum1));

gf_448_mulw (
gf_448_s *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_448_t as,
uint64_t b
) {
void gf_mulw (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as, uint64_t b) {
const uint64_t *a = as->limb;
uint64_t *c = cs->limb;

@@ -211,11 +201,7 @@ gf_448_mulw (
c[1] += accum4 >> 56;

gf_448_sqr (
gf_448_s *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_448_t as
) {
void gf_sqr (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as) {
const uint64_t *a = as->limb;
uint64_t *c = cs->limb;

@@ -326,10 +312,7 @@ gf_448_sqr (
c[0] += ((uint64_t)(accum1));

gf_448_strong_reduce (
gf_448_t a
) {
void gf_strong_reduce (gf a) {
uint64_t mask = (1ull<<56)-1;

/* first, clear high */
@@ -369,15 +352,11 @@ gf_448_strong_reduce (
assert(is_zero(carry + scarry));

gf_448_serialize (
uint8_t *serial,
const gf_448_t x
) {
void gf_serialize (uint8_t *serial, const gf x) {
int i,j;
gf_448_t red;
gf_448_copy(red, x);
gf red;
gf_copy(red, x);
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
for (j=0; j<7; j++) {
serial[7*i+j] = red->limb[i];
@@ -387,11 +366,7 @@ gf_448_serialize (

gf_448_deserialize (
gf_448_t x,
const uint8_t serial[56]
) {
mask_t gf_deserialize (gf x, const uint8_t serial[56]) {
int i,j;
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
uint64_t out = 0;

+ 10
- 36
src/p448/arch_x86_64/f_impl.c 查看文件

@@ -3,14 +3,8 @@

#include "f_field.h"
#include "x86-64-arith.h"

gf_448_mul (
gf_448_s *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_448_t as,
const gf_448_t bs
) {

void gf_mul (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as, const gf bs) {
const uint64_t *a = as->limb, *b = bs->limb;
uint64_t *c = cs->limb;

@@ -145,12 +139,7 @@ gf_448_mul (
c[0] += ((uint64_t)(accum1));

gf_448_mulw (
gf_448_s *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_448_t as,
uint64_t b
) {
void gf_mulw (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as, uint64_t b) {
const uint64_t *a = as->limb;
uint64_t *c = cs->limb;

@@ -190,11 +179,7 @@ gf_448_mulw (
c[1] += accum4 >> 56;

gf_448_sqr (
gf_448_s *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_448_t as
) {
void gf_sqr (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as) {
const uint64_t *a = as->limb;
uint64_t *c = cs->limb;

@@ -305,10 +290,7 @@ gf_448_sqr (
c[0] += ((uint64_t)(accum1));

gf_448_strong_reduce (
gf_448_t a
) {
void gf_strong_reduce (gf a) {
uint64_t mask = (1ull<<56)-1;

/* first, clear high */
@@ -348,15 +330,11 @@ gf_448_strong_reduce (
assert(is_zero(carry + scarry));

gf_448_serialize (
uint8_t *serial,
const gf_448_t x
) {
void gf_serialize (uint8_t *serial, const gf x) {
int i,j;
gf_448_t red;
gf_448_copy(red, x);
gf red;
gf_copy(red, x);
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
for (j=0; j<7; j++) {
serial[7*i+j] = red->limb[i];
@@ -366,11 +344,7 @@ gf_448_serialize (

gf_448_deserialize (
gf_448_t x,
const uint8_t serial[56]
) {
mask_t gf_deserialize (gf x, const uint8_t serial[56]) {
int i,j;
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
word_t out = 0;

+ 0
- 323
src/p448/arch_x86_64/x86-64-arith.h 查看文件

@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2014 Cryptography Research, Inc.
* Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for license information.

