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add module to parse the log files that we output...

John-Mark Gurney 5 years ago
1 changed files with 295 additions and 0 deletions
  1. +295

+ 295
- 0
RainEagle/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
from StringIO import StringIO

import collections
import itertools
import unittest

class MeterRead(collections.namedtuple('MeterRead', [ 'meterts', 'readts', 'status', 'load', 'maxload', 'loadunit', 'sink', 'source', 'ssunit' ])):

class ZoneInfo(collections.namedtuple('ZoneInfo', [ 'tz', 'lcl', 'utc', 'offset' ])):
def getOffset(self):
'''Return the offset in seconds from UTC. This value
should be subtracted from UTC to get localtime or added
to localtime to get UTC.'''

off = int(self.offset)

min = abs(off) % 100
hr = int(off / 100)

return hr * 60 * 60 + min * 60

def _pread(fp, off, sz):
origpos = fp.tell()
r =

return r

# Notes:
# We are assuming that the first line of the file is in the same timezone
# as the line that immediately follows. We also assume that the remaining
# lines in a file are the same timezone. This will be fine as long as no
# one starts or stops the program around a time change. This is pretty safe
# in that it only happens twice a year. This is a .023% chance that a
# random reboot/start of the program will hit this.
# The meter updates the timezone info when it gets the new info. This
# means that we don't know exactly when the time changed, BUT there will
# be a discontinuity, where it skips forward or backward an hour, and this
# is when the new timezone takes effect.

class ParseLog(object):
def __init__(self, fp):
self._fp = fp

def parseline(data, tz=None):
p = data.split()
if p[0] == 'm':
if tz is None:
raise ValueError('cannot parse meter line w/o timezone info')
meterts = int(p[2]) - tz.getOffset()
return MeterRead(meterts=meterts, readts=float(p[1]),
status=p[3], load=float(p[4]), maxload=float(p[5]),
loadunit=p[6], sink=float(p[7]),
source=float(p[8]), ssunit=p[9])
elif p[0] == 'z':
return ZoneInfo(p[1], int(p[2]), int(p[3]), p[4])
raise ValueError('unknown type: %s' % repr(data[0]))

def __iter__(self):
# this can be suspended/resumed between yields, so
# keep track of pointer.

fp = self._fp

pos = 0
tz = None
done = False
while not done:
pendinglines = []

# find the timezone info
while True:
l = fp.readline()
if l == '':
done = True
elif l[0] == 'z':
nexttz = self.parseline(l)
if tz is None:
tz = nexttz

pos = fp.tell()

# was there a tz change
tzchange = tz.offset != nexttz.offset
lastts = None
for idx, i in enumerate(pendinglines):
line = self.parseline(i, tz)
if (tzchange and lastts is not None and
abs(line.meterts - lastts) > 50*60):
tz = nexttz
# need to reparse due to zone changed
line = self.parseline(i, tz)
tzchange = False

yield line
lastts = line.meterts

def verifyIndex(idx, fp):
origpos = fp.tell()

# check size, 2) # End of file
length = fp.tell() == idx['length']

return all(itertools.chain((length,), (_pread(fp, x[1], 1) == 'z' for x in idx['index'])))

def generateIndex(fp, bufsize=65536):
origpos = fp.tell(), 2) # End of file
idxs = []
ret = dict(length=fp.tell(), index=idxs)

pos = 0
prebuf = ''
while True:
buf = prebuf +
if buf == '':

cont = False
zpos = 0
while True:
idx = buf.index('z', zpos)
except ValueError:

nl = buf.index('\n', idx)
except ValueError:
prebuf = buf
cont = True

line = ParseLog.parseline(buf[idx:nl], None)

idxs.append((line.utc, pos + idx))

zpos = nl + 1

if cont:

pos += bufsize + len(prebuf)
prebuf = ''

# restore position

return ret

def fromfile(cls, fp):
'''Pass in a file like object that is the log.

