- Using Headers
- =============
- SOAPpy has a Header class to hold data for the header of a SOAP message.
- Each Header instance has methods to set/get the MustUnderstand attribute, and
- methods to set/get the Actor attribute.
- SOAPpy also has a SOAPContext class so that each server method can be
- implemented in such a way that it gets the context of the connecting client.
- This includes both common SOAP information and connection information (see
- below for an example).
- ---------------
- ## CODE
- import SOAPpy
- test = 42
- server = SOAPpy.SOAPProxy("http://localhost:8888")
- server = server._sa ("urn:soapinterop")
- hd = SOAPpy.Header()
- hd.InteropTestHeader ='This should fault, as you don\'t understand the header.'
- hd._setMustUnderstand ('InteropTestHeader', 0)
- hd._setActor ('InteropTestHeader','http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/actor/next')
- server = server._hd (hd)
- print server.echoInteger (test)
- ## /CODE
- This should succeed (provided the server has defined echoInteger), as it
- builds a valid header into this client with MustUnderstand set to 0
- and then sends the SOAP with this header.
- ## CODE
- import SOAPpy
- test = 42
- server = SOAPpy.SOAPProxy("http://localhost:8888")
- server = server._sa ("urn:soapinterop")
- #Header
- hd = SOAPpy.Header()
- hd.InteropTestHeader = 'This should fault,as you don\'t understand the header.'
- hd._setMustUnderstand ('InteropTestHeader', 1)
- hd._setActor ('InteropTestHeader','http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/actor/next')
- server = server._hd (hd)
- print server.echoInteger (test)
- ## /CODE
- This should fail (even if the server has defined 'echoInteger'), as it
- builds a valid header into this client, but sets MustUnderstand to 1
- for a message that the server presumably won't understand before sending.
- ---------------
- ## CODE
- import SOAPpy
- def echoInteger (inputInteger):
- return inputInteger
- server = SOAPpy.SOAPServer ( ('localhost', 8080) )
- server.registerFunction (echoInteger)
- server.serve_forever()
- ## /CODE
- This is a simple server designed to work with the first 2 clients above.
- ## CODE
- import SOAPpy
- def echoInteger (inputInteger, _SOAPContext):
- c = _SOAPContext
- print c.xmldata
- print c.header
- print c.body
- print c.connection.getpeername()
- print c.soapaction
- print c.httpheaders
- return inputInteger
- host = 'localhost'
- port = 8888
- server = SOAPpy.SOAPServer ( (host, port) )
- server.registerFunction (SOAPpy.MethodSig(echoInteger, keywords=0,context=1))
- server.serve_forever()
- ## /CODE
- This is a server which shows off the SOAPContext feature. This
- server gets a context from the client that has connected to it, and
- prints some of the pertinent aspects of that client before
- returning. This server should also work with the code for the two
- clients written above.
- $Id: UsingHeaders.txt,v 1.1 2005/02/18 15:36:12 warnes Exp $