#ifndef __X86_64_ARITH_H__
#define __X86_64_ARITH_H__

#include <stdint.h>

/* FUTURE: non x86-64 versions of these.
* FUTURE: autogenerate

static __inline__ __uint128_t widemul(const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
#ifndef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax;"
"mulq %[b];"
: [c]"=a"(c), [d]"=d"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "cc");
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx;"
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d];"
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx");
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;

static __inline__ __uint128_t widemul_rm(uint64_t a, const uint64_t *b) {
#ifndef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax;"
"mulq %[b];"
: [c]"=a"(c), [d]"=d"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"r"(a)
: "cc");
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("mulx %[b], %[c], %[d];"
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"d"(a));
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;

static __inline__ __uint128_t widemul_rr(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
#ifndef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("mulq %[b];"
: [c]"=a"(c), [d]"=d"(d)
: [b]"r"(b), "a"(a)
: "cc");
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("mulx %[b], %[c], %[d];"
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d)
: [b]"r"(b), [a]"d"(a));
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;

static __inline__ __uint128_t widemul2(const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
#ifndef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"addq %%rax, %%rax; "
"mulq %[b];"
: [c]"=a"(c), [d]"=d"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "cc");
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx;"
"leaq (,%%rdx,2), %%rdx;"
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d];"
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx");
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;

static __inline__ void mac(__uint128_t *acc, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void macac(__uint128_t *acc, __uint128_t *acc2, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
uint64_t lo2 = *acc2, hi2 = *acc2>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo2]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi2]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi), [lo2]"+r"(lo2), [hi2]"+r"(hi2)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo2]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi2]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi), [lo2]"+r"(lo2), [hi2]"+r"(hi2)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;
*acc2 = (((__uint128_t)(hi2))<<64) | lo2;

static __inline__ void mac_rm(__uint128_t *acc, uint64_t a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"d"(a)
: "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"r"(a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void mac_rr(__uint128_t *acc, uint64_t a, const uint64_t b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"r"(b), [a]"d"(a)
: "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("mulq %[b]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"r"(b), "a"(a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void mac2(__uint128_t *acc, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"addq %%rdx, %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"addq %%rax, %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void msb(__uint128_t *acc, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"subq %[c], %[lo]; "
"sbbq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"subq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"sbbq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void msb2(__uint128_t *acc, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"addq %%rdx, %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"subq %[c], %[lo]; "
"sbbq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"addq %%rax, %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"subq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"sbbq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void mrs(__uint128_t *acc, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t c,d, lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"subq %[lo], %[c]; "
"sbbq %[hi], %[d]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;

static __inline__ __uint128_t widemulu(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
return ((__uint128_t)(a)) * b;

static __inline__ __int128_t widemuls(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
return ((__int128_t)(a)) * b;
static __inline__ uint64_t opacify(uint64_t x) {
__asm__ volatile("" : "+r"(x));
return x;

static __inline__ mask_t is_zero(uint64_t x) {
__asm__ volatile("neg %0; sbb %0, %0;" : "+r"(x));
return ~x;

#endif /* __X86_64_ARITH_H__ */

+ 9
- 34
src/p480/arch_x86_64/f_impl.c 查看文件

@@ -4,12 +4,7 @@

#include "f_field.h"

gf_480_mul (
gf_480_t *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_480_t *as,
const gf_480_t *bs
) {
void gf_mul (gf *__restrict__ cs, const gf *as, const gf *bs) {
const uint64_t *a = as->limb, *b = bs->limb;
uint64_t *c = cs->limb;

@@ -144,12 +139,7 @@ gf_480_mul (
c[0] += ((uint64_t)(accum1));

gf_480_mulw (
gf_480_t *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_480_t *as,
uint64_t b
) {
void gf_mulw (gf *__restrict__ cs, const gf *as, uint64_t b) {
const uint64_t *a = as->limb;
uint64_t *c = cs->limb;

@@ -189,11 +179,7 @@ gf_480_mulw (
c[1] += accum4 >> 60;

gf_480_sqr (
gf_480_t *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_480_t *as
) {
void gf_sqr (gf *__restrict__ cs, const gf *as) {
const uint64_t *a = as->limb;
uint64_t *c = cs->limb;

@@ -304,10 +290,7 @@ gf_480_sqr (
c[0] += ((uint64_t)(accum1));

gf_480_strong_reduce (
gf_480_t *a
) {
void gf_strong_reduce (gf *a) {
uint64_t mask = (1ull<<60)-1;

/* first, clear high */
@@ -347,15 +330,11 @@ gf_480_strong_reduce (
assert(is_zero(carry + scarry));

gf_480_serialize (
uint8_t *serial,
const struct gf_480_t *x
) {
void gf_serialize (uint8_t *serial, const struct gf *x) {
int i,j,k=0;
gf_480_t red;
gf_480_copy(&red, x);
gf red;
gf_copy(&red, x);
word_t r = 0;
for (i=0; i<8; i+=2) {
r = red.limb[i];
@@ -373,11 +352,7 @@ gf_480_serialize (

gf_480_deserialize (
gf_480_t *x,
const uint8_t serial[60]
) {
mask_t gf_deserialize (gf *x, const uint8_t serial[60]) {
int i,j,k=0;

for (i=0; i<8; i+=2) {

+ 0
- 275
src/p480/arch_x86_64/x86-64-arith.h 查看文件

@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2014 Cryptography Research, Inc.
* Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for license information.

