- import asyncio
- import aiosocks
- import pytest
- import socket
- import ssl as ssllib
- from unittest import mock
- from asyncio import coroutine as coro, sslproto
- from aiohttp.test_utils import make_mocked_coro
- import aiosocks.constants as c
- from aiosocks.protocols import BaseSocksProtocol
- from aiosocks.errors import InvalidServerReply
- def make_base(loop, *, dst=None, waiter=None, ap_factory=None, ssl=None):
- dst = dst or ('python.org', 80)
- proto = BaseSocksProtocol(None, None, dst=dst, ssl=ssl,
- loop=loop, waiter=waiter,
- app_protocol_factory=ap_factory)
- return proto
- def make_socks4(loop, *, addr=None, auth=None, rr=True, dst=None, r=b'',
- ap_factory=None, whiter=None):
- addr = addr or aiosocks.Socks4Addr('localhost', 1080)
- auth = auth or aiosocks.Socks4Auth('user')
- dst = dst or ('python.org', 80)
- proto = aiosocks.Socks4Protocol(
- proxy=addr, proxy_auth=auth, dst=dst, remote_resolve=rr,
- loop=loop, app_protocol_factory=ap_factory, waiter=whiter)
- proto._stream_writer = mock.Mock()
- proto.read_response = mock.Mock(
- side_effect=coro(mock.Mock(return_value=r)))
- proto._get_dst_addr = mock.Mock(
- side_effect=coro(mock.Mock(return_value=(socket.AF_INET, '')))
- )
- return proto
- def make_socks5(loop, *, addr=None, auth=None, rr=True, dst=None, r=None,
- ap_factory=None, whiter=None, user='user', pwd='pwd'):
- addr = addr or aiosocks.Socks5Addr('localhost', 1080)
- auth = auth or aiosocks.Socks5Auth(user, pwd)
- dst = dst or ('python.org', 80)
- proto = aiosocks.Socks5Protocol(
- proxy=addr, proxy_auth=auth, dst=dst, remote_resolve=rr,
- loop=loop, app_protocol_factory=ap_factory, waiter=whiter)
- proto._stream_writer = mock.Mock()
- proto._stream_writer.drain = make_mocked_coro(True)
- if not isinstance(r, (list, tuple)):
- proto.read_response = mock.Mock(
- side_effect=coro(mock.Mock(return_value=r)))
- else:
- proto.read_response = mock.Mock(
- side_effect=coro(mock.Mock(side_effect=r)))
- proto._get_dst_addr = mock.Mock(
- side_effect=coro(mock.Mock(return_value=(socket.AF_INET, '')))
- )
- return proto
- def test_base_ctor(loop):
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- BaseSocksProtocol(None, None, None, loop=loop,
- waiter=None, app_protocol_factory=None)
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- BaseSocksProtocol(None, None, 123, loop=loop,
- waiter=None, app_protocol_factory=None)
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- BaseSocksProtocol(None, None, ('python.org',), loop=loop,
- waiter=None, app_protocol_factory=None)
- def test_base_write_request(loop):
- proto = make_base(loop)
- proto._stream_writer = mock.Mock()
- proto.write_request([b'\x00', b'\x01\x02', 0x03])
- proto._stream_writer.write.assert_called_with(b'\x00\x01\x02\x03')
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- proto.write_request(['\x00'])
- async def test_base_negotiate_os_error(loop):
- waiter = asyncio.Future(loop=loop)
- proto = make_base(loop, waiter=waiter)
- proto.socks_request = make_mocked_coro(raise_exception=OSError('test'))
- await proto.negotiate(None, None)
- with pytest.raises(OSError) as ct:
- await waiter
- assert 'test' in str(ct)
- async def test_base_negotiate_socks_err(loop):
- waiter = asyncio.Future(loop=loop)
- proto = make_base(loop, waiter=waiter)
- proto.socks_request = make_mocked_coro(
- raise_exception=aiosocks.SocksError('test'))
- await proto.negotiate(None, None)
- with pytest.raises(aiosocks.SocksError) as ct:
- await waiter
- assert 'Can not connect to' in str(ct)
