- # This list of servers was taken from the SOAPBuilders Interoperability Lab
- # (http://www.xmethods.net/ilab/ilab.html) 4/23/01.
- #
- # $Id: silab.servers,v 2001/06/27 21:36:14 cullman Exp $
- Name: SOAP.py 0.9.6 (1999)
- Endpoint:
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Name: SOAP.py 0.9.6 (2001)
- Like: SOAP.py 0.9.6 (1999)
- Style: 2001
- Name: Apache 2.1
- WSDL: http://www.xmethods.net/sd/interop/ApacheInterop11.wsdl
- Endpoint: http://nagoya.apache.org:5089/soap/servlet/rpcrouter
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Nonfunctional: echoFloatINF server returns 'Infinity' instead of 'INF'
- Nonfunctional: echoFloatNegINF server returns '-Infinity' instead of '-INF'
- Nonfunctional: echoStruct WSDL specifies 'inputStruct' parameter, method
- takes 'echoStruct' parameter
- Nonfunctional: echoDate not implemented by server
- Nonfunctional: echoBase64 not implemented by server
- Name: EasySoap++
- WSDL: http://easysoap.sourceforge.net/interop.wsdl
- Endpoint: http://www.xmethods.net/c/easysoap.cgi
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Nonfunctional: actorShouldFail server doesn't fail when mustUnderstand=1
- Nonfunctional: mustUnderstandEqualsOne server doesn't fail when
- mustUnderstand=1
- Name: eSoapServer
- Endpoint: http://www.connecttel.com/cgi-bin/esoapserver.cgi
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Name: Frontier 7.0b43
- Endpoint: http://www.soapware.org:80/xmethodsInterop
- SOAPAction: "/xmethodsInterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Style: 2001
- Name: 4S4C 1.3.3
- WSDL: http://soap.4s4c.com/ilab/soap.asp?WSDL
- Endpoint: http://soap.4s4c.com/ilab/soap.asp
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Nonfunctional: echoFloatINF server doesn't understand 'INF'
- Nonfunctional: echoFloatNaN server doesn't understand 'NaN'
- Nonfunctional: echoFloatNegINF server doesn't understand '-INF'
- Name: GLUE
- Endpoint:
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Nonfunctional: actorShouldFail server doesn't fail when mustUnderstand=1
- Nonfunctional: mustUnderstandEqualsOne server doesn't fail when
- mustUnderstand=1
- Name: HP SOAP
- Page: http://soap.bluestone.com/interop/
- WSDL: http://soap.bluestone.com:80/interop/EchoService/EchoService.wsdl
- Endpoint: http://soap.bluestone.com:80/scripts/SaISAPI.dll/SaServletEngine.class/hp-soap/soap/rpc/interop/EchoService
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Name: IDOOX WASP 1.0
- Page: http://soap.idoox.net:7080/IopResults/jsp/index.jsp
- WSDL: http://soap.idoox.net:7080/soap/services/ilab.wsdl
- Endpoint: http://soap.idoox.net:7080/soap/servlet/soap/ilab
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Name: Kafka XSLT Interop Service
- Page: http://www.vbxml.com/soapworkshop/services/kafka10/services/interop.htm
- WSDL: http://www.vbxml.com/soapworkshop/services/kafka10/services/endpoint.asp?service=ilab&type=wsdl
- Endpoint: http://www.vbxml.com/soapworkshop/services/kafka10/services/endpoint.asp?service=ilab
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Nonfunctional: actorShouldFail server doesn't fail when mustUnderstand=1
- Nonfunctional: echoDate not implemented by server
- Nonfunctional: echoBase64 not implemented by server
- Nonfunctional: mustUnderstandEqualsOne server doesn't fail when
- mustUnderstand=1
- Name: MS ATL Server
- Endpoint:
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Style: 2001
- Typed: no
- Name: MS SOAP Toolkit 2.0 (typed)
- Page: http://www.mssoapinterop.org/stk/ilab.htm
- WSDL: http://www.mssoapinterop.org/stk/InteropTyped.wsdl
- Endpoint: http://www.mssoapinterop.org/stk/InteropTyped.wsdl
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Nonfunctional: echoBase64 return value doesn't have a type
- Nonfunctional: echoFloatINF server doesn't understand 'INF'
- Nonfunctional: echoFloatNaN server doesn't understand 'NaN'
- Nonfunctional: echoFloatNegINF server doesn't understand '-INF'
- Name: MS SOAP Toolkit 2.0 (untyped)
- Like: MS SOAP Toolkit 2.0 (typed)
- WSDL: http://www.mssoapinterop.org/stk/Interop.wsdl
- Endpoint: http://www.mssoapinterop.org/stk/Interop.wsdl
- Typed: no
- Functional: echoBase64
- Name: MS .NET Beta 2 (typed)
- WSDL: http://www.mssoapinterop.org/test/typed.asmx?WSDL
- Endpoint: http://www.mssoapinterop.org/test/typed.asmx
- SOAPAction: "http://soapinterop.org/%(methodname)s"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Nonfunctional: actorShouldFail server doesn't fail when mustUnderstand=1
- Nonfunctional: mustUnderstandEqualsOne server doesn't fail when
- mustUnderstand=1
- Nonfunctional: echoDate server doesn't recognize time zone of Z
- Nonfunctional: echoBase64 not implemented by server
- Name: MS .NET Beta 2 (untyped)
- Like: MS .NET Beta 2 (typed)
- WSDL: http://www.mssoapinterop.org/test/simple.asmx?WSDL
- Endpoint: http://www.mssoapinterop.org/test/simple.asmx
- Typed: no
- Name: MS .NET Remoting (1999 typed)
- WSDL: http://www.mssoapinterop.org/DotNetRemoting1999Typed/InteropService.WSDL
- Endpoint: http://www.mssoapinterop.org/DotNetRemoting1999Typed/InteropService.soap
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Name: MS .NET Remoting (1999 untyped)
