#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2001, actzero, inc. import sys sys.path.insert(1,"..") from SOAPpy import SOAP #SOAP.Config.debug = 1 serverstring = "SOAP.py (actzero.com) running "+sys.platform NUMBUYS = 0 NUMSIMPLEBUYS = 0 NUMREQUESTS = 0 NUMPINGS = 0 def SimpleBuy(Address, ProductName, Quantity): # currently, this type-checks the params, and makes sure # the strings are of len > 0 global NUMSIMPLEBUYS NUMSIMPLEBUYS += 1 if Quantity < 1: raise ValueError("must order at least one") else: return "Receipt for %d %s(s) bought from %s" % (int(Quantity), ProductName, serverstring) def RequestForQuote(ProductName, Quantity): # type-checks and makes sure Quantity >= 1 global NUMREQUESTS NUMREQUESTS += 1 if Quantity < 1: raise ValueError("must order at least 1") else: import whrandom mult = whrandom.random() times = 0 while mult > 0.25: mult = mult - 0.25 times += 1 mult += 0.5 mult = round(mult, 3) print(mult, times) return SOAP.doubleType(round(mult*int(Quantity),2)) def Buy(**kw): global NUMBUYS NUMBUYS += 1 try: PurchaseOrder = kw["PurchaseOrder"] except: PurchaseOrder = kw["PO"] try: POkeys = PurchaseOrder['_keyord'] POkeys.sort() POkeys_expected = ["shipTo","billTo","items","poID","createDate"] POkeys_expected.sort() if POkeys != POkeys_expected: raise ValueError("struct 'PurchaseOrder' needs %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s" % tuple(POkeys_expected)) except: raise TypeError("'PurchaseOrder' missing one or more element(s)") try: btkeys = PurchaseOrder["billTo"]["_keyord"] btkeys.sort() btkeys_expected = ["address","zipCode","name","state","city"] btkeys_expected.sort() except: raise TypeError("'billTo' missing one or more elements") try: stkeys = PurchaseOrder["shipTo"]["_keyord"] stkeys.sort() stkeys_expected = ["address","zipCode","name","state","city"] stkeys_expected.sort() except: raise TypeError("'shipTo' missing one or more elements") try: items = PurchaseOrder["items"].__dict__ data = items["data"] retstring = "" for item in data: itemdict = item["_asdict"] q = itemdict["quantity"] p = itemdict["price"] name = itemdict["name"] if retstring != "": retstring += ", " else: retstring = "bought " retstring += "%d %s(s) for %.2f" % (q,name,p) retstring += " from "+serverstring return retstring except: raise TypeError("items must be an array of 'item' structs") def Ping(): global NUMPINGS NUMPINGS += 1 return def Monitor(str): if str=="actzero": global NUMBUYS global NUMREQUESTS global NUMSIMPLEBUYS global NUMPINGS return "(Buys, RequestForQuote(s),SimpleBuy(s), Ping(s)) = " + \ repr( (NUMBUYS,NUMREQUESTS,NUMSIMPLEBUYS, NUMPINGS) ) else: raise ValueError("not the right string") def Clear(str): if str=="actzero": global NUMBUYS global NUMREQUESTS global NUMSIMPLEBUYS global NUMPINGS NUMBUYS = 0 NUMREQUESTS = 0 NUMSIMPLEBUYS = 0 NUMPINGS = 0 return "(Buys, RequestForQuote(s),SimpleBuy(s), Ping(s)) = " + \ repr( (NUMBUYS,NUMREQUESTS,NUMSIMPLEBUYS, NUMPINGS) ) else: raise ValueError("not the right string") if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: try: port = int(sys.argv[1]) if port not in list(range(2000,15000)): raise ValueError except: print("port must be a number between 2000 and 15000") sys.exit(1) else: port = 9000 namespace = "http://www.soapinterop.org/Bid" server = SOAP.SOAPServer( ('zoo',port) ) server.registerKWFunction(SimpleBuy, namespace ) server.registerKWFunction(RequestForQuote, namespace ) server.registerKWFunction(Buy, namespace ) server.registerKWFunction(Ping, namespace ) server.registerKWFunction(Monitor, namespace ) server.registerKWFunction(Clear, namespace ) try: server.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass