- Simple Types HOWTO
- ==================
- The easiest way to understand use of data types is look at and run the examples
- already written (in tests/, validate/ and bid/) , and to write your own
- clients, looking at the xml as it is sent (by setting SOAP.Config.debug=1).
- As far as the built-in types are concerned, SOAP.py will preserve type
- as expected. That is: python integer will be of type integer, and
- equivalently for string and float. To access more than just these types,
- there are classes in SOAP.py. These allow invoking a certain type by making
- an instance of the corresponding class.
- The SOAPBuilder in SOAP.py will automatically convert python lists to Arrays
- and python dictionaries to Structs- these are two of the most frequently used
- data types.
- ---------------
- ## CODE
- import SOAP
- server = SOAP.SOAPProxy("http://localhost:8080/")
- print server.echo("Hello world")
- ## /CODE
- This example (taken from quickstart.txt) sends an ordered parameter of type
- string.
- ## CODE
- import SOAP
- import time
- #SOAP.Config.debug = 1
- test = time.gmtime (time.time ())
- server = SOAP.SOAPProxy("http://localhost:8080/")
- print server.echoDate (inputDate = SOAP.DateTime(test))
- ## /CODE
- This test calls echoDate with the named parameter inputDate, which is a
- TimeInstant. It prints the the result.
- **Note: The reason that it is a TimeInstant and not a DateTime
- is that SOAP.py uses the 1999 schema intead of the 2001 schema. To make it
- a DateTime, one would just use SOAP.dateTimeType() in place of SOAP.DateTime().
- **
- ## CODE
- import SOAP
- server = SOAP.SOAPProxy("http://localhost:8080/")
- test = [0, 1, -1, 3853]
- print server.echoIntegerArray (inputIntegerArray = test)
- ## /CODE
- This calls echoIntegerArray with the named parameter inputIntegerArray, which
- is a four-member array of type int. It prints the result.
- ## CODE
- import SOAP
- test = {'varFloat': 2.256, 'varInt': 474, 'varString': 'Utah'}
- server = SOAP.SOAPProxy("http://localhost:8080/")
- print server.echoStruct (inputStruct = test)
- ## /CODE
- This code calls the method echoStruct with the named parameter inputStruct,
- which is of type Struct. It then prints the result.
- ## CODE
- import SOAP
- item1 = SOAP.Struct( data = {"name":"widget","quantity":200,"price":SOAP.decimalType(45.99), "_typename":"LineItem"})
- items = SOAP.Array ( data = [item1] )
- items._ns = "http://www.soapinterop.org/Bid"
- server = SOAP.SOAPProxy("http://localhost:8080")
- server = server._sa ("http://www.soapinterop.org/Buy")
- server = server._ns ("http://www.soapinterop.org/Bid")
- po = SOAP.Struct( data = {"poID":"Order 1234", "createDate": SOAP.dateTimeType(), "items": items} )
- print server.Buy(PurchaseOrder = po)
- ## /CODE
- A few new things here.
- -First, we are creating an Array, 'items', with components of (made up) type
- 'LineItem'. (Notice the use of "_typename" to specify type).
- -This code associates a namespace with the Array, rather than use the default.
- -SOAP.dateTimeType() is called directly to get a dateTime instead of SOAP.py's
- default, 'timeInstant'.
- -Note that when creating a Struct or Array, the data must be passed in as a
- named 'data' param (as the first param, by order, is 'name').
- -The proxy is instantiated and then the values for its namespace (_ns) and
- soapaction (_sa) are assigned.
- -This call will work for a server expecting a parameter with the same
- components as those in the variable 'po' above. It will work whether the
- server has a named param 'PurchaseOrder' or has an unnamed param, but will
- not work if the server expects a named param with a name of anything but
- 'PurchaseOrder'.