- async def test_base_negotiate_without_app_proto(loop):
- waiter = asyncio.Future(loop=loop)
- proto = make_base(loop, waiter=waiter)
- proto.socks_request = make_mocked_coro((None, None))
- proto._transport = True
- await proto.negotiate(None, None)
- await waiter
- assert waiter.done()
- async def test_base_negotiate_with_app_proto(loop):
- waiter = asyncio.Future(loop=loop)
- proto = make_base(loop, waiter=waiter,
- ap_factory=lambda: asyncio.Protocol())
- proto.socks_request = make_mocked_coro((None, None))
- await proto.negotiate(None, None)
- await waiter
- assert waiter.done()
- def test_base_connection_lost():
- loop_mock = mock.Mock()
- app_proto = mock.Mock()
- proto = make_base(loop_mock, ap_factory=lambda: app_proto)
- # negotiate not completed
- proto._negotiate_done = False
- proto.connection_lost(True)
- assert not loop_mock.call_soon.called
- # negotiate successfully competed
- loop_mock.reset_mock()
- proto._negotiate_done = True
- proto.connection_lost(True)
- assert loop_mock.call_soon.called
- # don't call connect_lost, if app_protocol == self
- # otherwise recursion
- loop_mock.reset_mock()
- proto = make_base(loop_mock, ap_factory=None)
- proto._negotiate_done = True
- proto.connection_lost(True)
- assert not loop_mock.call_soon.called
- def test_base_pause_writing():
- loop_mock = mock.Mock()
- app_proto = mock.Mock()
- proto = make_base(loop_mock, ap_factory=lambda: app_proto)
- # negotiate not completed
- proto._negotiate_done = False
- proto.pause_writing()
- assert not proto._app_protocol.pause_writing.called
- # negotiate successfully competed
- app_proto.reset_mock()
- proto._negotiate_done = True
- proto.pause_writing()
- assert proto._app_protocol.pause_writing.called
- # don't call pause_writing, if app_protocol == self
- # otherwise recursion
- app_proto.reset_mock()
- proto = make_base(loop_mock)
- proto._negotiate_done = True
- proto.pause_writing()
- def test_base_resume_writing():
- loop_mock = mock.Mock()
- app_proto = mock.Mock()
- proto = make_base(loop_mock, ap_factory=lambda: app_proto)
- # negotiate not completed
- proto._negotiate_done = False
- # negotiate not completed
- with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
- proto.resume_writing()
- assert not proto._app_protocol.resume_writing.called
- # negotiate successfully competed
- loop_mock.reset_mock()
- proto._negotiate_done = True
- proto.resume_writing()
- assert proto._app_protocol.resume_writing.called
- # don't call resume_writing, if app_protocol == self
- # otherwise recursion
- loop_mock.reset_mock()
- proto = make_base(loop_mock)
- proto._negotiate_done = True
- with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
- proto.resume_writing()
- def test_base_data_received():
- loop_mock = mock.Mock()
- app_proto = mock.Mock()
- proto = make_base(loop_mock, ap_factory=lambda: app_proto)
- # negotiate not completed
- proto._negotiate_done = False
- proto.data_received(b'123')
- assert not proto._app_protocol.data_received.called
- # negotiate successfully competed
- app_proto.reset_mock()
- proto._negotiate_done = True
- proto.data_received(b'123')
- assert proto._app_protocol.data_received.called
- # don't call data_received, if app_protocol == self
- # otherwise recursion
- loop_mock.reset_mock()
- proto = make_base(loop_mock)
- proto._negotiate_done = True
- proto.data_received(b'123')
- def test_base_eof_received():
- loop_mock = mock.Mock()
- app_proto = mock.Mock()
- proto = make_base(loop_mock, ap_factory=lambda: app_proto)
- # negotiate not completed
- proto._negotiate_done = False
