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Peter Shipley 10 years ago
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Help on module EagleClass:



class Eagle(__builtin__.object)
| Class for talking to Rainforest Automation EAGLE (RFA-Z109)
| args:
| debug print debug messages if true
| addr address of device
| port port on device (default 5002)
| getmac connect to device at start up and get macid (default true)
| Currently there is very little error handling ( if any at all )
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, **kwargs)
| cloud_reset(self)
| cloud_reset : Clear Cloud Configuration
| factory_reset(self)
| Factory Reset
| get_demand_values(self, macid=None, interval='hour', frequency=None)
| Send the GET_DEMAND_VALUES command
| get a series of instantaneous demand values
| args:
| MacId 16 hex digits, MAC addr of EAGLE ZigBee radio
| Interval hour | day | week
| [Frequency] int seconds between samples
| get_device_config(self)
| get configs
| get_device_data(self, macid=None)
| Send the GET_DEVICE_DATA command to get a data dump
| get_fast_poll_status(self, macid=None)
| Send the GET_FAST_POLL_STATUS command
| get the current status of fast poll mode.
| args:
| MacId 16 hex digits, MAC addr of EAGLE ZigBee radio
| get_history_data(self, macid=None, starttime='0x00000000', endtime=None, frequency=None)
| Send the GET_HISTORY_DATA command
| get a series of summation values over an interval of time
| args:
| MacId 16 hex digits, MAC addr of EAGLE ZigBee radio
| StartTime the start of the history interval (default oldest sample)
| EndTime the end of the history interval (default current time)
| Frequency Requested number of seconds between samples.
| get_instantaneous_demand(self, macid=None)
| get the real time demand from the meter
| args:
| MacId 16 hex digits, MAC addr of EAGLE ZigBee radio
| get_price(self)
| get price for kWh
| get_setting_data(self)
| get settings
| get_summation_values(self, macid=None, interval='day')
| Send the GET_SUMMATION_VALUES command
| get a series of net summation values
| args:
| MacId 16 hex digits, MAC addr of EAGLE ZigBee radio
| Interval day | week | month | year
| get_time_source(self, macid=None)
| get time source for device
| retrrns value "meter" or "nternet"
| get_timezone(self)
| get current timezone configuration
| list_devices(self)
| set_cloud(self, url)
| set cloud Url
| set_fast_poll(self, macid=None, frequency='0x04', duration='0xFF')
| Send the SET_FAST_POLL command
| set the fast poll mode on the meter
| args:
| MacId 16 hex digits, MAC addr of EAGLE ZigBee radio
| Frequency 0x01 - 0xFF Freq to poll meter, in seconds
| Duration 0x00 - 0x0F Duration of fast poll mode, in minutes (max 15)
| set_price(self, price)
| Set price manualy
| args:
| price Price/kWh
| set_price_auto(self)
| Set Price from Meter
| set_remote_management(self, macid=None, status=None)
| set_remote_management
| enabling ssh & vpn
| args:
| status yes|no
| set_time_source(self, macid=None, source=None)
| set_time_source
| set time source
| args:
| source meter|internet
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)

__all__ = ['Eagle', 'to_epoch_1970, to_epoch_2000']
__author__ = 'Peter Shipley <>'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2014 Peter Shipley'
__license__ = 'BSD'

Peter Shipley <>
