- from unittest import TestCase
- from mock import Mock, MagicMock, patch
- from serial import Serial, SerialException
- import sys
- import socket
- import time
- import tempfile
- import os
- import select
- from alarmdecoder.devices import USBDevice, SerialDevice, SocketDevice
- from alarmdecoder.util import NoDeviceError, CommError, TimeoutError
- # Optional FTDI tests
- try:
- from pyftdi.pyftdi.ftdi import Ftdi, FtdiError
- from usb.core import USBError, Device as USBCoreDevice
- have_pyftdi = True
- except ImportError:
- have_pyftdi = False
- # Optional SSL tests
- try:
- from OpenSSL import SSL, crypto
- have_openssl = True
- except ImportError:
- have_openssl = False
- class TestSerialDevice(TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self._device = SerialDevice()
- self._device._device = Mock(spec=Serial)
- self._device._device.open = Mock()
- def tearDown(self):
- self._device.close()
- ### Tests
- def test_open(self):
- self._device.interface = '/dev/ttyS0'
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'open') as mock:
- self._device.open(no_reader_thread=True)
- mock.assert_called_with()
- def test_open_no_interface(self):
- with self.assertRaises(NoDeviceError):
- self._device.open(no_reader_thread=True)
- self.assertFalse(self._device._running)
- def test_open_failed(self):
- self._device.interface = '/dev/ttyS0'
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'open', side_effect=[SerialException, ValueError]):
- with self.assertRaises(NoDeviceError):
- self._device.open(no_reader_thread=True)
- with self.assertRaises(NoDeviceError):
- self._device.open(no_reader_thread=True)
- def test_write(self):
- self._device.interface = '/dev/ttyS0'
- self._device.open(no_reader_thread=True)
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'write') as mock:
- self._device.write(b'test')
- mock.assert_called_with(b'test')
- def test_write_exception(self):
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'write', side_effect=SerialException):
- with self.assertRaises(CommError):
- self._device.write(b'test')
- def test_read(self):
- self._device.interface = '/dev/ttyS0'
- self._device.open(no_reader_thread=True)
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'read', return_value=[1]) as mock:
- with patch('serial.Serial.fileno', return_value=1):
- with patch.object(select, 'select', return_value=[[1], [], []]):
- ret = self._device.read()
- mock.assert_called_with(1)
- def test_read_exception(self):
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'read', side_effect=SerialException):
- with patch('serial.Serial.fileno', return_value=1):
- with patch.object(select, 'select', return_value=[[1], [], []]):
- with self.assertRaises(CommError):
- self._device.read()
- def test_read_line(self):
- side_effect = list("testing\r\n")
- if sys.version_info > (3,):
- side_effect = [chr(x).encode('utf-8') for x in b"testing\r\n"]
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'read', side_effect=side_effect):
- with patch('serial.Serial.fileno', return_value=1):
- with patch.object(select, 'select', return_value=[[1], [], []]):
- ret = None
- try:
- ret = self._device.read_line()
- except StopIteration:
- pass
- self.assertEquals(ret, "testing")
- def test_read_line_timeout(self):
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'read', return_value=b'a') as mock:
- with patch('serial.Serial.fileno', return_value=1):
- with patch.object(select, 'select', return_value=[[1], [], []]):
- with self.assertRaises(TimeoutError):
- self._device.read_line(timeout=0.1)
- self.assertIn('a', self._device._buffer.decode('utf-8'))
- def test_read_line_exception(self):
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'read', side_effect=[OSError, SerialException]):
- with patch('serial.Serial.fileno', return_value=1):
- with patch.object(select, 'select', return_value=[[1], [], []]):
- with self.assertRaises(CommError):
- self._device.read_line()
- with self.assertRaises(CommError):
- self._device.read_line()
- class TestSocketDevice(TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self._device = SocketDevice()
- self._device._device = Mock(spec=socket.socket)
- def tearDown(self):
- self._device.close()
- ### Tests
- def test_open(self):
- with patch.object(socket.socket, '__init__', return_value=None):