- proto.eof_received()
- assert not proto._app_protocol.eof_received.called
- # negotiate successfully competed
- app_proto.reset_mock()
- proto._negotiate_done = True
- proto.eof_received()
- assert proto._app_protocol.eof_received.called
- # don't call pause_writing, if app_protocol == self
- # otherwise recursion
- app_proto.reset_mock()
- proto = make_base(loop_mock)
- proto._negotiate_done = True
- proto.eof_received()
- async def test_base_make_ssl_proto():
- loop_mock = mock.Mock()
- app_proto = mock.Mock()
- ssl_context = ssllib.create_default_context()
- proto = make_base(loop_mock,
- ap_factory=lambda: app_proto, ssl=ssl_context)
- proto.socks_request = make_mocked_coro((None, None))
- proto._transport = mock.Mock()
- await proto.negotiate(None, None)
- assert isinstance(proto._transport, sslproto._SSLProtocolTransport)
- async def test_base_func_negotiate_cb_call():
- loop_mock = mock.Mock()
- waiter = mock.Mock()
- proto = make_base(loop_mock, waiter=waiter)
- proto.socks_request = make_mocked_coro((None, None))
- proto._negotiate_done_cb = mock.Mock()
- with mock.patch('aiosocks.protocols.asyncio.Task') as task_mock:
- await proto.negotiate(None, None)
- assert proto._negotiate_done_cb.called
- assert not task_mock.called
- async def test_base_coro_negotiate_cb_call():
- loop_mock = mock.Mock()
- waiter = mock.Mock()
- proto = make_base(loop_mock, waiter=waiter)
- proto.socks_request = make_mocked_coro((None, None))
- proto._negotiate_done_cb = make_mocked_coro(None)
- with mock.patch('aiosocks.protocols.asyncio.Task') as task_mock:
- await proto.negotiate(None, None)
- assert proto._negotiate_done_cb.called
- assert task_mock.called
- async def test_base_reader_limit(loop):
- proto = BaseSocksProtocol(None, None, ('python.org', 80),
- None, None, reader_limit=10, loop=loop)
- assert proto.reader._limit == 10
- proto = BaseSocksProtocol(None, None, ('python.org', 80),
- None, None, reader_limit=15, loop=loop)
- assert proto.reader._limit == 15
- async def test_base_incomplete_error(loop):
- proto = BaseSocksProtocol(None, None, ('python.org', 80),
- None, None, reader_limit=10, loop=loop)
- proto._stream_reader.readexactly = make_mocked_coro(
- raise_exception=asyncio.IncompleteReadError(b'part', 5))
- with pytest.raises(aiosocks.InvalidServerReply):
- await proto.read_response(4)
- def test_socks4_ctor(loop):
- addr = aiosocks.Socks4Addr('localhost', 1080)
- auth = aiosocks.Socks4Auth('user')
- dst = ('python.org', 80)
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- aiosocks.Socks4Protocol(None, None, dst, loop=loop,
- waiter=None, app_protocol_factory=None)
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- aiosocks.Socks4Protocol(None, auth, dst, loop=loop,
- waiter=None, app_protocol_factory=None)
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- aiosocks.Socks4Protocol(aiosocks.Socks5Addr('host'), auth, dst,
- loop=loop, waiter=None,
- app_protocol_factory=None)
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- aiosocks.Socks4Protocol(addr, aiosocks.Socks5Auth('l', 'p'), dst,
- loop=loop, waiter=None,
- app_protocol_factory=None)
- aiosocks.Socks4Protocol(addr, None, dst, loop=loop,
- waiter=None, app_protocol_factory=None)
- aiosocks.Socks4Protocol(addr, auth, dst, loop=loop,
- waiter=None, app_protocol_factory=None)
- async def test_socks4_dst_domain_with_remote_resolve(loop):
- proto = make_socks4(loop, dst=('python.org', 80),
- r=b'\x00\x5a\x00P\x7f\x00\x00\x01')
- await proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT)
