Getting Started =============== NEW: Mark Pilgrims' online book _Dive Into Python_ at includes a nice tutorial for SOAPpy in Chapter 12. "SOAP Web Services" at The easiest way to get up to speed is to run and read the scripts in the tests directory. Better documentation is coming. Here are some examples of how to use SOAPpy: CLIENT EXAMPLES: ## CODE from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy server = SOAPProxy("http://localhost:8080/") print server.echo("Hello world") ## /CODE This opens a connection to the server listening on localhost:8080, calls the method echo with the ordered parameter of "Hello World", and prints the results. ## CODE from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy server = SOAPProxy("https://localhost:8443/") print server.echo("Hello world") ## /CODE This opens a secure connection to the SSL server listening on localhost:8443, calls the method echo with the ordered parameter of "Hello World" and prints the results. Python must be built with OpenSSL. ## CODE from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy server = SOAPProxy("", namespace = "urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes") print server.getQuote(symbol = "IBM") ## /CODE This calls method getQuote that is in the namespace URI of urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes on server getQuote is passed a named parameter, symbol. ## CODE from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy server = SOAPProxy("") print server._ns("urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes").getQuote(symbol = "IBM") ## /CODE This does the same thing as the previous example, however namespace is specified inline on a per call basis rather than at the server level. ## CODE from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy server = SOAPProxy("", soapaction = "") print server._ns("urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes").getQuote(symbol = "IBM") ## /CODE This is the same quote call with a soapaction specified. ## CODE from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy server = SOAPProxy("") ns = "urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes") sa = "" my_call = server._ns(ns)._sa(sa) my_call.getQuote(symbol = "IBM") my_call.getQuote(symbol = "IBM") my_call.getQuote(symbol = "IBM") ## /CODE The same example, this time with both the soapaction and the namespace specified inline and saved in a local variable for getQuote to be called against. ** What SOAPpy does with the results of a call could seem surprising. If there is only one element in the structType that has the return value and unwrap_results is turned on (the default) it will bubble up the single attribute, otherwise it will return you a structType object with all of the attributes. SERVER EXAMPLES: ## CODE from SOAPpy import SOAPServer def echo(s): return s + s # repeats a string twice server = SOAPServer(("localhost", 8080)) server.registerFunction(echo) server.serve_forever() ## /CODE This exposes the function echo (that takes an unnamed arguement) on a server running on localhost:8080. ## CODE from SOAPpy import SOAPServer def echo(s): return s + s # repeats a string twice server = SOAPServer() server.registerFunction(echo, "echo-space") server.serve_forever() ## /CODE The same as above, but this time the method is available in the namespace "echo-space". ## CODE from SOAPpy import SOAPServer class echoBuilder: def echo(self, val): return val + val server = SOAPServer() e = echoBuilder() server.registerObject(e) server.serve_forever() ## /CODE This registers the whole instance of the object echoBuilder, e. Every method of the instance is exposed on the server. ## CODE from SOAPpy import SOAPServer def echo(**kw): return kw['first'] + kw['second'] + kw['third'] server = SOAPServer() server.registerKWFunction(echo) server.serve_forever() ## /CODE This time the method echo is exposed and it expects named arguments. The main thing to notice here is the use of the method registerKWFunction over registerFunction. ## CODE from SOAPpy import SOAPServer from M2Crypto import SSL def echo(s): return s+s # repeats a string twice ssl_context = SSL.Context() ssl_context.load_cert('server.pem') server = SOAPServer(("localhost",8443), ssl_context = ssl_context) server.registerFunction(echo) server.serve_forever() ## /CODE This exposes the function echo (taking an unnamed arguement) on a server accepting SSL connections at localhost:8443. Ng Pheng Siong's M2Crypto package (available at ) must be installed. Also see tests/ $Id: GettingStarted.txt,v 1.4 2005/02/21 20:09:29 warnes Exp $