- #!/usr/bin/env python
- import string
- import cgi
- ident = '$Id: interop2html.py,v 2001/06/27 21:36:14 cullman Exp $'
- lines = open('output.txt').readlines()
- #preserve the tally
- tally = lines[-6:]
- #whack the tally from lines
- lines = lines[:-6]
- table={}
- for line in lines:
- if line[:3] == ' ' or line == '>\n' : continue
- line = line[:-1] #delete end of line char
- row = [line[:line.find(': ')], line[line.find(': ')+2:]] #split server name from rest of line
- restofrow = row[1].split(' ',3) #break out method name, number, status code, status comment
- if len(restofrow) > 3:
- if restofrow[3].find('as expected') != -1:
- restofrow[2] = restofrow[2] + ' (as expected)'
- elif restofrow[3][:2] == '- ' :
- restofrow[3] = restofrow[3][2:]
- try: table[row[0]].append([restofrow[0],restofrow[2:]])
- except KeyError: table[row[0]] = [[restofrow[0],restofrow[2:]]]
- print "<html><body>"
- print "<script>function popup(text) {"
- print "text = '<html><head><title>Test Detail</title></head><body><p>' + text + '</p></body></html>';"
- print "newWin=window.open('','win1','location=no,menubar=no,width=400,height=200');"
- print "newWin.document.open();"
- print "newWin.document.write(text);"
- print "newWin.focus(); } </script>"
- print "<br><table style='font-family: Arial; color: #cccccc'><tr><td colspan=2><font face=arial color=#cccccc><b>Summary</b></font></td></tr>"
- for x in tally:
- z = x[:-1].split(":",1)
- print "<tr><td><font face=arial color=#cccccc>",z[0],"</font></td><td><font face=arial color=#cccccc>",z[1],"</font></td></tr>"
- print "</table><br>"
- c = 0
- totalmethods = len(table[table.keys()[0]])
- while c < totalmethods:
- print "<br><table width='95%' style='font-family: Arial'>"
- print "<tr><td width='27%' bgcolor='#cccccc'></td>"
- cols = [c, c + 1, c + 2]
- if c != 16:
- cols += [c + 3]
- for i in cols:
- try: header = table[table.keys()[0]][i][0]
- except: break
- print "<td width ='17%' align='center' bgcolor='#cccccc'><b>",header,"</b></td>"
- print "</tr>"
- l = table.keys()
- l.sort()
- for key in l:
- print "<tr><td bgcolor='#cccccc'>", key , "</td>"
- for i in cols:
- try: status = table[key][i][1][0]
- except: break
- if status.find("succeed") != -1:
- bgcolor = "#339900"
- status = "Pass"
- elif status.find("expected") != -1:
- bgcolor = "#FF9900"
- hreftitle = table[key][i][1][1].replace("'","") # remove apostrophes from title properties
- popuphtml = '"' + cgi.escape(cgi.escape(table[key][i][1][1]).replace("'","'").replace('"',""")) + '"'
- status = "<a title='" + hreftitle + "' href='javascript:popup(" + popuphtml + ")'>Failed (expected)</a>"
- else:
- bgcolor = "#CC0000"
- hreftitle = table[key][i][1][1].replace("'","") # remove apostrophes from title properties
- popuphtml = '"' + cgi.escape(cgi.escape(table[key][i][1][1]).replace("'","'").replace('"',""")) + '"'
- status = "<a title='" + hreftitle + "' href='javascript:popup(" + popuphtml + ")'>Failed</a>"
- print "<td align='center' bgcolor=" , bgcolor , ">" , status , "</td>"
- print "</tr>"
- print "</table>"
- c = c + len(cols)
- print "</body></html>"