- ---------------
- ## CODE
- import SOAP
- def echo(s):
- return s + s # repeats a string twice
- server = SOAP.SOAPServer(("localhost", 8080))
- server.registerFunction(echo)
- server.serve_forever()
- ## /CODE
- This server example, from quickstart.txt, echoes (as type string) the
- string that is passed in, s.
- ## CODE
- import SOAP
- def echoDate (inputDate):
- return SOAP.DateTime(inputDate)
- server = SOAP.SOAPServer(("localhost", 8080))
- server.registerKWFunction(echoDate )
- server.serve_forever()
- ## /CODE
- This code accepts an inputDate and returns the same date, ensuring that it
- is of type TimeInstant by returning an instance of DateTime instead of
- simply returning the value.
- ## CODE
- import SOAP
- def echoIntegerArray (inputIntegerArray):
- if type(inputIntegerArray) != type([]) or len(inputIntegerArray) != 4:
- for elem in inputIntegerArray:
- if type(elem) != type(1):
- raise TypeError, "expected 4-member Array of ints"
- return inputIntegerArray
- server = SOAP.SOAPServer(("localhost", 8080))
- server.registerKWFunction(echoIntegerArray )
- server.serve_forever()
- ## /CODE
- This server supports the method echoIntegerArray, requiring the named parameter
- inputIntegerArray, which must be a four-member array of type int.
- ## CODE
- import SOAP
- def echoStruct (inputStruct):
- myfloat = inputStruct["varFloat"]
- mystr = inputStruct["varString"]
- myint = inputStruct["varInt"]
- return inputStruct
- server = SOAP.SOAPServer(("localhost", 8080))
- server.registerKWFunction(echoStruct )
- server.serve_forever()
- ## /CODE
- This code creates a server with a method echoStruct, which requires that the
- incoming Struct have elements named varFloat, varString, and varInt. That is,
- the server will fault if the incoming Struct does not have any of those
- elements. **Note, this server code does NOT require that these be the only
- elements in the struct- just that they be present**. This method simply
- returns the Struct passed in.
- ## CODE
- import sys
- import SOAP
- serverstring = "SOAP.py (actzero.com) running "+sys.platform
- def Buy(**kw):
- try:
- PurchaseOrder = kw["PurchaseOrder"]
- except:
- PurchaseOrder = kw["PO"]
- POkeys = PurchaseOrder['_keyord']
- POkeys.sort()
- POkeys_expected = ["items","poID","createDate"]
- POkeys_expected.sort()
- if POkeys != POkeys_expected:
- raise ValueError, "struct 'PurchaseOrder' needs %s, %s, and %s" % tuple(POkeys_expected)
- items = PurchaseOrder["items"].__dict__
- data = items["data"]
- retstring = ""
- for item in data:
- itemdict = item["_asdict"]
- q = itemdict["quantity"]
- p = itemdict["price"]
- name = itemdict["name"]
- if retstring != "":
- retstring += ", "
- else:
- retstring = "bought "
- retstring += "%d %s(s) for %.2f" % (q,name,p)
- retstring += " from "+serverstring
- return retstring
- server = SOAP.SOAPServer(("localhost", 8080))
- namespace = "http://www.soapinterop.org/Bid"
- server.registerKWFunction(Buy, namespace )
- server.serve_forever()
- ## /CODE
- This example creates a server to implement 'Buy', which takes a parameter
- named either PurchaseOrder or PO. (Notice the use of **kw as the input
- parameter to the method for this functionality).
- The server gets the names of the Struct's members by using the '_keyord'
- key of the Struct-as-dictionary. It checks these names against what it
- expects from the client, and raises a fault if the two are not the same.
- By using the __dict__ attribute, the server gets the 'items' (an elemnent of
- the PurchaseOrder Struct) as a dictionary. Then it checks that 'items' is
- formatted as expected. Finally, it returns a confirmation of what was bought.
- $Id: simpleTypes.txt,v 1.2 2005/02/21 20:09:39 warnes Exp $