- #!/usr/bin/env python
- ident = '$Id: newsTest.py,v 1.4 2003/05/21 14:52:37 warnes Exp $'
- import os, re
- import sys
- sys.path.insert(1, "..")
- from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy
- # Check for a web proxy definition in environment
- try:
- proxy_url=os.environ['http_proxy']
- phost, pport = re.search('http://([^:]+):([0-9]+)', proxy_url).group(1,2)
- proxy = "%s:%s" % (phost, pport)
- except:
- proxy = None
- SoapEndpointURL = 'http://www22.brinkster.com/prasads/BreakingNewsService.asmx?WSDL'
- MethodNamespaceURI = 'http://tempuri.org/'
- # Three ways to do namespaces, force it at the server level
- server = SOAPProxy(SoapEndpointURL, namespace = MethodNamespaceURI,
- soapaction='http://tempuri.org/GetCNNNews', encoding = None,
- http_proxy=proxy)
- print("[server level CNN News call]")
- print(server.GetCNNNews())
- # Do it inline ala SOAP::LITE, also specify the actually ns (namespace) and
- # sa (soapaction)
- server = SOAPProxy(SoapEndpointURL, encoding = None)
- print("[inline CNNNews call]")
- print(server._ns('ns1',
- MethodNamespaceURI)._sa('http://tempuri.org/GetCNNNews').GetCNNNews())
- # Create an instance of your server with specific namespace and then use
- # inline soapactions for each call
- dq = server._ns(MethodNamespaceURI)
- print("[namespaced CNNNews call]")
- print(dq._sa('http://tempuri.org/GetCNNNews').GetCNNNews())
- print("[namespaced CBSNews call]")
- print(dq._sa('http://tempuri.org/GetCBSNews').GetCBSNews())