- proto._stream_writer.write.assert_called_with(
- b'\x04\x01\x00P\x00\x00\x00\x01user\x00python.org\x00')
- async def test_socks4_dst_domain_with_local_resolve(loop):
- proto = make_socks4(loop, dst=('python.org', 80),
- rr=False, r=b'\x00\x5a\x00P\x7f\x00\x00\x01')
- await proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT)
- proto._stream_writer.write.assert_called_with(
- b'\x04\x01\x00P\x7f\x00\x00\x01user\x00')
- async def test_socks4_dst_ip_with_remote_resolve(loop):
- proto = make_socks4(loop, dst=('', 8800),
- r=b'\x00\x5a\x00P\x7f\x00\x00\x01')
- await proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT)
- proto._stream_writer.write.assert_called_with(
- b'\x04\x01"`\x7f\x00\x00\x01user\x00')
- async def test_socks4_dst_ip_with_locale_resolve(loop):
- proto = make_socks4(loop, dst=('', 8800),
- rr=False, r=b'\x00\x5a\x00P\x7f\x00\x00\x01')
- await proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT)
- proto._stream_writer.write.assert_called_with(
- b'\x04\x01"`\x7f\x00\x00\x01user\x00')
- async def test_socks4_dst_domain_without_user(loop):
- proto = make_socks4(loop, auth=aiosocks.Socks4Auth(''),
- dst=('python.org', 80),
- r=b'\x00\x5a\x00P\x7f\x00\x00\x01')
- await proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT)
- proto._stream_writer.write.assert_called_with(
- b'\x04\x01\x00P\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00python.org\x00')
- async def test_socks4_dst_ip_without_user(loop):
- proto = make_socks4(loop, auth=aiosocks.Socks4Auth(''),
- dst=('', 8800),
- r=b'\x00\x5a\x00P\x7f\x00\x00\x01')
- await proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT)
- proto._stream_writer.write.assert_called_with(
- b'\x04\x01"`\x7f\x00\x00\x01\x00')
- async def test_socks4_valid_resp_handling(loop):
- proto = make_socks4(loop, r=b'\x00\x5a\x00P\x7f\x00\x00\x01')
- r = await proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT)
- assert r == (('python.org', 80), ('', 80))
- async def test_socks4_invalid_reply_resp_handling(loop):
- proto = make_socks4(loop, r=b'\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF')
- with pytest.raises(aiosocks.InvalidServerReply):
- await proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT)
- async def test_socks_err_resp_handling(loop):
- proto = make_socks4(loop, r=b'\x00\x5b\x00P\x7f\x00\x00\x01')
- with pytest.raises(aiosocks.SocksError) as cm:
- await proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT)
- assert '0x5b' in str(cm)
- async def test_socks4_unknown_err_resp_handling(loop):
- proto = make_socks4(loop, r=b'\x00\x5e\x00P\x7f\x00\x00\x01')
- with pytest.raises(aiosocks.SocksError) as cm:
- await proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT)
- assert 'Unknown error' in str(cm)
- def test_socks5_ctor(loop):
- addr = aiosocks.Socks5Addr('localhost', 1080)
- auth = aiosocks.Socks5Auth('user', 'pwd')
- dst = ('python.org', 80)
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- aiosocks.Socks5Protocol(None, None, dst, loop=loop,
- waiter=None, app_protocol_factory=None)
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- aiosocks.Socks5Protocol(None, auth, dst, loop=loop,
- waiter=None, app_protocol_factory=None)
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- aiosocks.Socks5Protocol(aiosocks.Socks4Addr('host'),
- auth, dst, loop=loop,
- waiter=None, app_protocol_factory=None)
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- aiosocks.Socks5Protocol(addr, aiosocks.Socks4Auth('l'),
- dst, loop=loop,
- waiter=None, app_protocol_factory=None)
