@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@ |
import asyncio |
import aiosocks |
import unittest |
import socket |
from unittest import mock |
from asyncio import coroutine as coro |
import aiosocks.constants as c |
from aiosocks.protocols import BaseSocksProtocol |
def make_socks4(loop, *, addr=None, auth=None, rr=True, dst=None, r=b''): |
addr = addr or aiosocks.Socks4Addr('localhost', 1080) |
auth = auth or aiosocks.Socks4Auth('user') |
dst = dst or ('python.org', 80) |
proto = aiosocks.Socks4Protocol( |
proxy=addr, proxy_auth=auth, dst=dst, remote_resolve=rr, loop=loop) |
proto._transport = mock.Mock() |
proto.read_response = mock.Mock( |
side_effect=coro(mock.Mock(return_value=r))) |
proto._get_dst_addr = mock.Mock( |
side_effect=coro(mock.Mock(return_value=(socket.AF_INET, ''))) |
) |
return proto |
def make_socks5(loop, *, addr=None, auth=None, rr=True, dst=None, r=None): |
addr = addr or aiosocks.Socks5Addr('localhost', 1080) |
auth = auth or aiosocks.Socks5Auth('user', 'pwd') |
dst = dst or ('python.org', 80) |
proto = aiosocks.Socks5Protocol( |
proxy=addr, proxy_auth=auth, dst=dst, remote_resolve=rr, loop=loop) |
proto._transport = mock.Mock() |
if not isinstance(r, (list, tuple)): |
proto.read_response = mock.Mock( |
side_effect=coro(mock.Mock(return_value=r))) |
else: |
proto.read_response = mock.Mock( |
side_effect=coro(mock.Mock(side_effect=r))) |
proto._get_dst_addr = mock.Mock( |
side_effect=coro(mock.Mock(return_value=(socket.AF_INET, ''))) |
) |
return proto |
class TestBaseSocksProtocol(unittest.TestCase): |
def setUp(self): |
self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() |
asyncio.set_event_loop(None) |
def tearDown(self): |
self.loop.close() |
def test_init(self): |
with self.assertRaises(ValueError): |
BaseSocksProtocol(None, None, None, loop=self.loop) |
with self.assertRaises(ValueError): |
BaseSocksProtocol(None, None, 123, loop=self.loop) |
with self.assertRaises(ValueError): |
BaseSocksProtocol(None, None, ('python.org',), loop=self.loop) |
def test_write_request(self): |
proto = BaseSocksProtocol(None, None, ('python.org', 80), loop=self.loop) |
proto._transport = mock.Mock() |
proto.write_request([b'\x00', b'\x01\x02', 0x03]) |
proto._transport.write.assert_called_with(b'\x00\x01\x02\x03') |
with self.assertRaises(ValueError): |
proto.write_request(['\x00']) |
class TestSocks4Protocol(unittest.TestCase): |
def setUp(self): |
self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() |
asyncio.set_event_loop(None) |
def tearDown(self): |
self.loop.close() |
def test_init(self): |
addr = aiosocks.Socks4Addr('localhost', 1080) |
auth = aiosocks.Socks4Auth('user') |
dst = ('python.org', 80) |
with self.assertRaises(ValueError): |
aiosocks.Socks4Protocol(None, None, dst, loop=self.loop) |
with self.assertRaises(ValueError): |
aiosocks.Socks4Protocol(None, auth, dst, loop=self.loop) |
with self.assertRaises(ValueError): |
aiosocks.Socks4Protocol(aiosocks.Socks5Addr('host'), auth, dst, loop=self.loop) |
with self.assertRaises(ValueError): |
aiosocks.Socks4Protocol(addr, aiosocks.Socks5Auth('l', 'p'), dst, loop=self.loop) |
aiosocks.Socks4Protocol(addr, None, dst, loop=self.loop) |
aiosocks.Socks4Protocol(addr, auth, dst, loop=self.loop) |
def test_request_building(self): |
resp = b'\x00\x5a\x00P\x7f\x00\x00\x01' |
# dst = domain, remote resolve = true |
proto = make_socks4(self.loop, dst=('python.org', 80), r=resp) |
req = proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT) |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
proto._transport.write.assert_called_with( |
b'\x04\x01\x00P\x00\x00\x00\x01user\x00python.org\x00' |
) |
# dst = domain, remote resolve = false |
proto = make_socks4(self.loop, dst=('python.org', 80), rr=False, r=resp) |
req = proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT) |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
proto._transport.write.assert_called_with( |
b'\x04\x01\x00P\x7f\x00\x00\x01user\x00' |
) |
# dst = ip, remote resolve = true |
proto = make_socks4(self.loop, dst=('', 8800), r=resp) |
req = proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT) |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