Note that this will claim ownership of the file object. It
may seek and read parts of the file, the fp should not be
accessed after this call. When the object is destroyed, it
will be closed.

return cls(fp)

class MiscTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_pread(self):
s = 'this is a random test string'
sio = StringIO(s)

pos = 13

self.assertEqual(_pread(sio, 10, 4), s[10:10 + 4])
self.assertEqual(_pread(sio, 7, 1), s[7])

self.assertEqual(sio.tell(), pos)

class Tests(unittest.TestCase):
oldlines = '''l 1571848576 Connected 1.1260 9.155000 W 65375.946 0.000 Wh
z GMT+7 1571848569 1571873769 -0700
l 1571848585 Connected 1.0890 9.155000 kW 15.946 0.000 kWh
l 1571848593 Connected 1.0500 9.155000 kW 15.946 0.000 kWh
def test_getoffset(self):
zi = ZoneInfo(tz='GMT+8', lcl='1577132476', utc='1577161276', offset='-0800')

self.assertEqual(zi.getOffset(), -8 * 60 * 60)
zi = ZoneInfo(tz='GMT+8', lcl='1577132476', utc='1577161276', offset='-0700')

self.assertEqual(zi.getOffset(), -7 * 60 * 60)

zi = ZoneInfo(tz='GMT+8', lcl='1577132476', utc='1577161276', offset='-0730')

self.assertEqual(zi.getOffset(), -(7 * 60 * 60 + 30 * 60))

# notes:
# 1572767994 Sun Nov 3 00:59:54 PDT 2019
# 1572768005 Sun Nov 3 01:00:05 PDT 2019
# 1572771545 Sun Nov 3 01:59:05 PDT 2019
# 1572772464 Sun Nov 3 01:14:24 PST 2019
# 1572772472 Sun Nov 3 01:14:32 PST 2019
# 1572775140 Sun Nov 3 01:59:00 PST 2019
# 1572778799 Sun Nov 3 02:59:59 PST 2019
# 1572793200 Sun Nov 3 07:00:00 PST 2019
# 1572793208 Sun Nov 3 07:00:08 PST 2019

zonelines = '''m 1572767994.3 1572742790 Connected 0 0 kW 0 0 kWh
z GMT+7 1572742795 1572767995 -0700
m 1572768005.3 1572742805 Connected 0 0 kW 0 0 kWh
m 1572769505.3 1572744305 Connected 0 0 kW 0 0 kWh
m 1572771545.3 1572746345 Connected 0 0 kW 0 0 kWh
m 1572772464.3 1572747264 Connected 0 0 kW 0 0 kWh
m 1572772472.3 1572743672 Connected 0 0 kW 0 0 kWh
m 1572775140.3 1572746340 Connected 0 0 kW 0 0 kWh
m 1572778799.3 1572749999 Connected 0 0 kW 0 0 kWh
z GMT+8 1572750100 1572778900 -0800
m 1572793208.3 1572764405 Connected 0 0 kW 0 0 kWh

def test_zonemove(self):
# test when DST moves
s = StringIO(self.zonelines)
pl = ParseLog.fromfile(s)

lines = list(pl)

self.assertEqual([ x.meterts for x in lines ], [ 1572767990, 1572768005, 1572769505, 1572771545, 1572772464, 1572772472, 1572775140, 1572778799, 1572793205 ])

def test_genverifindex(self):
s = StringIO(self.zonelines)
pos = 10
genidx = ParseLog.generateIndex(s, 2)

zpos = [ i for i, x in enumerate(self.zonelines) if x == 'z' ]

# that the position remained the same
self.assertEqual(s.tell(), pos)

self.assertEqual(genidx['length'], len(s.getvalue()))
self.assertEqual(genidx['index'], [ (1572767995, zpos[0]), (1572778900, zpos[1]) ])

self.assertTrue(ParseLog.verifyIndex(genidx, s))

tmp = genidx.copy()
tmp['length'] = 0
self.assertFalse(ParseLog.verifyIndex(tmp, s))

tmp = genidx.copy()
tmp['index'][0] = (tmp['index'][0][0], 10)
self.assertFalse(ParseLog.verifyIndex(tmp, s))

# that the position remained the same
self.assertEqual(s.tell(), pos)

newlines = '''m 1577161278.22 1577132472 Connected 0.2580 1.992000 kW 90.404 1.660 kWh
z GMT+8 1577132476 1577161276 -0800
m 1577161288.39 1577132480 Connected 0.3410 1.992000 kW 90.404 1.660 kWh
m 1577161298.96 1577132488 Connected 0.1450 1.992000 kW 90.404 1.660 kWh

def test_parsenew(self):
s = StringIO(self.newlines)
pl = ParseLog.fromfile(s)

lines = list(pl)

self.assertEqual([ x.readts for x in lines ], [ 1577161278.22, 1577161288.39, 1577161298.96 ])
self.assertEqual([ x.meterts for x in lines ], [ 1577161272, 1577161280, 1577161288 ])
self.assertEqual([ x.load for x in lines ], [ 0.2580, 0.3410, 0.1450 ])

def test_close(self):
# test to make sure the file object is closed
