- Globus Support
- ==============
- Extensions have been added to the SOAPpy module to allow the use of the
- Globus Toolkit v2 for secure transport of SOAP calls. These extensions are
- possible by using the Globus Toolkit (http://www.globus.org) and the
- pyGlobus software (http://www-itg.lbl.gov/gtg/projects/pyGlobus/), which
- exposes the Globus Toolkit via a set of Python interfaces. This enables
- bi-directional PKI authentication so that the server and client are both
- guaranteed of the identity of the other. Using PKI this way also allows a
- more robust authorization solution above the SOAP hosting layer, which
- provides better application level authorization control. These tools are
- used by the Access Grid Project (http://www.accessgrid.org) to build a
- Grid-based, Web Services based, real-time collaboration environment.
- In order to use the SOAPpy module with the Globus Toolkit, you must first
- obtain and install the Globus Toolkit and pyGlobus software. Information on
- how to do that is at the respective web sites listed below. In order to use
- the Globus Toolkit it is necessary to have an x509 identity certificate.
- Information on how to obtain one of those is available on the web as well.
- To use GSI with an authorization method, set the SOAPConfig.authMethod =
- "methodname". You must have this method defined on any objects you register
- with SOAPpy, and/or as a registered method. It should return 0 or 1 to
- indicate if authorization is allowed or not.
- Once the software is installed, you have obtained your certificate, and the
- SOAPpy module is installed, the following code shows how to run a GSI
- secured SOAP server (These snippets are directly from the echoServer.py and
- echoClient.py in the test directory).
- Server
- ------
- def _authorize(self, *args, **kw):
- return 1
- Config.authMethod = "_authorize"
- addr = ('localhost', 9900)
- from SOAPpy.GSIServer import GSISOAPServer
- server = GSISOAPServer(addr)
- server.registerFunction(_authorize)
- server.registerFunction(echo)
- Then you use the server like the SSL server or the standard server.
- Client
- ------
- import pyGlobus
- # The httpg distinguishes this as a GSI TCP connection, so after
- # this you can use the SOAP proxy as you would any other SOAP Proxy.
- server = SOAPProxy("httpg://localhost:9900/")
- print server.echo("moo")
- Globus Toolkit http://www.globus.org
- ------------------------------------
- The Globus Toolkit is an open source software toolkit used for
- building grids. It is being developed by the Globus Alliance and
- many others all over the world. A growing number of projects and
- companies are using the Globus Toolkit to unlock the potential
- of grids for their cause.
- PyGlobus http://www-itg.lbl.gov/gtg/projects/pyGlobus/
- ------------------------------------------------------
- The goal of this project is to allow the use of the entire
- Globus toolkit from Python, a high-level scripting
- language. SWIG is used to generate the necessary interface
- code. Currently a substantial subset of the 2.2.4 and 2.4
- versions of the Globus toolkit has been wrapped.
- The Access Grid http://www.accessgrid.org/
- ------------------------------------------
- The Access GridT is an ensemble of resources including
- multimedia large-format displays, presentation and interactive
- environments, and interfaces to Grid middleware and to
- visualization environments. These resources are used to support
- group-to-group interactions across the Grid. For example, the
- Access Grid (AG) is used for large-scale distributed meetings,
- collaborative work sessions, seminars, lectures, tutorials, and
- training. The Access Grid thus differs from desktop-to-desktop
- tools that focus on individual communication.
- - Submitted 2004-01-08 by Ivan R. Judson <mailto:judson@mcs.anl.gov>
- $Id: GlobusSupport.txt,v 1.3 2005/02/21 20:09:32 warnes Exp $