proto._transport.write.assert_called_with( |
b'\x04\x01"`\x7f\x00\x00\x01user\x00' |
) |
# dst = ip, remote resolve = false |
proto = make_socks4(self.loop, dst=('', 8800), rr=False, r=resp) |
req = proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT) |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
proto._transport.write.assert_called_with( |
b'\x04\x01"`\x7f\x00\x00\x01user\x00' |
) |
# dst = domain, without user |
proto = make_socks4( |
self.loop, auth=aiosocks.Socks4Auth(''), dst=('python.org', 80), r=resp) |
req = proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT) |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
proto._transport.write.assert_called_with( |
b'\x04\x01\x00P\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00python.org\x00' |
) |
# dst = ip, without user |
proto = make_socks4( |
self.loop, auth=aiosocks.Socks4Auth(''), dst=('', 8800), r=resp) |
req = proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT) |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
proto._transport.write.assert_called_with( |
b'\x04\x01"`\x7f\x00\x00\x01\x00' |
) |
def test_response_handling(self): |
valid_resp = b'\x00\x5a\x00P\x7f\x00\x00\x01' |
invalid_data_resp = b'\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF' |
socks_err_resp = b'\x00\x5b\x00P\x7f\x00\x00\x01' |
socks_err_unk_resp = b'\x00\x5e\x00P\x7f\x00\x00\x01' |
# valid result |
proto = make_socks4(self.loop, r=valid_resp) |
req = asyncio.ensure_future( |
proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT), loop=self.loop) |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
self.assertEqual(req.result(), (('python.org', 80), ('', 80))) |
# invalid server reply |
proto = make_socks4(self.loop, r=invalid_data_resp) |
req = proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT) |
with self.assertRaises(aiosocks.InvalidServerReply): |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
# socks server sent error |
proto = make_socks4(self.loop, r=socks_err_resp) |
req = proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT) |
with self.assertRaises(aiosocks.SocksError) as cm: |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
self.assertTrue('0x5b' in str(cm.exception)) |
# socks server send unknown error |
proto = make_socks4(self.loop, r=socks_err_unk_resp) |
req = proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT) |
with self.assertRaises(aiosocks.SocksError) as cm: |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
self.assertTrue('Unknown error' in str(cm.exception)) |
class TestSocks5Protocol(unittest.TestCase): |
def setUp(self): |
self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() |
asyncio.set_event_loop(None) |
def tearDown(self): |
self.loop.close() |
def test_init(self): |
addr = aiosocks.Socks5Addr('localhost', 1080) |
auth = aiosocks.Socks5Auth('user', 'pwd') |
dst = ('python.org', 80) |
with self.assertRaises(ValueError): |
aiosocks.Socks5Protocol(None, None, dst, loop=self.loop) |
with self.assertRaises(ValueError): |
aiosocks.Socks5Protocol(None, auth, dst, loop=self.loop) |
with self.assertRaises(ValueError): |
aiosocks.Socks5Protocol(aiosocks.Socks4Addr('host'), auth, dst, loop=self.loop) |
with self.assertRaises(ValueError): |
aiosocks.Socks5Protocol(addr, aiosocks.Socks4Auth('l'), dst, loop=self.loop) |
aiosocks.Socks5Protocol(addr, None, dst, loop=self.loop) |
aiosocks.Socks5Protocol(addr, auth, dst, loop=self.loop) |
def test_authenticate(self): |
# invalid server version |
proto = make_socks5(self.loop, r=b'\x00\x00') |
req = proto.authenticate() |
with self.assertRaises(aiosocks.InvalidServerVersion): |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
# anonymous auth granted |
proto = make_socks5(self.loop, r=b'\x05\x00') |
req = proto.authenticate() |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
# no acceptable auth methods |
proto = make_socks5(self.loop, r=b'\x05\xFF') |
req = proto.authenticate() |
with self.assertRaises(aiosocks.NoAcceptableAuthMethods): |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
# unsupported auth method |
proto = make_socks5(self.loop, r=b'\x05\xF0') |
req = proto.authenticate() |
