@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ |
--- |
title: CODEpendence |
description: > |
How to surreptitiouslyinject code via submodules that use GitHub repos |
created: !!timestamp '2021-07-07' |
time: 11:16 AM |
tags: |
- security |
- GitHub |
- git |
--- |
TL;dr: If you use submodules that point to a GitHub repo, make sure |
that the commit id matches an offical branch or tag, especially if |
upgraded via a PR or submitted patch. |
This issue was disclosed to GitHub via the HackerOne Bug Bounty |
program and resolved by them in a timely manner. The |
[writeup](https://www.funkthat.com/~jmg/github.submodules.hash.txt) is |
available and is the same one that was provided to GitHub. It contains |
the complete steps in more detail than this blog post does. |
Discovery |
--------- |
Earlier this year, I was dealing with a git repo that used submodules. |
I've never been a fan of them due to the extra work involved in using |
them. But then a thought hit me, last year, when GitHub took down |
youtube-dl, someone was a bit sneaky and inserted a [copy of it into |
GitHub's DMCA repo](https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/jhlhok/someone_replaced_the_github_dmca_repo_with/). |
They were able to do this because there is a feature/bug in GitHub's |
backend, that all the commits to a forked repo are accessible in the |
parent repo, it's just that the branches and tags are maintained |
separately.<label for="sn-reason" class="margin-toggle sidenote-number"> |
</label><input type="checkbox" id="sn-reason" class="margin-toggle"/> |
<span class="sidenote">This makes sense to reduce storing duplicate data |
if a repo is large or has many forks.</span> |
Verification |
------------ |
The next question, would combining these into an attack even work? |
What would things look like? I created a few accounts to test them, |
creating a project to represent a code dependancy, |
[depproj](https://github.com/upstream123/depproj), that would be |
imported into another project by another user, |
[proj](https://github.com/comproj/proj). Then once those were created, |
have a malicious user create a fork of both the |
[deprpoj](https://github.com/maliciousrepo/depproj) and the |
[proj](https://github.com/maliciousrepo/proj). |
Once the malicious forks were created, clone them locally. With the |
clones, malicious [code can be |
inserted](https://github.com/maliciousrepo/depproj/commit/91781e4b9e1b1c944e19db740db12304755666b5) |
into the depproj repo. If you look at the repo, the previous commit |
was done as the maliciousrepo user, but while I was working on this, |
I remembered that w/ git, you can set the commit author to be anything |
(signing helps prevent that), so this commit appears to be done by the |
correct upstream123 user. |
Once the malicious code has been inserted, the malicious user can now |
update the submodule of the project to the commit id of the malicious |
code. This is done simply by doing: |
``` |
cd depproj |
git fetch origin <commitid> |
git checkout <commitid> |
``` |
Even though the depproj still points to the upstream123 repo, because |
fork commits appear IN the depproj repo, the above works w/o any other |
changes. This is also what makes it dangerous, because the repo is not |
changed, it can be disguised as a simple version update. |
A [PR](https://github.com/comproj/proj/pull/3) is then submitted to the |
project being attacked. I did not control the author of commits as |
well as I should have, but it still is effective. If you click into |
the proposed change, and then click on code.c, the file changed, it'll |
bring you to the [change compare |
view](https://github.com/upstream123/depproj/compare/91781e4b9e1b1c944e19db740db12304755666b5...370d35ec5df81a16bb361111faeb665ea90de026#diff-e43700a08429a0231daba9a49ff36a118566849856da2811ae074417ebb552d0). |
For this demo, it was a small change, but if the project is large, it's |
would be easy to bury a minor flaw in lots of changes. The other thing |
to note about this page is that the author displayed is NOT the author |
of the change, but it appears that it is a legitimate change by the |
author of the repo. []({{ media_url('images/codependence-comp-author.png') }}) |
Conclusion |
---------- |
This is an interesting attack in that it leverages two features in a |
way that has surprising results. It demonstrates that software |
dependancies need to be reviewed, and vetted, and that if you're using |
GitHub, that just because a PR says it's updating a submodule to the |
new version, it doesn't mean that it is safe to simply merge in the |
change. |
Timeline |
-------- |
2021-03-31 -- Reported to GitHub via HackerOne.<br> |
2021-03-31 -- More info requested and provided.<br> |
2021-04-01 -- Ack'd issue and started work on fix.<br> |
2021-05-04 -- GitHub determined it was low risk, but did add warning when viewing commit.<br> |
2021-05-05 -- Asked GitHub for disclosure timeline.<br> |
2021-06-04 -- Pinged GitHub again.<br> |
2021-07-07 -- Published blog post.<br> |