@@ -8,7 +8,11 @@ Provides utility classes for the `AlarmDecoder`_ (AD2) devices. |
import time |
import threading |
import select |
import alarmdecoder |
from io import open |
from collections import deque |
class NoDeviceError(Exception): |
@@ -53,6 +57,30 @@ class UploadChecksumError(UploadError): |
pass |
def bytes_available(device): |
bytes_avail = 0 |
if isinstance(device, alarmdecoder.devices.SerialDevice): |
if hasattr(device._device, "in_waiting"): |
bytes_avail = device._device.in_waiting |
else: |
bytes_avail = device._device.inWaiting() |
elif isinstance(device, alarmdecoder.devices.SocketDevice): |
bytes_avail = 4096 |
return bytes_avail |
def read_firmware_file(file_path): |
data_queue = deque() |
with open(file_path) as firmware_handle: |
for line in firmware_handle: |
line = line.rstrip() |
if line != '' and line[0] == ':': |
data_queue.append(line + "\r") |
return data_queue |
class Firmware(object): |
""" |
Represents firmware for the `AlarmDecoder`_ devices. |
@@ -62,144 +90,134 @@ class Firmware(object): |
# FIXME: Rewrite this monstrosity. |
@staticmethod |
def upload(dev, filename, progress_callback=None, debug=False): |
def read(device): |
response = None |
bytes_avail = bytes_available(device) |
if isinstance(device, alarmdecoder.devices.SerialDevice): |
response = device._device.read(bytes_avail) |
elif isinstance(device, alarmdecoder.devices.SocketDevice): |
response = device._device.recv(bytes_avail) |
return response |
@staticmethod |
def upload(device, file_path, progress_callback=None, debug=False): |
""" |
Uploads firmware to an `AlarmDecoder`_ device. |
:param filename: firmware filename |
:type filename: string |
:param file_path: firmware file path |
:type file_path: string |
:param progress_callback: callback function used to report progress |
:type progress_callback: function |
:raises: :py:class:`~alarmdecoder.util.NoDeviceError`, :py:class:`~alarmdecoder.util.TimeoutError` |
""" |
def do_upload(): |
""" |
Perform the actual firmware upload to the device. |
""" |
with open(filename) as upload_file: |
line_cnt = 0 |
for line in upload_file: |
line_cnt += 1 |
line = line.rstrip() |
if line[0] == ':': |
dev.write(line + "\r") |
response = dev.read_line(timeout=5.0, purge_buffer=True) #.decode('utf-8') |
if debug: |
stage_callback(Firmware.STAGE_DEBUG, data="line={0} - line={1} response={2}".format(line_cnt, line, response)); |
if '!ce' in response: |
raise UploadChecksumError("Checksum error on line " + str(line_cnt) + " of " + filename); |
elif '!no' in response: |
raise UploadError("Incorrect data sent to bootloader.") |
elif '!ok' in response: |
break |
else: |
if progress_callback is not None: |
progress_callback(Firmware.STAGE_UPLOADING) |
time.sleep(0.0) |
def read_until(pattern, timeout=0.0): |
""" |
Read characters until a specific pattern is found or the timeout is |
hit. |
""" |
def timeout_event(): |
"""Handles the read timeout event.""" |
timeout_event.reading = False |
timeout_event.reading = True |
timer = None |
if timeout > 0: |
timer = threading.Timer(timeout, timeout_event) |
timer.start() |
position = 0 |
dev.purge() |
while timeout_event.reading: |
try: |
char = dev.read() #.decode('utf-8') |
if char is not None and char != '': |
if char == pattern[position]: |
position = position + 1 |
if position == len(pattern): |
break |
else: |
position = 0 |
except Exception as err: |
pass |
if timer: |
if timer.is_alive(): |
timer.cancel() |
else: |
raise TimeoutError('Timeout while waiting for line terminator.') |
def stage_callback(stage, **kwargs): |
def progress_stage(stage, **kwargs): |