- WSDL: http://www.mssoapinterop.org/DotNetRemoting1999/InteropService.WSDL
- Endpoint: http://www.mssoapinterop.org/DotNetRemoting1999/InteropService.soap
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Typed: no
- Name: MS .NET Remoting (2001 typed)
- WSDL: http://www.mssoapinterop.org/DotNetRemoting2001Typed/InteropService.WSDL
- Endpoint: http://www.mssoapinterop.org/DotNetRemoting2001Typed/InteropService.soap
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Style: 2001
- Name: MS .NET Remoting (2001 untyped)
- WSDL: http://www.mssoapinterop.org/DotNetRemoting2001/InteropService.WSDL
- Endpoint: http://www.mssoapinterop.org/DotNetRemoting2001/InteropService.soap
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Typed: no
- Style: 2001
- Name: Phalanx
- WSDL: http://www.phalanxsys.com/interop/interop.wsdl
- Endpoint: http://www.phalanxsys.com/interop/listener.asp
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Style: 2001
- Name: SOAP::Lite
- WSDL: http://services.soaplite.com/interop.wsdl
- Endpoint: http://services.soaplite.com/interop.cgi
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Name: SOAPR4 (1999)
- Endpoint: http://www.jin.gr.jp/~nahi/Ruby/SOAP4R/SOAPBuildersInterop/1999/
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Nonfunctional: actorShouldFail server doesn't fail when mustUnderstand=1
- Nonfunctional: mustUnderstandEqualsOne server doesn't fail when
- mustUnderstand=1
- Nonfunctional: echoVoid server return nil element instead of no elements
- Name: SOAPR4 (2001)
- Like: SOAPR4 (1999)
- Endpoint: http://www.jin.gr.jp/~nahi/Ruby/SOAP4R/SOAPBuildersInterop/
- Style: 2001
- Name: SOAPx4 for PHP
- Endpoint: http://dietrich.ganx4.com/soapx4/soap.php
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Nonfunctional: actorShouldPass server returns type with no namespace
- Nonfunctional: actorShouldFail server doesn't fail when mustUnderstand=1
- Nonfunctional: echoDate not implemented by server
- Nonfunctional: echoBase64 not implemented by server
- Nonfunctional: echoFloat server returns type with no namespace
- Nonfunctional: echoFloatArray server returns array elements as strings
- Nonfunctional: echoFloatINF server returns type with no namespace
- Nonfunctional: echoFloatNaN server returns type with no namespace
- Nonfunctional: echoFloatNegINF returns float 0 instead of -INF and type
- has no namespace
- Nonfunctional: echoFloatNegZero returns 0 instead of -0 and type has no
- namespace
- Nonfunctional: echoInteger server returns type with no namespace
- Nonfunctional: echoIntegerArray server returns array elements as strings
- Nonfunctional: echoString server responds with fault when sent '<&>"
- Nonfunctional: echoStringArray server responds with fault when an array
- element is '<&>"
- Nonfunctional: echoVeryLargeFloat server returns type with no namespace
- Nonfunctional: echoVerySmallFloat server returns type with no namespace
- Nonfunctional: echoVoid server doesn't return anything
- Nonfunctional: mustUnderstandEqualsOne server doesn't fail when
- mustUnderstand=1
- Nonfunctional: mustUnderstandEqualsZero server returns type with no namespace
- Name: SoapRMI
- Endpoint: http://rainier.extreme.indiana.edu:1568
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Nonfunctional: echoDate not implemented by server
- Nonfunctional: echoBase64 not implemented by server
- Name: SQLData SOAP Server
- WSDL: http://www.SoapClient.com/interop/SQLDataInterop.wsdl
- Endpoint: http://www.soapclient.com/interop/sqldatainterop.wsdl
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Name: White Mesa SOAP RPC 2.2 (1999)
- WSDL: http://www.whitemesa.net/wsdl/interop.wsdl
- Endpoint: http://www.whitemesa.net/interop
- SOAPAction: "urn:soapinterop"
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Nonfunctional: echoFloatINF server doesn't understand 'INF'
- Nonfunctional: echoFloatNaN server doesn't understand 'NaN'
- Nonfunctional: echoFloatNegINF server doesn't understand '-INF'
- Nonfunctional: echoDate not implemented by server
- Nonfunctional: echoBase64 server returns data containing control character
- Style: 1999
- Typed: no
- Name: White Mesa SOAP RPC 2.2 (2001)
- WSDL: http://www.whitemesa.net/wsdl/std/interop.wsdl
- Endpoint: http://www.whitemesa.net/interop/std
- SOAPAction: http://soapinterop.org/
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Nonfunctional: echoFloatINF server doesn't understand 'INF'
- Nonfunctional: echoFloatNaN server doesn't understand 'NaN'
- Nonfunctional: echoFloatNegINF server doesn't understand '-INF'
- Nonfunctional: echoDate not implemented by server
- Nonfunctional: echoBase64 server returns data containing control character
- Style: 2001
- Typed: no
- Name: Zolera SOAP Infrastructure
- Endpoint:
- SOAPAction: urn:soapinterop
- Namespace: http://soapinterop.org/
- Style: 2001
- Nonfunctional: actorShouldPass server claims message is unparsable
- Nonfunctional: echoBase64 server returns data with invalid type
- Nonfunctional: echoVoid server doesn't return an empty return value
- Nonfunctional: mustUnderstandEqualsZero server claims message is unparsable