- aiosocks.Socks5Protocol(addr, None, dst, loop=loop,
- waiter=None, app_protocol_factory=None)
- aiosocks.Socks5Protocol(addr, auth, dst, loop=loop,
- waiter=None, app_protocol_factory=None)
- async def test_socks5_auth_inv_srv_ver(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop, r=b'\x00\x00')
- with pytest.raises(aiosocks.InvalidServerVersion):
- await proto.authenticate()
- async def test_socks5_auth_no_acceptable_auth_methods(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop, r=b'\x05\xFF')
- with pytest.raises(aiosocks.NoAcceptableAuthMethods):
- await proto.authenticate()
- async def test_socks5_auth_unsupported_auth_method(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop, r=b'\x05\xF0')
- with pytest.raises(aiosocks.InvalidServerReply):
- await proto.authenticate()
- async def test_socks5_auth_usr_pwd_granted(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop, r=(b'\x05\x02', b'\x01\x00',))
- await proto.authenticate()
- proto._stream_writer.write.assert_has_calls([
- mock.call(b'\x05\x02\x00\x02'),
- mock.call(b'\x01\x04user\x03pwd')
- ])
- async def test_socks5_auth_usr_pwd_granted_long_usr(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop, r=(b'\x05\x02', b'\x01\x00',), user='0'*200)
- await proto.authenticate()
- proto._stream_writer.write.assert_has_calls([
- mock.call(b'\x05\x02\x00\x02'),
- mock.call(b'\x01\xc8' + b'0' * 200 + b'\x03pwd')
- ])
- async def test_socks5_auth_usr_pwd_granted_long_pwd(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop, r=(b'\x05\x02', b'\x01\x00',), pwd='0'*200)
- await proto.authenticate()
- proto._stream_writer.write.assert_has_calls([
- mock.call(b'\x05\x02\x00\x02'),
- mock.call(b'\x01\x04user\xc8' + b'0' * 200)
- ])
- async def test_socks5_auth_invalid_reply(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop, r=(b'\x05\x02', b'\x00\x00',))
- with pytest.raises(aiosocks.InvalidServerReply):
- await proto.authenticate()
- async def test_socks5_auth_access_denied(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop, r=(b'\x05\x02', b'\x01\x01',))
- with pytest.raises(aiosocks.LoginAuthenticationFailed):
- await proto.authenticate()
- async def test_socks5_auth_anonymous_granted(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop, r=b'\x05\x00')
- await proto.authenticate()
- async def test_socks5_build_dst_addr_ipv4(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop)
- dst_req, resolved = await proto.build_dst_address('', 80)
- assert dst_req == [0x01, b'\x7f\x00\x00\x01', b'\x00P']
- assert resolved == ('', 80)
- async def test_socks5_build_dst_addr_ipv6(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop)
- dst_req, resolved = await proto.build_dst_address(
- '2001:0db8:11a3:09d7:1f34:8a2e:07a0:765d', 80)
- assert dst_req == [
- 0x04, b' \x01\r\xb8\x11\xa3\t\xd7\x1f4\x8a.\x07\xa0v]', b'\x00P']
- assert resolved == ('2001:0db8:11a3:09d7:1f34:8a2e:07a0:765d', 80)
- async def test_socks5_build_dst_addr_domain_with_remote_resolve(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop)
- dst_req, resolved = await proto.build_dst_address('python.org', 80)
- assert dst_req == [0x03, b'\n', b'python.org', b'\x00P']
- assert resolved == ('python.org', 80)
- async def test_socks5_build_dst_addr_domain_with_remote_resolve(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop)
- dst_req, resolved = await proto.build_dst_address('python.org' * 20, 80)
- assert dst_req == [0x03, 200, b'python.org' * 20, b'\x00P']
- assert resolved == ('python.org' * 20, 80)
