- """
- Check handing of unicode.
- """
- import sys
- sys.path.insert(1, "..")
- from SOAPpy import *
- # Uncomment to see outgoing HTTP headers and SOAP and incoming
- #Config.debug = 1
- #Config.dumpHeadersIn = 1
- #Config.dumpSOAPIn = 1
- #Config.dumpSOAPOut = 1
- # ask for returned SOAP responses to be converted to basic python types
- Config.simplify_objects = 0
- #Config.BuildWithNoType = 1
- #Config.BuildWithNoNamespacePrefix = 1
- server = SOAPProxy("http://localhost:9900/")
- x = 'uMOO' # Single unicode string
- y = server.echo_simple((x,))
- assert( x==y[0] )
- x = ['uMoo1','uMoo2'] # array of unicode strings
- y = server.echo_simple(x)
- assert( x[0] == y[0] )
- assert( x[1] == y[1] )
- x = {
- 'A':1,
- 'B':'B',
- 'C':'C',
- 'D':'D'
- }
- y = server.echo_simple(x)
- for key in list(x.keys()):
- assert( x[key] == y[0][key] )
- print("Success")