- with patch.object(socket.socket, 'connect', return_value=None) as mock:
- self._device.open(no_reader_thread=True)
- mock.assert_called_with(self._device.interface)
- def test_open_failed(self):
- with patch.object(socket.socket, 'connect', side_effect=socket.error):
- with self.assertRaises(NoDeviceError):
- self._device.open(no_reader_thread=True)
- def test_write(self):
- with patch.object(socket.socket, '__init__', return_value=None):
- with patch.object(socket.socket, 'connect', return_value=None):
- self._device.open(no_reader_thread=True)
- with patch.object(socket.socket, 'send') as mock:
- self._device.write(b'test')
- mock.assert_called_with(b'test')
- def test_write_exception(self):
- side_effects = [socket.error]
- if (have_openssl):
- side_effects.append(SSL.Error)
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'send', side_effect=side_effects):
- with self.assertRaises(CommError):
- self._device.write(b'test')
- def test_read(self):
- with patch.object(socket.socket, '__init__', return_value=None):
- with patch.object(socket.socket, 'connect', return_value=None):
- self._device.open(no_reader_thread=True)
- with patch('socket.socket.fileno', return_value=1):
- with patch.object(select, 'select', return_value=[[1], [], []]):
- with patch.object(socket.socket, 'recv') as mock:
- self._device.read()
- mock.assert_called_with(1)
- def test_read_exception(self):
- with patch('socket.socket.fileno', return_value=1):
- with patch.object(select, 'select', return_value=[[1], [], []]):
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'recv', side_effect=socket.error):
- with self.assertRaises(CommError):
- self._device.read()
- def test_read_line(self):
- side_effect = list("testing\r\n")
- if sys.version_info > (3,):
- side_effect = [chr(x).encode('utf-8') for x in b"testing\r\n"]
- with patch('socket.socket.fileno', return_value=1):
- with patch.object(select, 'select', return_value=[[1], [], []]):
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'recv', side_effect=side_effect):
- ret = None
- try:
- ret = self._device.read_line()
- except StopIteration:
- pass
- self.assertEquals(ret, "testing")
- def test_read_line_timeout(self):
- with patch('socket.socket.fileno', return_value=1):
- with patch.object(select, 'select', return_value=[[1], [], []]):
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'recv', return_value=b'a') as mock:
- with self.assertRaises(TimeoutError):
- self._device.read_line(timeout=0.1)
- self.assertIn('a', self._device._buffer.decode('utf-8'))
- def test_read_line_exception(self):
- with patch('socket.socket.fileno', return_value=1):
- with patch.object(select, 'select', return_value=[[1], [], []]):
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'recv', side_effect=socket.error):
- with self.assertRaises(CommError):
- self._device.read_line()
- with self.assertRaises(CommError):
- self._device.read_line()
- def test_ssl(self):
- if not have_openssl:
- return
- ssl_key = crypto.PKey()
- ssl_key.generate_key(crypto.TYPE_RSA, 2048)
- ssl_cert = crypto.X509()
- ssl_cert.set_pubkey(ssl_key)
- ssl_ca_key = crypto.PKey()
- ssl_ca_key.generate_key(crypto.TYPE_RSA, 2048)
- ssl_ca_cert = crypto.X509()
- ssl_ca_cert.set_pubkey(ssl_ca_key)
- self._device.ssl = True
- self._device.ssl_key = ssl_key
- self._device.ssl_certificate = ssl_cert
- self._device.ssl_ca = ssl_ca_cert
- fileno, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
- # ..there has to be a better way..
- with patch.object(socket.socket, '__init__', return_value=None):
- with patch.object(socket.socket, 'connect', return_value=None) as mock:
- with patch.object(socket.socket, '_sock'):
- with patch.object(socket.socket, 'fileno', return_value=fileno):
- try:
- self._device.open(no_reader_thread=True)
- except SSL.SysCallError as ex:
- pass
- os.close(fileno)
- os.unlink(path)
- mock.assert_called_with(self._device.interface)
- self.assertIsInstance(self._device._device, SSL.Connection)
- def test_ssl_exception(self):
- if not have_openssl:
- return
- self._device.ssl = True
- self._device.ssl_key = 'None'
- self._device.ssl_certificate = 'None'
- self._device.ssl_ca = 'None'
- fileno, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
- # ..there has to be a better way..