#ifndef __X86_64_ARITH_H__
#define __X86_64_ARITH_H__

#include <stdint.h>

static __inline__ __uint128_t widemul(const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
#ifndef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax;"
"mulq %[b];"
: [c]"=a"(c), [d]"=d"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "cc");
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx;"
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d];"
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx");
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;

static __inline__ __uint128_t widemul_rm(uint64_t a, const uint64_t *b) {
#ifndef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax;"
"mulq %[b];"
: [c]"=a"(c), [d]"=d"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"r"(a)
: "cc");
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("mulx %[b], %[c], %[d];"
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"d"(a));
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;

static __inline__ __uint128_t widemul2(const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
#ifndef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"addq %%rax, %%rax; "
"mulq %[b];"
: [c]"=a"(c), [d]"=d"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "cc");
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx;"
"leaq (,%%rdx,2), %%rdx;"
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d];"
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx");
return (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;

static __inline__ void mac(__uint128_t *acc, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void macac(__uint128_t *acc, __uint128_t *acc2, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
uint64_t lo2 = *acc2, hi2 = *acc2>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo2]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi2]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi), [lo2]"+r"(lo2), [hi2]"+r"(hi2)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo2]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi2]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi), [lo2]"+r"(lo2), [hi2]"+r"(hi2)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;
*acc2 = (((__uint128_t)(hi2))<<64) | lo2;

static __inline__ void mac_rm(__uint128_t *acc, uint64_t a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"d"(a)
: "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"r"(a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void mac2(__uint128_t *acc, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"addq %%rdx, %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"addq %[c], %[lo]; "
"adcq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"addq %%rax, %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"addq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"adcq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void msb(__uint128_t *acc, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"subq %[c], %[lo]; "
"sbbq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"subq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"sbbq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void msb2(__uint128_t *acc, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
#ifdef __BMI2__
uint64_t c,d;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"addq %%rdx, %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"subq %[c], %[lo]; "
"sbbq %[d], %[hi]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rax; "
"addq %%rax, %%rax; "
"mulq %[b]; "
"subq %%rax, %[lo]; "
"sbbq %%rdx, %[hi]; "
: [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rax", "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(hi))<<64) | lo;

static __inline__ void mrs(__uint128_t *acc, const uint64_t *a, const uint64_t *b) {
uint64_t c,d, lo = *acc, hi = *acc>>64;
__asm__ volatile
("movq %[a], %%rdx; "
"mulx %[b], %[c], %[d]; "
"subq %[lo], %[c]; "
"sbbq %[hi], %[d]; "
: [c]"=r"(c), [d]"=r"(d), [lo]"+r"(lo), [hi]"+r"(hi)
: [b]"m"(*b), [a]"m"(*a)
: "rdx", "cc");
*acc = (((__uint128_t)(d))<<64) | c;

static __inline__ __uint128_t widemulu(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
return ((__uint128_t)(a)) * b;

static __inline__ __int128_t widemuls(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
return ((__int128_t)(a)) * b;
static __inline__ uint64_t opacify(uint64_t x) {
__asm__ volatile("" : "+r"(x));
return x;

static __inline__ mask_t is_zero(uint64_t x) {
__asm__ volatile("neg %0; sbb %0, %0;" : "+r"(x));
return ~x;