with self.assertRaises(aiosocks.InvalidServerReply): |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
# auth: username, pwd |
# access granted |
proto = make_socks5(self.loop, r=(b'\x05\x02', b'\x01\x00',)) |
req = proto.authenticate() |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
proto._transport.write.assert_has_calls( |
[mock.call(b'\x05\x02\x00\x02'), mock.call(b'\x01\x04user\x03pwd')]) |
# invalid reply |
proto = make_socks5(self.loop, r=(b'\x05\x02', b'\x00\x00',)) |
req = proto.authenticate() |
with self.assertRaises(aiosocks.InvalidServerReply): |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
# access denied |
proto = make_socks5(self.loop, r=(b'\x05\x02', b'\x01\x01',)) |
req = proto.authenticate() |
with self.assertRaises(aiosocks.LoginAuthenticationFailed): |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
def test_write_address(self): |
# ipv4 |
proto = make_socks5(self.loop) |
req = proto.write_address('', 80) |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
proto._transport.write.assert_called_with(b'\x01\x7f\x00\x00\x01\x00P') |
# ipv6 |
proto = make_socks5(self.loop) |
req = proto.write_address('2001:0db8:11a3:09d7:1f34:8a2e:07a0:765d', 80) |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
proto._transport.write.assert_called_with( |
b'\x04 \x01\r\xb8\x11\xa3\t\xd7\x1f4\x8a.\x07\xa0v]\x00P') |
# domain, remote_resolve = true |
proto = make_socks5(self.loop) |
req = proto.write_address('python.org', 80) |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
proto._transport.write.assert_called_with(b'\x03\npython.org\x00P') |
# domain, remote resolve = false |
proto = make_socks5(self.loop, rr=False) |
req = proto.write_address('python.org', 80) |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
proto._transport.write.assert_called_with(b'\x01\x7f\x00\x00\x01\x00P') |
def test_read_address(self): |
# ipv4 |
proto = make_socks5(self.loop, r=[b'\x01', b'\x7f\x00\x00\x01', b'\x00P']) |
req = asyncio.ensure_future(proto.read_address(), loop=self.loop) |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
self.assertEqual(req.result(), ('', 80)) |
# ipv6 |
proto = make_socks5( |
self.loop, r=[b'\x04', b' \x01\r\xb8\x11\xa3\t\xd7\x1f4\x8a.\x07\xa0v]', b'\x00P']) |
req = asyncio.ensure_future(proto.read_address(), loop=self.loop) |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
self.assertEqual(req.result(), ('2001:db8:11a3:9d7:1f34:8a2e:7a0:765d', 80)) |
# domain |
proto = make_socks5(self.loop, r=[b'\x03', b'\n', b'python.org', b'\x00P']) |
req = asyncio.ensure_future(proto.read_address(), loop=self.loop) |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
self.assertEqual(req.result(), (b'python.org', 80)) |
def test_socks_request(self): |
# invalid version |
proto = make_socks5(self.loop, r=[b'\x05\x00', b'\x04\x00\x00']) |
req = proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT) |
with self.assertRaises(aiosocks.InvalidServerVersion): |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
# socks error |
proto = make_socks5(self.loop, r=[b'\x05\x00', b'\x05\x02\x00']) |
req = proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT) |
with self.assertRaises(aiosocks.SocksError) as ct: |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
self.assertTrue('Connection not allowed by ruleset' in str(ct.exception)) |
# socks unknown error |
proto = make_socks5(self.loop, r=[b'\x05\x00', b'\x05\xFF\x00']) |
req = proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT) |
with self.assertRaises(aiosocks.SocksError) as ct: |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
self.assertTrue('Unknown error' in str(ct.exception)) |
# cmd granted |
proto = make_socks5( |
self.loop, r=[b'\x05\x00', b'\x05\x00\x00', b'\x01', b'\x7f\x00\x00\x01', b'\x00P']) |
req = asyncio.ensure_future(proto.socks_request(c.SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT), loop=self.loop) |
self.loop.run_until_complete(req) |
self.assertEqual(req.result(), (('python.org', 80), ('', 80))) |
proto._transport.write.assert_has_calls([ |
mock.call(b'\x05\x02\x00\x02'), |
mock.call(b'\x05\x01\x00'), |
mock.call(b'\x03\npython.org\x00P') |
]) |