- async def test_socks5_build_dst_addr_domain_with_locale_resolve(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop, rr=False)
- dst_req, resolved = await proto.build_dst_address('python.org', 80)
- assert dst_req == [0x01, b'\x7f\x00\x00\x01', b'\x00P']
- assert resolved == ('', 80)
- async def test_socks5_rd_addr_ipv4(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop, r=[b'\x01', b'\x7f\x00\x00\x01', b'\x00P'])
- r = await proto.read_address()
- assert r == ('', 80)
- async def test_socks5_rd_addr_ipv6(loop):
- resp = [
- b'\x04',
- b' \x01\r\xb8\x11\xa3\t\xd7\x1f4\x8a.\x07\xa0v]',
- b'\x00P'
- ]
- proto = make_socks5(loop, r=resp)
- r = await proto.read_address()
- assert r == ('2001:db8:11a3:9d7:1f34:8a2e:7a0:765d', 80)
- async def test_socks5_rd_addr_domain(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop, r=[b'\x03', b'\n', b'python.org', b'\x00P'])
- r = await proto.read_address()
- assert r == (b'python.org', 80)
- async def test_socks5_build_udp_ipv4(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop)
- assert (await proto.build_udp(5, ('', 16)) ==
- b'\x00\x00\x05\x01\x01\x02\x03\x04\x00\x10')
- async def test_socks5_parse_udp_ipv4(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop)
- frag, addr, data = proto.parse_udp(b'\x00\x00\x07\x01\x01\x02\x09\x04\x00\x20foobar')
- assert frag == 7
- assert addr == ('', 32)
- assert data == b'foobar'
- async def test_socks5_parse_udp_domain(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop)
- frag, addr, data = proto.parse_udp(b'\x00\x00\x07\x03\x06domain\x00\x20foobar')
- assert frag == 7
- assert addr == ('domain', 32)
- assert data == b'foobar'
- async def test_socks5_parse_udp_ipv6(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop)
- frag, addr, data = proto.parse_udp(b'\x00\x00\x07\x04'
- b' \x01\r\xb8\x11\xa3\t\xd7\x1f4\x8a.\x07\xa0v]'
- b'\x00\x20foobar')
- assert frag == 7
- assert addr == ('2001:db8:11a3:9d7:1f34:8a2e:7a0:765d', 32)
- assert data == b'foobar'
- async def test_socks5_parse_udp_invalid(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop)
- for i in [
- b'\x01\x00\x07\x01\x01\x02\x09\x04\x00\x20foobar',
- b'\x00\x01\x07\x01\x01\x02\x09\x04\x00\x20foobar',
- b'\x00\x00\x07\x09\x01\x02\x09\x04\x00\x20foobar',
- ]:
- with pytest.raises(InvalidServerReply):
- proto.parse_udp(i)
- async def test_socks5_socks_req_inv_ver(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop, r=[b'\x05\x00', b'\x04\x00\x00'])
- with pytest.raises(aiosocks.InvalidServerVersion):
- await proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT)
- async def test_socks5_socks_req_socks_srv_err(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop, r=[b'\x05\x00', b'\x05\x02\x00'])
- with pytest.raises(aiosocks.SocksError) as ct:
- await proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT)
- assert 'Connection not allowed by ruleset' in str(ct)
- async def test_socks5_socks_req_unknown_err(loop):
- proto = make_socks5(loop, r=[b'\x05\x00', b'\x05\xFF\x00'])
- with pytest.raises(aiosocks.SocksError) as ct:
- await proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT)
- assert 'Unknown error' in str(ct)
- async def test_socks_req_cmd_granted(loop):
- # cmd granted
- resp = [b'\x05\x00',
- b'\x05\x00\x00',
- b'\x01', b'\x7f\x00\x00\x01',
- b'\x00P']
- proto = make_socks5(loop, r=resp)
- r = await proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT)
- assert r == (('python.org', 80), ('', 80))
- proto._stream_writer.write.assert_has_calls([
- mock.call(b'\x05\x02\x00\x02'),
- mock.call(b'\x05\x01\x00\x03\npython.org\x00P')
- ])