#endif /* __X86_64_ARITH_H__ */

+ 11
- 32
src/p521/arch_ref64/f_impl.c 查看文件

@@ -16,12 +16,7 @@ static __inline__ uint64_t is_zero(uint64_t a) {
return (((__uint128_t)a)-1)>>64;

gf_521_mul (
gf_521_t *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_521_t *as,
const gf_521_t *bs
) {
void gf_mul (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as, const gf bs) {
uint64_t *c = cs->limb;
const uint64_t *a = as->limb, *b = bs->limb;
__uint128_t accum0, accum1;
@@ -157,10 +152,9 @@ gf_521_mul (
c[8] += accum1 >> 58;

gf_521_mulw (
gf_521_t *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_521_t *as,
void gf_mulw (
gf_s *__restrict__ cs,
const gf as,
uint64_t b
) {
const uint64_t *a = as->limb;
@@ -196,11 +190,7 @@ gf_521_mulw (
c[1] += accum6 >> 58;

gf_521_sqr (
gf_521_t *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_521_t *as
) {
void gf_sqr (gf_s *__restrict__ cs, const gf as) {
uint64_t *c = cs->limb;
const uint64_t *a = as->limb;
__uint128_t accum0, accum1;
@@ -305,10 +295,7 @@ gf_521_sqr (
c[8] += accum1 >> 58;

gf_521_strong_reduce (
gf_521_t *a
) {
void gf_strong_reduce (gf a) {
uint64_t mask = (1ull<<58)-1, mask2 = (1ull<<57)-1;

/* first, clear high */
@@ -346,15 +333,11 @@ gf_521_strong_reduce (
assert(is_zero(carry + scarry));

gf_521_serialize (
uint8_t *serial,
const struct gf_521_t *x
) {
void gf_serialize (uint8_t *serial, const struct gf x) {
int i,k=0;
gf_521_t red;
gf_521_copy(&red, x);
gf red;
gf_copy(&red, x);
uint64_t r=0;
int bits = 0;
@@ -370,11 +353,7 @@ gf_521_serialize (
serial[k++] = r;

gf_521_deserialize (
gf_521_t *x,
const uint8_t serial[66]
) {
mask_t gf_deserialize (gf x, const uint8_t serial[66]) {
int i,k=0,bits=0;
__uint128_t out = 0;
uint64_t mask = (1ull<<58)-1;

+ 9
- 39
src/p521/arch_x86_64_r12/f_impl.c 查看文件

@@ -167,12 +167,7 @@ static inline void hexad_sqr_signed (

gf_521_mul (
gf_521_t *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_521_t *as,
const gf_521_t *bs
) {
void gf_mul (gf *__restrict__ cs, const gf *as, const gf *bs) {
int i;
#if 0
@@ -253,13 +248,7 @@ gf_521_mul (

gf_521_sqr (
gf_521_t *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_521_t *as
) {

void gf_sqr (gf *__restrict__ cs, const gf *as) {
int i;
#if 0
assert(as->limb[3] == 0 && as->limb[7] == 0 && as->limb[11] == 0);
@@ -312,15 +301,7 @@ gf_521_sqr (
*(uint64x4_t *)&c[8] = out2;

gf_521_mulw (
gf_521_t *__restrict__ cs,
const gf_521_t *as,
uint64_t b
) {

void gf_mulw (gf *__restrict__ cs, const gf *as, uint64_t b) {
#if 0
int i;
assert(as->limb[3] == 0 && as->limb[7] == 0 && as->limb[11] == 0);
@@ -374,10 +355,7 @@ gf_521_mulw (

gf_521_strong_reduce (
gf_521_t *a
) {
void gf_strong_reduce (gf *a) {
uint64_t mask = (1ull<<58)-1, mask2 = (1ull<<57)-1;

/* first, clear high */
@@ -417,15 +395,11 @@ gf_521_strong_reduce (
a->limb[3] = a->limb[7] = a->limb[11] = 0;

gf_521_serialize (
uint8_t *serial,
const struct gf_521_t *x
) {
void gf_serialize (uint8_t *serial, const struct gf *x) {
unsigned int i,k=0;
gf_521_t red;
gf_521_copy(&red, x);
gf red;
gf_copy(&red, x);
uint64_t r=0;
int bits = 0;
@@ -441,11 +415,7 @@ gf_521_serialize (
serial[k++] = r;

gf_521_deserialize (
gf_521_t *x,
const uint8_t serial[LIMBPERM(66)]
) {
mask_t gf_deserialize (gf *x, const uint8_t serial[LIMBPERM(66)]) {
int i,k=0,bits=0;
__uint128_t out = 0;
uint64_t mask = (1ull<<58)-1;