- with patch.object(socket.socket, '__init__', return_value=None):
- with patch.object(socket.socket, 'connect', return_value=None) as mock:
- with patch.object(socket.socket, '_sock'):
- with patch.object(socket.socket, 'fileno', return_value=fileno):
- with self.assertRaises(CommError):
- try:
- self._device.open(no_reader_thread=True)
- except SSL.SysCallError as ex:
- pass
- os.close(fileno)
- os.unlink(path)
- if have_pyftdi:
- class TestUSBDevice(TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self._device = USBDevice()
- self._device._device = Mock(spec=Ftdi)
- self._device._device.usb_dev = Mock(spec=USBCoreDevice)
- self._device._device.usb_dev.bus = 0
- self._device._device.usb_dev.address = 0
- self._attached = False
- self._detached = False
- def tearDown(self):
- self._device.close()
- ### Library events
- def attached_event(self, sender, *args, **kwargs):
- self._attached = True
- def detached_event(self, sender, *args, **kwargs):
- self._detached = True
- ### Tests
- def test_find_default_param(self):
- with patch.object(Ftdi, 'find_all', return_value=[(0, 0, 'AD2', 1, 'AD2')]):
- device = USBDevice.find()
- self.assertEquals(device.interface, 'AD2')
- def test_find_with_param(self):
- with patch.object(Ftdi, 'find_all', return_value=[(0, 0, 'AD2-1', 1, 'AD2'), (0, 0, 'AD2-2', 1, 'AD2')]):
- device = USBDevice.find((0, 0, 'AD2-1', 1, 'AD2'))
- self.assertEquals(device.interface, 'AD2-1')
- device = USBDevice.find((0, 0, 'AD2-2', 1, 'AD2'))
- self.assertEquals(device.interface, 'AD2-2')
- def test_events(self):
- self.assertFalse(self._attached)
- self.assertFalse(self._detached)
- # this is ugly, but it works.
- with patch.object(USBDevice, 'find_all', return_value=[(0, 0, 'AD2-1', 1, 'AD2'), (0, 0, 'AD2-2', 1, 'AD2')]):
- USBDevice.start_detection(on_attached=self.attached_event, on_detached=self.detached_event)
- with patch.object(USBDevice, 'find_all', return_value=[(0, 0, 'AD2-2', 1, 'AD2')]):
- USBDevice.find_all()
- time.sleep(1)
- USBDevice.stop_detection()
- self.assertTrue(self._attached)
- self.assertTrue(self._detached)
- def test_find_all(self):
- with patch.object(USBDevice, 'find_all', return_value=[]) as mock:
- devices = USBDevice.find_all()
- self.assertEquals(devices, [])
- def test_find_all_exception(self):
- with patch.object(Ftdi, 'find_all', side_effect=[USBError('testing'), FtdiError]) as mock:
- with self.assertRaises(CommError):
- devices = USBDevice.find_all()
- with self.assertRaises(CommError):
- devices = USBDevice.find_all()
- def test_interface_serial_number(self):
- self._device.interface = 'AD2USB'
- self.assertEquals(self._device.interface, 'AD2USB')
- self.assertEquals(self._device.serial_number, 'AD2USB')
- self.assertEquals(self._device._device_number, 0)
- def test_interface_index(self):
- self._device.interface = 1
- self.assertEquals(self._device.interface, 1)
- self.assertEquals(self._device.serial_number, None)
- self.assertEquals(self._device._device_number, 1)
- def test_open(self):
- self._device.interface = 'AD2USB'
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'open') as mock:
- self._device.open(no_reader_thread=True)
- mock.assert_called()
- def test_open_failed(self):
- self._device.interface = 'AD2USB'
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'open', side_effect=[USBError('testing'), FtdiError]):
- with self.assertRaises(NoDeviceError):
- self._device.open(no_reader_thread=True)
- with self.assertRaises(NoDeviceError):
- self._device.open(no_reader_thread=True)
- def test_write(self):
- self._device.interface = 'AD2USB'
- self._device.open(no_reader_thread=True)
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'write_data') as mock:
- self._device.write(b'test')
- mock.assert_called_with(b'test')
- def test_write_exception(self):
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'write_data', side_effect=FtdiError):
- with self.assertRaises(CommError):
- self._device.write(b'test')
- def test_read(self):
- self._device.interface = 'AD2USB'
- self._device.open(no_reader_thread=True)
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'read_data') as mock:
- self._device.read()
- mock.assert_called_with(1)
- def test_read_exception(self):
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'read_data', side_effect=[USBError('testing'), FtdiError]):
- with self.assertRaises(CommError):
- self._device.read()
- with self.assertRaises(CommError):
- self._device.read()
- def test_read_line(self):
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'read_data', side_effect=list("testing\r\n")):
- ret = None
- try:
- ret = self._device.read_line()
- except StopIteration:
- pass
- self.assertEquals(ret, b"testing")
- def test_read_line_timeout(self):
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'read_data', return_value='a') as mock:
- with self.assertRaises(TimeoutError):
- self._device.read_line(timeout=0.1)
- self.assertIn('a', self._device._buffer)
- def test_read_line_exception(self):
- with patch.object(self._device._device, 'read_data', side_effect=[USBError('testing'), FtdiError]):
- with self.assertRaises(CommError):
- self._device.read_line()
- with self.assertRaises(CommError):
- self._device.read_line()