#!/usr/bin/env python ident = '$Id: storageTest.py,v 1.6 2005/02/16 04:24:54 warnes Exp $' import sys, os, time, signal, re sys.path.insert(1, "..") from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy, SOAPConfig, SOAPUserAgent # Check for a web proxy definition in environment try: proxy_url=os.environ['http_proxy'] phost, pport = re.search('http://([^:]+):([0-9]+)', proxy_url).group(1,2) http_proxy = "%s:%s" % (phost, pport) except: http_proxy = None PROXY="http://www.soapware.org/xmlStorageSystem" EMAIL="SOAPpy@actzero.com" NAME="test_user" PASSWORD="mypasswd" SERIAL=1123214 MY_PORT=15600 def resourceChanged (url): print "\n##### NOTIFICATION MESSAGE: Resource %s has changed #####\n" % url return booleanType(1) def printstatus (cmd, stat): print if stat.flError: print "### %s failed: %s ###" % (cmd, stat.message) else: print "### %s successful: %s ###" % (cmd, stat.message) return not stat.flError server = SOAPProxy(encoding="US-ASCII", proxy=PROXY, soapaction="/xmlStorageSystem", http_proxy=http_proxy, # config=SOAPConfig(debug=1) ) # Register as a new user or update user information reg = server.registerUser(email=EMAIL, name=NAME, password=PASSWORD, clientPort=MY_PORT, userAgent=SOAPUserAgent(), serialnumber=SERIAL) printstatus("registerUser", reg) # See what this server can do reg = server.getServerCapabilities (email=EMAIL, password=PASSWORD) if printstatus("getServerCapabilities", reg): print "Legal file extensions: " + str(reg.legalFileExtensions) print "Maximum file size: " + str(reg.maxFileSize) print "Maximum bytes per user: " + str(reg.maxBytesPerUser) print "Number of bytes in use by the indicated user: " + str(reg.ctBytesInUse) print "URL of the folder containing your files: " + str(reg.yourUpstreamFolderUrl) # Store some files reg = server.saveMultipleFiles (email=EMAIL, password=PASSWORD, relativepathList=['index.html','again.html'], fileTextList=['<html><title>bennett@actzero.com home page</title><body>' + '<a href=again.html>Hello Earth</a></body></html>', '<html><title>bennett@actzero.com home page</title><body>' + '<a href=index.html>Hello Earth Again</a></body></html>']) if printstatus("saveMultipleFiles", reg): print "Files stored:" for file in reg.urlList: print " %s" % file # Save this for call to test pleaseNotify mylist = reg.urlList else: mylist = [] # Check to see what files are stored reg = server.getMyDirectory (email=EMAIL, password=PASSWORD) if printstatus("getMyDirectory", reg): i = 1 while hasattr(reg.directory, "file%05d" % i): d = getattr(reg.directory, "file%05d" % i) print "Relative Path: %s" % d.relativePath print "Size: %d" % d.size print "Created: %s" % d.whenCreated print "Last Uploaded: %s" % d.whenLastUploaded print "URL: %s" % d.url print i += 1 # Set up notification reg = server.pleaseNotify(notifyProcedure="resourceChanged", port=MY_PORT, path="/", protocol="soap", urlList=mylist) printstatus("notifyProcedure", reg) pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: # I am a child process. Set up SOAP server to receive notification print print "## Starting notification server ##" s = SOAPServer(('localhost', MY_PORT)) s.registerFunction(resourceChanged) s.serve_forever() else: def handler(signum, frame): # Kill child process print "Killing child process %d" % pid os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) # I am a parent process # Change some files time.sleep(3) reg = server.saveMultipleFiles (email=EMAIL, password=PASSWORD, relativepathList=['index.html'], fileTextList=['<html><title>bennett@actzero.com home page</title><body>' + '<a href=again.html>Hello Bennett</a></body></html>']) if printstatus("saveMultipleFiles", reg): print "Files stored:" for file in reg.urlList: print " %s" % file os.waitpid(pid, 0)