- .. alarmdecoder documentation master file, created by
- sphinx-quickstart on Sat Jun 8 14:38:46 2013.
- You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
- contain the root `toctree` directive.
- Welcome to alarmdecoder's documentation!
- ========================================
- This is the API documentation for the `Alarm Decoder`_ Python library. It provides support for interacting with the `Alarm Decoder`_ (AD2) family of security alarm devices, including the `AD2USB`_, `AD2SERIAL`_ and `AD2PI`_.
- The source code, requirements and examples for this project may be found `here <http://github.com/nutechsoftware/alarmdecoder>`_.
- .. _Alarm Decoder: http://www.alarmdecoder.com
- .. _AD2USB: http://www.alarmdecoder.com
- .. _AD2SERIAL: http://www.alarmdecoder.com
- .. _AD2PI: http://www.alarmdecoder.com
- Table of Contents:
- .. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 4
- alarmdecoder
- Indices and tables
- ==================
- * :ref:`genindex`
- * :ref:`modindex`
- * :ref:`search`