A fork of https://github.com/Synerty/SOAPpy-py3 This is a working tree till fixes get imported upstream.
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51 lines
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  1. from SOAPpy import SOAP
  2. import sys
  3. import getopt
  4. def usage():
  5. print("""usage: %s [options]
  6. -m, --method=METHOD#[,METHOD#...] specify METHOD# of ? for the list
  7. -p, --port=PORT# allows to specify PORT# of server
  8. """)
  9. sys.exit(1)
  10. def methodUsage():
  11. print("The available methods are:")
  12. print("1. Monitor \t\t2. Clear")
  13. sys.exit(0)
  14. port = 12080
  15. methodnum = 1
  16. try:
  17. opts, args = getopt.getopt (sys.argv[1:], 'p:m:', ['method','port'])
  18. for opt, arg in opts:
  19. if opt in ('-m','--method'):
  20. if arg == '?':
  21. methodUsage()
  22. methodnum = int(arg)
  23. elif opt in ('-p', '--port'):
  24. port = int(arg)
  25. else:
  26. raise AttributeError("Recognized but unimpl option '%s'" % opt)
  27. except SystemExit:
  28. raise
  29. except:
  30. usage ()
  31. ep = "" % (port)
  32. sa = "urn:soapinterop"
  33. ns = "http://www.soapinterop.org/Bid"
  34. serv = SOAP.SOAPProxy(ep, namespace =ns, soapaction = sa)
  35. if methodnum == 1:
  36. print(serv.Monitor(str="actzero"))
  37. elif methodnum == 2:
  38. print(serv.Clear(str="actzero"))
  39. else:
  40. print("invalid methodnum")
  41. methodUsage()