"""Callback to update progress for the specified stage.""" |
if progress_callback is not None: |
progress_callback(stage, **kwargs) |
if dev is None: |
return stage |
if device is None: |
raise NoDeviceError('No device specified for firmware upload.') |
stage_callback(Firmware.STAGE_START) |
fds = [device._device.fileno()] |
# Read firmware file into memory |
try: |
write_queue = read_firmware_file(file_path) |
except IOError as err: |
stage = progress_stage(Firmware.STAGE_ERROR, error=str(err)) |
return |
if dev.is_reader_alive(): |
data_read = '' |
got_response = False |
running = True |
stage = progress_stage(Firmware.STAGE_START) |
if device.is_reader_alive(): |
# Close the reader thread and wait for it to die, otherwise |
# it interferes with our reading. |
dev.stop_reader() |
while dev._read_thread.is_alive(): |
stage_callback(Firmware.STAGE_WAITING) |
device.stop_reader() |
while device._read_thread.is_alive(): |
stage = progress_stage(Firmware.STAGE_WAITING) |
time.sleep(0.5) |
# Reboot the device and wait for the boot loader. |
retry = 3 |
found_loader = False |
while retry > 0: |
try: |
stage_callback(Firmware.STAGE_BOOT) |
dev.write("=") |
read_until(u'!boot', timeout=15.0) |
# Get ourselves into the boot loader and wait for indication |
# that it's ready for the firmware upload. |
stage_callback(Firmware.STAGE_LOAD) |
dev.write("=") |
read_until(u'!load', timeout=15.0) |
except TimeoutError as err: |
retry -= 1 |
else: |
retry = 0 |
found_loader = True |
# And finally do the upload. |
if found_loader: |
try: |
do_upload() |
except UploadError as err: |
stage_callback(Firmware.STAGE_ERROR, error=str(err)) |
else: |
stage_callback(Firmware.STAGE_DONE) |
time.sleep(3) |
try: |
while running: |
rr, wr, _ = select.select(fds, fds, [], 0.5) |
if len(rr) != 0: |
response = Firmware.read(device) |
for c in response: |
# HACK: Python 3 / PySerial hack. |
if isinstance(c, int): |
c = chr(c) |
if c == '\xff' or c == '\r': # HACK: odd case for our mystery \xff byte. |
# Boot started, start looking for the !boot message |
if data_read.startswith("!sn"): |
stage = progress_stage(Firmware.STAGE_BOOT) |
# Entered bootloader upload mode, start uploading |
elif data_read.startswith("!load"): |
got_response = True |
stage = progress_stage(Firmware.STAGE_UPLOADING) |
# Checksum error |
elif data_read == '!ce': |
running = False |
raise UploadChecksumError("Checksum error in {0}".format(file_path)) |
# Bad data |
elif data_read == '!no': |
running = False |
raise UploadError("Incorrect data sent to bootloader.") |
# Firmware upload complete |
elif data_read == '!ok': |
running = False |
stage = progress_stage(Firmware.STAGE_DONE) |
# All other responses are valid during upload. |
else: |
got_response = True |
if stage == Firmware.STAGE_UPLOADING: |
progress_stage(stage) |
data_read = '' |
elif c == '\n': |
pass |
else: |
data_read += c |
if len(wr) != 0: |
# Reboot device |
if stage in [Firmware.STAGE_START, Firmware.STAGE_WAITING]: |
device.write('=') |
stage = progress_stage(Firmware.STAGE_WAITING_ON_LOADER) |
# Enter bootloader |
elif stage == Firmware.STAGE_BOOT: |
device.write('=') |
stage = progress_stage(Firmware.STAGE_LOAD) |
# Upload firmware |
elif stage == Firmware.STAGE_UPLOADING: |
if len(write_queue) > 0 and got_response == True: |
got_response = False |
device.write(write_queue.popleft()) |
except UploadError as err: |
stage = progress_stage(Firmware.STAGE_ERROR, error=str(err)) |
else: |
stage_callback(Firmware.STAGE_ERROR, error="Error entering bootloader.") |
stage = progress_stage(Firmware.STAGE_DONE) |